精算是运用概率统计数学理论和多种金融工具, 做出经济活动分析和经营决策计划。
• Actuarial science 一般隶属数学和统计系下,一些学校根据学习内容的不同或学校
• 较注重本科教育,硕士有些在继续教育学院,有些是certificate
• 更注重本科教育
• 大多偏重于某一应用点
management, risk management,minimize risk等
哥大:要求have acknowlege of elementary economics, linear
algebra, multivariate calculus.
• University of Connecticut 要求本科毕业于数学, 统计,物理,工
程,或者数量经济学等方面学生, 本科课程至少有学过calculus 三
个学期以上, 1-2学期的ifferent equations, 以及 linear algebra
an mathematical probability or mathematical statistics.
• 一般要求GRE , 甚至一些学校要求 GRE sub
• 有MCM 建模等数据模型处理经历会有一定帮助
院校详解-University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
学位:Actuarial Mathematics Master's Program
There are four programs leaing to the Master’s Degree in Mathematics. These programs inclue:
• General Mathematics Master's Program
• Applie Mathematics Master's Program
• Mathematics Program for Seconary School Teachers
• Actuarial Mathematics Master's Program
• Details about the various Mathematics Master's Degree programs can be foun here. If you woul like to apply to a Mathematics Master's
Degree program, please visit our Amissions page.
Mathematics Ph.D. & Mathematics Master's Amission Requirements
The unergrauate major nee not be mathematics, but a stuent shoul have mastere material roughly equivalent to the
unergrauate mathematics major at The University of Michigan incluing:
three semesters of calculus
one or two semesters of ifferential equations
one semester courses in moern algebra, linear algebra, geometry or topology
avance calculus of one an several variables
In aition, a stuent shoul have complete at least three aitional mathematics courses an at least two courses in
relate fiels such as statistics, computer science, or the physical sciences. Stuents with strong recors in less
comprehensive programs will be consiere for amission but if amitte shoul expect to spen the first one or two
semesters in grauate school completing their unergrauate preparation in mathematics. Base on historical ata, we
expect that successful applicants to the Ph.D. program will have an overall GPA of at least 3.3 on a 4.0 scale.
院校详解-Boston University Master of Science in Actuarial Science
The Master of Science (MS) in Actuarial Science gives you the skills to become a successful actuary. You’ll gain a soli
acaemic founation through specialize courses in actuarial science, statistics, finance, an relate fiels. You will also
benefit from practical exposure to business an economic principles. We offer the opportunity for you to unerstan the
fiscal an ethical ilemmas often encountere in the process of business ecision-making.
• Actuarial Science Concentrations
• Stuents in the MS in Actuarial Science program may select one of two concentrations:
• Insurance
• Mathematical Finance
To satisfy the minimum requirements to be consiere for the Master of Science in Actuarial Science egree program,
applicants must:
• Have a bachelor’s egree
• Have complete two semesters of calculus (equivalent to MET MA 123 an 124) an one semester of multivariate
calculus (equivalent to MET MA 225)
• Submit the results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) exam (international stuents only)
• In certain cases, the Amissions Committee may request an applicant to submit official scores from the Grauate
Recor Exam (GRE) or the Grauate Management Amissions Test (GMAT).
• A maximum of two grauate-level courses (8 creits) taken at Metropolitan College before acceptance into the program
may be applie towar the egree.
Actuarial Sciences Grauate Certificate
• The certificate in actuarial sciences is esigne to serve stuents an professionals
in the Washington, D.C., area who are intereste in pursuing careers as actuaries.
The course content provies stuents with specific training relate to the Society of
Actuaries (SOA) Exam FM (formerly Course 2), SOA Exam MLC (formerly Course 3),
SOA Exam C (formerly Course 4), VEE for applie statistics (formerly part of Course
4), an Exam EA-1 an EA-2A (for those pursuing EA esignation from the U.S.
Treasury). The courses also provie a soli founation for the corresponing
Casualty Actuary Society (CAS) exams. Preparation for the first exam is equivalent to
meeting the prerequisites for the certificate courses in the area of probability an
statistics. Stuents enrolling in the actuarial sciences certificate program must
complete the 6 course (18 creit) curriculum requirement escribe below.
• The grauate certificate in actuarial sciences may only be pursue on a part-time
• This program of stuy is offere by the Department of Mathematical Sciences in
the College of Science.
• Stuents intening to pursue a certificate in the actuarial sciences must have three
semesters of calculus, a course in linear algebra (equivalent to MATH 203), a
calculus-base course in probability (equivalent to MATH 351), an statistics
(equivalent to MATH 352). Completion of the SOA Exam P is also sufficient
preparation for the certificate program.
精算师 • SOA是Society of Actuaries的缩写,即北美精算协会。它主要从事寿险精算领域的科学研
• 北美精算学会是一个国际性的精算教育和研究机构及其会员的一个学术团体,成立于
• 北美精算师考试制度分为二个阶段:第一阶段是准精算师(ASA)。对准精算师的考试
• 第二阶段是正精算师(FSA)。考生在取得准精算师资格证书后才可参加FSA课程考试。
• 中国考点:先后在天津、长沙、上海、北京、广州、合肥、西安、深圳设立了8个考点。
• 保险公司、咨询公司工作、政府机构和高等院校都迫切地需要这些人才。
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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