课程名称: Bachelor of International Relations
学制: 3 年(可多读 1 年获得荣誉学士学位,荣誉学士可以直接升读博士阶段)
入读要求:高考 570 分 * ,雅思 6.5 ( 6.0 ), ATAR 90 (澳洲满分 100 的高考体系)
我们的计划将介绍你认识国际关系,最初是通过广泛的历史和知识框架,自十七世纪以来,现代国家的框架。然后,它将集中于二十世纪,世界大战和冷战的时代,然后再讨论当代问题,全球政治经济时代,全球文化和通讯,全球环境问题和冷战后的政治冲突,包括 “ 反恐战争 ” 。
有了我们灵活的课程,你可以把你所选的语言科目扩展到专业,并有机会进行交流或国际 / 国家实习。
1. 确定国际关系研究的主要理论方法及其相互关系;
2. 深入了解全球体系的历史发展;
3. 了解当代全球政治中的主要行动者及其面临的挑战;
4. 了解决定大国和澳大利亚外交政策的主要因素;
5. 批判性地思考他们在国际关系研究中所发展的知识和技能。
学校每年两个学期,除了每学期的 1 门必修课程之外,其他的都根据学生自身情况进行自己选课。其中,每个学生都要选择一门语言课程以及自己的主修方向。
其中, 选 修 课 程有 48 个学分, 也就是 8 门。所有的选修,研究类,主修课程都在下列。
Stuy Options
The Bachelor of International Relations requires completion of 144 units, of which:
A maximum of 60 units may come from completion of 1000-level courses
The 144 units must inclue:
36 units from completion of the following compulsory courses: 36 个学分
POLS1005 Intro to International Relations: Founations an Concepts
POLS1006 Intro to International Relations: Contemporary Global Issues
POLS2094 Issues in International Political Economy
POLS2133 International Organizations in Worl Politics
POLS3001 Foreign Policy Analysis: Unerstaning Global an Australian Foreign Policy Decision-Making
POLS3017 International Relations Theory
A minimum of 6 units from the following theory courses: 6 个学分
POLS2063 Contemporary Political Theory
POLS2102 The Political Philosophy of Deception
POLS3032 The Politics of Empire
POLS2119 Ieas in Politics
POLS2120 Founations of Political Theory
A minimum of 6 units from the following methos courses: 6 个学分
POLS2125 Game Theory an Social Science
POLS3025 Contemporary Political Analysis
POLS3028 Researching an Writing Human Rights
SOCY2038 Introuction to Quantitative Research Methos
SOCY2043 Introuction to Qualitative Research Methos
A minimum of 12 units from the following areas stuies courses: 12 个学分
ASIA2109 Politics of South Asia
EURO1004 Europe in the Moern Era
EURO2003 European Union: Policies, Institutions an Challenges
INTR2010 International Relations of the Asia-Pacific
INTR2028 Southeast Asia: ASEAN an Regional Orer
MEAS1001 Introuction to the Moern Mile East
MEAS2001 New States of Eurasia: Emerging Issues in Politics an Security
MEAS2105 The Political Economy of the Mile East
POLS1007 An Introuction to Latin American Stuies
POLS2095 Politics in Latin America
POLS2117 The International Relations of Latin America
A minimum of 6 units from the following security courses: 6 个学分
INTR2012 China’s New Approaches to Asia Pacific Security
INTR2014 Inian Foreign an Security Policy
INTR2016 US Security Policy in Asia
INTR2018 Japan’s Security Dilemmas
INTR2020 Security an Stability on the Korean Peninsula
INTR2024 Nuclear Politics in Asia: Challenges an Opportunities
POLS2099 Cartographies of Security: Critical Security Stuies an International Politics
POLS2123 Peace an Conflict Stuies
POLS2124 Politics of Nuclear Weapons
POLS2131 Security Communities: From War to Peace
POLS3033 Environment, Human Security an Conflict
POLS3036 International Terrorism
STST1001 Introuction to International Security Stuies
STST2001 International Security Issues in the Asia Pacific
STST3001 Transnational Security Issues in the Asia-Pacific
STST2003 Security in the South Pacific: Is it Australia’s &lquo;Arc of Instability&rquo;?
STST3002 Australia’s Security in the Asian Century
A minimum of 6 units from the following global politics courses: 6 个学分
HIST2136 Worl at War, 1939-1945
HIST2141 The Col War: 1945-1989
HIST2240 Democracy an Dissent: Europe Since 1945
PHIL2113 Global Justice
POLS2011 Development an Change
POLS2064 Global Social Movements
POLS2096 Genocie Stuies
POLS2100 Genocie Post-1945
POLS2101 Refugee Politics: Displacement an Exclusion in the Twentieth an Twenty-First Centuries
POLS2113 Human Rights
SOCY2030 Sociology of Thir Worl Development
A maximum of 12 units from the following internships an Vice Chancellors courses: 12 个学分
ANIP3003 Australian National Internship A
ANIP3005 Australian National Internship B
VCUG1001 The Art of Computing
VCUG2001 Creating Knowlege
VCUG2002 Leaership an Influence in a Complex Worl
VCUG3001 Unravelling Complexity
VCUG3002 Mobilising Research
A maximum of 24 units from courses in the following language minors 24 个学分
Avance French Stuies
Avance German Stuies
Avance Hispanic Culture
Avance Hispanic Linguistics
Avance Italian Stuies
Avance Spanish Stuies
Ancient Greek
Chinese Language
Classical Chinese
French Language an Culture
German Language an Culture
Hini Language
Inonesian Language
Italian Language an Culture
Japanese Language
Japanese Linguistics
Korean Language
Sanskrit Language
Thai Language
Vietnamese Language
48 units from completion of elective courses offere by ANU
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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