我查几所大学查看了要求,也是可以申请,申请的要求同中国本科申请美国硕士,只不过基本上都不需要提供TOEFL/IELTS语言成绩,申请的截止时间同international amission ealine。但是有所除外:UCLA: ( International stuents who hol three-year orinary pass egrees, or who hol professional iplomas in accounting, business, librarianship, social work, physical eucation, health eucation an so on, or four-year egrees, iplomas or higher certificates from technical, vocational or postseconary specialize schools are not eligible for grauate amission. 此学校三年制学位不可以申请。肯定还有不可以申请的大学,时间有限没一一查,需要定校前注意。
UCB: ( Grauates of recognize acaemic institutions outsie the Unite States shoul hol a egree equivalent to a U.S. bachelor's egree. Equivalency is etermine by International evaluators in the Grauate Amissions Office.意思是能否申请需要由招生委员会对你的egree进行审核。
对于GPA澳大利亚的是7.0的,所以对于这个我查了之前申请过的几所需要成绩单认证的学校是需要WES认证的,比如Pepperine University
( 并且这所学校比较特殊的要求是Graziaio School of Business an Management 这个学院Official TOEFL, IELTS or PTE score (waive if you grauate from a U.S. or U.K. university),Seaver School也是All stuents whose native language is not English must submit scores on the TOEFL貌似还需要提供语言成绩,需要和学校确认一下。
Four-year bachelor egree OR Honours bachelor egree an:
• Official acaemic transcript
• “B” or “Creit” minimum average
另外JHU:( whose native language is not English must submit proof of their proficiency in English before they can be offere amissions an before a visa certificate can be issue.所有英语不是母语的学生必须要提供语言成绩,没有指出本科在英语国家上学这种特例,所以还是应该和学校沟通一下问是否可以免除。除此之外,此学校需要进行成绩单认证。
The University of Marylan: Stuents who will be aware a egree from the U.S., Unite Kingom, Anglophone Africa, Anglophone Canaa, Irelan, Australia, New Zealan, Singapore, an the Commonwealth Caribbean prior to enrolling in the University of Marylan are not require to submit TOEFL or IELTS. ( 这个学校比较特殊,学校都说有澳大利亚国家学位的可以免除语言成绩那意思不就是可以申请么?!但是之前有申请金融专业的学生却收到了拒信原因就是不承认三年制的大学学位。当时情况是先收到了录取后来专业那边又给拒了说不接受三年制大学。所以这所学校是特例。
The University of Chicago:
( from a three-year bachelor’s program will be given ue consieration. The English language requirement may be waive if the applicant is a Unite States native or stuie in full-time status for at least one acaemic year within the last five years in the Unite States, Unite Kingom, Irelan, Australia. 对于毕业于三年制的本科会给与考虑,语言可免。
Brown University:
( of non-U.S. colleges an universities who have complete the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor's egree may apply for amission to the Brown University Grauate School.与美国等同的本科学士学位即可申请布朗大学。
The University of Washington:
( 对于国外的学位是否可以申请他们学校的研究生,学校给出这样的要求:
The official assessment an acaemic preparation of international stuents must be one by the Grauate School. The evaluation of an overseas egree is base on the following:
• The characteristics of a national system of eucation in the home country
• The type of institution attene
• The fiel of stuy an level of stuies complete
• Official accreitation/recognition status of school
A bachelor's egree from a regionally accreite institution in the Unite States or a comparable egree from a foreign acaemic institution. The Grauate an International Amissions Center (GIAC) will etermine eligibility for amission in consultation with prospective grauate programs. 说是国际招生中心决定是否有录取资格。
Northeastern University:有申请过并且金融专业录取。
UPeen:MPA专业要求:International caniates must have a college-level eucation equivalent to a four-year American unergrauate or baccalaureate egree (the same as a first university egree). There are a number of universities aroun the worl that offer three-year unergrauate programs. If you receive a bachelor's egree upon completion of one of these unergrauate programs, you are eligible to apply to Wharton's MBA program.
Rice University:( )The TOEFL an IELTS are not necessary for an international stuent who has receive a egree from a university in which English is the official language of communication. Waiver of the TOEFL an IELTS test may be requeste by the amitting epartment if the epartment eems that the stuent has sufficient English communication skills to be successful in their egree program. Departments must sen a justification letter for waiving the TOEFL test requirement for applicants with egrees from non-English speaking institutions to the Office of International Stuents an Scholars. 申请Rice的学生需要有本科学位或与其等同的学位,语言不是必须的,但是需要系里开出不需要语言的证明来。
Wake Forest :
( 说所有qualifie国际生都可以申请,不需要语言成绩。
The University of Wisconsin-Maison: 需要四年制的学位或者荣誉学位。
Country: Australia
Acaemic Requirements: 4 year bachelor or honours egree.
Acaemic Documents Require: Official transcript an official certification of egree an ate aware. Documents must be issue by the school with the official stamp an signature.
English Proficiency Requirements: English proficiency test not require.
GWU: (往年录取的硕士学生有澳大利亚的,证明也是可以申请的。而且官网明确说明本科在英语教学的大学免语言成绩。
Foham University:
( )明确说明在澳大利亚全英语教学的国家不需要提供语言成绩,而且澳大利亚毕业本科成绩单不需要做认证All international applicants whose unergrauate stuies were taught in a non-US University are require to submit an evaluation of their unergrauate transcripts. Exceptions are mae for Canaa, Australia an the UK.。
Colorao School of Mines:( you have complete a university egree program in the Unite States or in an English speaking country within the previous two years, you o NOT have to submit TOEFL scores. 可以申请且不需要语言。
综上:1 在澳大利亚三年制的本科,只要把所学专业修完获得本国正规大学学士学位几乎所有大学都是可以申请美国的硕士的,少数要求四年的学位,例如USC.UWM。所以定校前需要确认好学校要求。最好是学生再学一年的Honours bachelor egree对申请更有利。因为之前有做过澳大利亚学生申请美国硕士的案例,所以是可以申请的,之不过有个别国家要求要四年制学位,定校前确认一下就行了。
2 成绩单有些学校需要认证,申请的时候看好要求,但是Forham明确说明澳大利亚毕业不需要做认证。按照学校申请要求达到3.0/4.0即可申请,当然GPA高会是优势。
3 问是否申请时候对于学分有要求,只要是正规的三年大学毕业应该都会达到。学分问题不用担心。
4 对于GRE/GMAT,美国本土学生也是需要提供的,但是此项也不排除个别专业个别学校可免,比如TESOL专业,水牛城,MSU和旧金山大学就不需要提供GRE。
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