Princeton University
Please write a statement of your current acaemic an future career plans as they relate to the Princeton epartment to which you are applying. In oing so, please cite relevant acaemic, professional, an personal experiences that motivate you to apply for a grauate egree.
A statement concerning your past work, preparation for the intene fiel of stuy, relevant backgroun an interests, acaemic plans, an career objectives is require. It shoul be use to escribe your reasons for applying to the particular Yale epartment or program. This statement may assist the amissions committee in evaluating your aptitue an motivation for grauate stuy.
The statement of purpose shoul escribe succinctly your reasons for applying to the propose program at Stanfor, your preparation for this fiel of stuy, stuy an research interests, future career plans, an other aspects of your backgroun an interests which may ai the amissions committee in evaluating your aptitue an motivation for grauate stuy.
The statement of purpose is your opportunity to help reviewers better unerstan your acaemic objectives an etermine if you are a goo match for the fiel to which you are applying.
The statement of purpose shoul inclue your reasons for unertaking grauate work an an explanation of your acaemic interests, incluing their relation to your unergrauate stuy an professional goals.
It shoul briefly iscuss
your purposes an objectives in pursuing grauate stuy;
your special interests an plans;
your strengths an weaknesses in your chosen fiel; any research projects or any inepenent research in which you have actively participate an how they have influence your career choice an esire to pursue grauate stuies; an any particular reasons you may have for applying to Duke (e.g. you woul like to work with a specific faculty member).
认真选好出发点 你的留学文书写作内容肯定是要把你生活中发生的有意义的事串联起来,这样录取委员会才会感觉有独特的点。考虑后再写出来:你能带给学校的是其他申请生所带不来的,以此证明你的优势。
说出自己的目标 美国的教授们一直致力于寻找对未来有明确目标的学生,所以你的美国留学文书PS要明确表达出自己未来的目标,以及如何运用所学的知识到实际工作中去。
进行层层的剖析 申请美国大学读研的新生朋友们,在写前要想好自己要写什么,否则就不要动笔。只有明确了自己留学文书写作的想法,才能做到“下笔如有神”,格式和内容也才能做到格调很高。
内容要清晰简洁。 PS不是炫耀自己在论文写作上有多牛,也不是在写一部小说。PS是一封你写给陌生人的信件,所以说,文中内容所表达的信息一定要简洁,清晰和有效。
请别人帮忙校对 虽然有时候感觉自己写的PS堪称“完美”,但是请人校对也是不可忽略的一步。最好找一位申请过硕博学位的人或在教育界工作的人帮忙校对。
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