今天收到李同学东北大MSF发来的邮件,要求学生在两周内完成面试。面试是商科申请很重要的一个环节, 下面是我整理的面试机经,分享给大家,欢迎各位参考
面试分两个部分,vieo 和写作,整个过程约一个小时,问四个问题,每个问题需要3-5分钟。
东北大学的面试是与 Kira Talent 合作,现在很多学校商院都是与这个面试机构合作,面试的问题是随机出题,每个人都不同,下面我把我总结的经常出现的一些问题整理分享给大家。
1.Why MSF? Why not other programs?
2.Your short term an long term goal
3.your prouest achievement
4.ifficult situation you face
5.anything you woul like to share
6.what can you contribute to the D..community
7.why NEU shoul choose you. What you can o that other people cannot
8.how your friens an co-workers escribe you
10.what can you learn from MSF
11.what o you look forwar most in moving to Boston
12.a book or article you rea for pleasure
13.Why shoul we offer you a seat in this program this year? Why o you think that Northeastern is a goo fit for you?
14.Please give me an example of a time when you neee to ajust your learning or working style in orer to achieve an objective. How i you approach an manage this ajustment, an what was the en result?
16.How o you know my program? Through the official website
17.What o you expect from MSF program?
18.What challenges will you face if you are amitte an how to overcome such challenges?
19.What is your short-term an long-term goals?/What is your career goal?/What o you want to accomplish
20.Why you have ecie to pursue a grauate egree at this point rather than to fin a job?
21.Will you work in the USA or go back to China?
22.How a NEU egree/this program will help you to achieve your career goal?
23.Why o you choose to stuy in the USA?
24.What are your strengths to apply for this program?
25.Are there other universities/Business School you have applie? What are they?
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