哥伦比亚大学 :关于背景要求bachelor’s egree or its equivalent 学士以及同等学历。
纽约大学 显示获得美国同等学历earning a us bachelor’s egree or equivalent prior to the start of your intene term of entry.
约翰霍普金斯大学: all egrees earne or expecte from outsie the unite states ﹙u.s.﹚ must receive an official course-by-course evaluation by one of the authorize creential evaluation agencies. the course-by-course evaluation must reflect that the applicant has the equivalent of a u.s. bachelor’s egree.
special note for applicants with three-year unergrauate egrees from non-u.s. colleges & universities: in some situations, three-year egrees can be consiere equivalent to a four-year u.s. bachelor’s egree. in these cases, applicants can apply to the carey business school. before you begin your application an the creential evaluation process, please contact the amissions officer for your program for further guiance. typically, wes ﹙worl eucation services﹚ is the only creential evaluation agency that will consier 3 year egrees as being equivalent to a u.s. bachelor’s egree.
申请要求中表示,美国本土外的本科学位需要经过学历认证,此处建议选择wes,因为wes机构 是唯一的会 认为三年本科等同于本科。
因此对于做此equivalent egree的申请要求的学校们,建议澳洲三年的本科 采用wes认证成绩单,因为经过此认证完后会显示bachelor egree.
示例展示: 麦考瑞大学经济学3年本科学位认证完:显示 us equivalency bachelor‘s egree
ucla: 加州大学洛杉矶分校:international stuents who hol three-year orinary pass egrees, or who hol professional iplomas in accounting, business, librarianship, social work, physical eucation, health eucation an so on, or four-year egrees, iplomas or higher certificates from technical, vocational or postseconary specialize schools are not eligible for grauate amission. 此学校三年制学位不可以申请。肯定还有不可以申请的大学,时间有限没一一查,需要定校前注意。
加州大学伯克利分校: grauates of recognize acaemic institutions outsie the unite states shoul hol a egree equivalent to a u.s. bachelor's egree. equivalency is etermine by international evaluators in the grauate amissions office.意思是能否申请需要由招生委员会对你的egree进行审核。
麻省大学波士顿: 明确说明不接受3年的本科背景 因为此学校要求美国外院校做ece认证,此认证出来是跟美国的四年学位不等同的。
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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