I earne my Bachelor of Science egree in … Sciences with a specialization in … in 2012 at … university, which provie me with a profoun backgroun in atmospheric science. During this perio, I receive Outstaning Stuent Scholarship for my excellent performance in the acaemic fiel. I foun that …is abstruse an intereste, an there are so many things I i not unerstan. Thus I ecie to learn more.
I am an unergrauate in…University , the largest university ana crale of scientific an technological talents in China. (…… University is a prestigious university of general eucation with 20 epartments an a regular annual enrollment of 8,000 stuents ) I stuie at ……(E. E) Department, ahighly selective epartment with a gathering of smart stuents who are har to compete with.
As a stuent majoring in Computer Science, I began my oyssey since Ientere unergrauate program. Inee, having entere this spleni computer worl, I am more than greey for something new.
Oyssey 和more than greey for something new 这种句式不知道是从哪里学到的,很多同学有用过。但同学们要知道,老外最恨抄袭,最喜欢原创,所以利害关系大家想想吧!
I am a problem solver. I have an impulse as a kin of instincts to solvevarious problems before me an enjoy oing that. Since I was a little boy, a voice from Presient Franklin Roosevelt has constantly hovere aroun my min, "The worl can be change by man&aposs eneavor, … He must ever be receptive an sensitive to the new; an have sufficient courage an skill to novel facts an to eal with them." An I have been longing to be the man to face an solve novel problems.
Making a right ecision at the right time is very important for a young people .At present, I have come to a critical point in my life when I have to make a ecision concerning my future course of action. Only a perceptive unerstaning of oneself will enable one to chart his proper action. Aftercarefully thinking, reviewing my life an analyzing my personality, I make the etermination an choose to apply for grauate stuy in XXX. An I choose to specialize in communications which I will pursue a lifelong career.
When I was in chilhoo, I always kept asking my mom all kins of questions。I am especially intereste in how things work, I can even take apart things for several hours in orer to fin out its principle. So most of the things in my family has been takenapart by me, from my father. I can even fix somesimple househols, listene to other people praise, to learn science well became my ream an felt the science will accompany with me in my whole life.
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