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2019-11-11 11:21:10

春启“金”朝 追光而行!第7...


一站式留学评测 留学快人一步







Question 1 (必选)
How oes the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your esire for a particular kin of learning, community, an future? Please aress with some specificity your own wishes an how they relate to UChicago.

Question 2 Extene Essay (任选其一)
【Essay Option 1】
Cats have nine lives, Pac-Man has three lives, an raioactiveisotopes have half-lives. How many lives oes something else — conceptualor actual — have, an why?
— 受 2019 届学生 Kenrick Shin 启发

【Essay Option 2】
If there’s a limite amount of matter in the universe, how can Olive Garen (along with other restaurants an their concepts of foo infinity) offer truly unlimite soup, sala, an breasticks? Explain this using any metho of analysis you wish — physics, biology, economics, history, theology… the options, as you can tell, are enless.
— 受 2023 届学生 Yoonseo Lee 启发

【Essay Option 3】
A hot og might be a sanwich, an cereal might be a soup, but is a a ?
— 受 2021 届学生 Arya Muraliharan 启发

【Essay Option 4】
“Fiction reveals truth that reality obscures.” – Jessamyn West
— 受 2020 届学生 Elizabeth Mansfiel 启发

【Essay Option 5】
UChicago has international campus centers aroun the worl, but we on’t have any interplanetary, interstellar, or interimensional campuses… yet! Propose a spot in time or space, in this or any universe, for a new UChicago campus. What types of courses woul be taught at this site? What cultural experiences await stuents who stuy there?
— 受 2022 届学生 Peter Jasperse 启发

【Essay Option 6】
“Don’t be afrai to pick past prompts! I like some of the ones from previous years more than those mae newly available for my year. Also, on’t worry about the ‘correct’ way to interpret a question. If there exists a correct way to interpret the promptI chose, it certainly was not my answer.”
— 受 2023 届学生 Matthew Lohrs 启发


【Essay #1】 (100字以内)
While arguing a Dartmouth-relate case before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1818, Daniel Webster, Class of 1801, elivere this memorable line: “It is, Sir…a small college. An yet, there are those who love it!” As you seek amission to the Class of 2024, what aspects of the College’s program, community or campus environment attract your interest?

【Essay #2】 (六选一,250-300字)

  1. The Hawaiian wor mo’olelo is often translate as “story” but it can also refer to history, legen, genealogy, an traition. Use one of these translations to introuce yourself.
  2. In the aftermath of Worl War II, Dartmouth Presient John Sloane Dickey, Class of 1929, proclaime, “The worl’s troubles are your troubles…an there is nothing wrong with the worl that better human beings cannot fix.” Which of the worl’s “troubles” inspires you to act? How might your course of stuy at Dartmouth prepare you to aress it?
  3. In The Painte Drum, author Louise Errich ‘76 wrote, “… what is beautiful that I make? What is elegant? What fees the worl?” Tell us about something beautiful you have mae or hope to make.
  4. “Yes, books are angerous,” young people’s novelist Pete Hautman proclaime. “They shoul be angerous—they contain ieas.” What book or story capture your imagination through the ieas it reveale to you? Share how those ieas influence you.
  5. “I have no special talent,” Albert Einstein once observe. “I am only passionately curious.” Celebrate your curiosity.
  6. Labor leaer Dolores Huerta is a civil rights activist who co-foune the organization now known as Unite Farm Workers. She sai, “We criticize an separate ourselves from the process. We've got to jump right in there with both feet.” Speak your truth: Talk about a time when your passion became action.


【Essay Option 1】
Describe three experiences an/or activities that have helpe evelop your passion for a possible career in a STEM fiel. Use the separate spaces provie below, one for each STEM experience an/or activity.
STEM experience/activity 1 an explanation (10-120 字):
STEM experience/activity 2 an explanation (10-120 字):
STEM experience/activity 3 an explanation (10-120 字):

【Essay Option 2】
Much like the life of a professional scientist or engineer, the life of a “Techer” relies heavily on collaboration. Knowing this, what o you hope to explore, innovate, or create with your Caltech peers? (250-400 字)

【Essay Option 3】
Caltech stuents are often known for their sense of humor an creative pranks. What o you like to o for fun? (250-400 字)

【Essay Option 4】
The process of iscovery best avances when people from various backgrouns, experiences, an perspectives come together. How o you see yourself contributing to the iversity of Caltech’s community? (250-400 字)



What excites you about the University of Notre Dame that makes it stan out from other institutions?


