澳大利亚昆士兰大学 MACTI (Master of Arts in Chinese Translation an Interpreting) 专业 2018 年 Semester 只有 17 个位置空余。
请顾问老师提醒有此专业 offer 但还没有接受的学生,尽快接受 offer 。
As you are aware that UQ MACTI (Master of Arts in Chinese Translation an Interpreting) is a program which has limite places. At this stage, only 17 places are available for Semester 2 intake.
Stuents who procee to complete MACTI will be qualifie up to the first professional level specifie by NAATI (formerly known as level 3).
Woul you please share this with your stuents who have receive a MACTI offer an help them make the acceptance to secure a place?
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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