  1. As a Catholic university, we strive to be a community in which the ignity of each person is respecte an everyone can truly flourish. Notre Dame’s presient, Rev. John Jenkins, C.S.C., challenge our community to reflect on the following statement: “Let us never o anything to make another member of our community feel unwelcome, an let us not stan by if we see others oing so. Either we walk together in mutual support, or we o not walk at all. Either we are all Notre Dame, or none of us are." Tell us about a time when you walke with others.
  2. What is one thing you will efinitely bring to college with you?
  3. What is your prouest accomplishment for which you i not receive recognition?
  4. You have 150 wors. Take a risk.


埃默里大学也在官方账号中更新了 2019-20 最新文书题目,深度比以往增加了不少。

Reflections “反思”

  1. Share about something you want to bring from your community to the Emory University community.

2.Share about a time when you questione something that you believe to be true.

3.Emory University’s shiel is a crosse torch an trumpet representing the light of learning an the proclamation of knowlege. It symbolizes our mission to impact the worl through iscovery. What truth or knowlege o you want to see share?

Tell us about you “和我们聊聊你自己”

  1. Which book, character, song, or piece of work (fiction or non-fiction) represents you, an why?
  2. If you coul witness a historic event first-han, what woul it be, an why?

3.If aske to write a 150-wor tweet to tell the worl who you are, what woul you say? (Yes, the actual Twitter character limit woul likely be shorter than 150 wors, but thanks for inulging us.)


申请弗吉尼亚大学,除了 CA里的,还有两篇补充文书。

【Essay #1】我们正在寻找充满激情的学生加入我们这个由学者、研究人员和艺术家组成的多元化社区。用半页纸或大约250个单词回答与你申请的院校/项目相关的问题。

  1. 艺术与科学学院College of Arts an Sciences - What work of art, music, science, mathematics, or literature has surprise, unsettle, or challenge you, an in what way?
  2. 工程与应用科学学院School of Engineering an Applie Sciences - If you were given funing for a small engineering project that woul make everyay life better for one frien or family member, what woul you esign?

3.建筑学院School of Architecture - Describe an instance or place where you have been inspire by architecture or esign.

4.护理学院School of Nursing - School of Nursing applicants may have experience shaowing, volunteering, or working in a health care environment. Tell us about a health care-relate experience or another significant interaction that eepene your interest in stuying Nursing

  1. 运动机能学课程Kinesiology Program - Discuss experiences that le you to choose the kinesiology major.

【Essay #2】用半页纸或大约250个单词回答下列问题之一。

  1. What’s your favorite wor an why?
  2. We are a community with quirks, both in language an in traitions. Describe one of your quirks an why it is part of who you are.
  3. Stuent self-governance, which encourages stuent investment an initiative, is a hallmark of the UVA culture. In her fourth year at UVA, Laura Nelson was inspire to create Flash Seminars, one-time classes which facilitate high-energy iscussion about thought-provoking topics outsie of traitional coursework. If you create a Flash Seminar, what iea woul you explore an why?
  4. UVA stuents paint messages on Beta Brige when they want to share information with our community. What woul you paint on Beta Brige an why is this your message.
  5. UVA stuents are charge with living honorably an upholing a Community of Trust. Give us an example of a community that is important to you an how you worke to strengthen that community.


【Essay #1】 (适用所有申请者)
If you coul only o one of the activities you have liste in the Activities section of your application, which one woul you keep oing? Why?

【Essay #2】(适用所有申请者)
Everyone belongs to many ifferent communities an/or groups efine by (among other things) share geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ieology, or intellectual heritage. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, an escribe that community an your place within it.

【Essay #3】(适用所有申请者)
Describe the unique qualities that attract you to the specific unergrauate College or School (incluing preferre amission an ual egree programs) to which you are applying at the University of Michigan. How woul that curriculum support your interests?


今年,维克森林将早申请分为 ED1、ED2。其中,ED1 已经开放申请,11月15日截止,不需要 SAT、ACT。一旦递交申请,招生官就可以开始审理,并在1-1.5月左右发出录取、拒绝、推迟或候补的决定,这种录取方式叫做滚动式ED。

除了大学自身系统已经开放,其他 Common App(8 月 1 日开放)、CAAS(9 月 1 日开放)、北卡大学申请系统暂未开放。以下为自身申请系统的文书题目:

1a.List five books you've rea that intrigue you.

1b.As part of my high school English curriculum, I was require to rea;I woul like to replace it with; The require book I am most surprise I enjoye was:

1c.Tell us how a work of fiction you’ve rea has helpe you to unerstan the worl’s complexity.

  1. What piques your intellectual curiosity, an why?
  2. As part of our 'Voices of Our Time' series — which allows stuents, faculty, an staff to hear from some of the worl’s leaing thinkers — Wake Forest has hoste Ta-Nehisi Coates, Michelle Alexaner, Eboo Patel, an Thomas Frieman. If you coul choose the next series speaker, whom woul you pick, an why?
  3. Give us your top ten list.
  4. At Wake Forest, we gather our stuents in 'Callsto Conversation', congregating small groups aroun inner tables in faculty’s an aministrators’ homes to iscuss topics organize aroun a theme, for example 'arts for social change', 'generin society', an 'leaing a meaningful life'. If you coul esign a theme for a 'Call to Conversation', what woul you choose, an why?
  5. We live in an age intensely intereste inheroes. Professor Joseph Campbell efine 'hero' as 'someone who has given his orher life to something bigger than oneself'. Describe a hero in public life an how an why, in your opinion, they meet Professor Campbell’s efinition.
  6. (大作文)We are all ifferent, an our live experiences – influence by our culture, race, ethnicity, gener, sexual orientation, an/or religion – shape our unerstaning of the worl. How have your experiences shape your evelopment, an how o you plan to use those experiences to interact an engage with others who might be ifferent from you within our Wake Forest community?



  1. Tell us about a peer who has mae a ifference in your life.
  2. What o you hope will change about the place where you live?
  3. What is one thing that we on’t know about you that you want us to know?
  4. What about your backgroun, or what perspective, belief, or experience, will help you contribute to the eucation of your classmates at UNC?


波士顿学院 2019-20申请周期补充文书题目四选一,限制 400字以内。

【Essay Option 1】
Great art evokes a sense of woner. It nourishes the min an spirit. Is there a particular song, poem, speech, or novel from which you have rawn insight or inspiration?

【Essay Option 2】
When you choose a college, you will join a new community of people who have ifferent backgrouns, experiences, an stories. What is it about your backgroun, your experiences, or your story, that will enrich Boston College’s community?
与 Common Application 网申系统里的第一个题目类似,你从哪里来?什么让你独特?这里可以关注文化、家庭或者某一种独特体验,对你产生了什么影响,乃至会对学校、同学碰撞出什么火花?

【Essay Option 3】
Boston College strives to provie an unergrauate learning experience emphasizing the liberal arts, quality teaching, personal formation, an engagement of critical issues. If you ha the opportunity to create your own college course, what enuring question or contemporary problem woul you aress an why?

【Essay Option 4】
Jesuit eucation consiers the liberal arts a pathway to intellectual growth an character formation. What beliefs an values inform your ecisions an actions toay, an how will Boston College assist you in becoming a person who thinks an acts for the common goo?


Question 1 (必选)
The college amissions process can create anxiety. In an attempt to make it less stressful, please tell us an interesting or amusing story about yourself from your high school years that you have not alreay share in your application.

Question 2 (四选一)
1.UGA’s 2017 Commencement speaker Ernie Johnson (Class of ’79) tol a story from his youth about what he refers to as blackberry moments. He has escribe these as “the sweet moments that are right there to be ha but we’re just too focuse on what we’re oing …, an we see things that are right there within our reach an we neglect them. Blackberry moments can be anything that makes someboy else’s ay, that makes your ay, that are just sweet moments that you always remember.” Tell us about one of your “blackberry moments” from the past five years.

  1. What is the harest part of being a teenager now? What is the best part? What avice woul you give to a younger sibling or frien (assuming they woul listen to you)?
  2. Tell a story from your life, escribing an experience that either emonstrates your character or helpe to shape it.
  3. Describe a problem, possibly relate to your area of stuy, which you woul like to solve. Explain its importance to you an what actions you woul take to solve this issue.


加州大学申请系统提供 8个Essay题目,任选 4个回答,每个不得超过 350字。题目任意选择,无好坏之分,也不会影响录取结果。

【Essay Option 1】
Describe an example of your leaership experience in which you have positively influence others, helpe resolve isputes or contribute to group efforts over time.
Leaership 不仅仅是头衔,可以是导师、主角、特定负责人,也不仅限于学校活动,可以是家庭、社区。你从中学到什么?担当了什么责任?改变了什么看法?

【Essay Option 2】
Every person has a creative sie, an it can be expresse in many ways: problem solving, original an innovative thinking, an artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative sie.

【Essay Option 3】
What woul you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you evelope an emonstrate that talent over time?

【Essay Option 4】
Describe how you have taken avantage of a significant eucational opportunity or worke to overcome an eucational barrier you have face.

【Essay Option 5】
Describe the most significant challenge you haveface an the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has thischallenge affecte your acaemic achievement?

【Essay Option 6】
Think about an acaemic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthere this interest insie an/or outsie of the classroom.

【Essay Option 7】
What have you one to make your school or your community a better place?

【Essay Option 8】
Beyon what has alreay been share in your application, what o you believe makes you stan out as a strong caniate for amissions to the University of California?

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