新西兰地处南半球大洋洲,社会治安良好,被一致认为是世界高水准国家,并被誉为“全世界最后一块净土”。生活质量位列全球第八,交通发达, 通讯便利 ,医疗条件优越,良好的养老福利。新西兰拥有极高的教育质量, 8所公立大学全部位列世界500强之内, 且政府对留学有明确的政策保护。
新西兰移民紧缺职业:护理专业, It专业,工程专业…..
Skille Employment 技能就业
Offer of skille employment in New Zealan or current skille employmnet in New Zealan
If points claime for skille employment above , then bonus points for that skille employment being also:
In an area of absolute skills shortage[on the LTSSL]
职业在绝对短缺的列表里 10
In a region outsie Aucklan
在奥克兰以外区域 30
Income more than twice the New Zealan meian income(cureently $97,718 annually or $46.98 per hour)
收入是新西兰中等收入的两倍(现在是每年$97,718或每小时$46.98) 20
Work Experience 工作经验
2 years 10
4 years 20
6 years 30
8 years 40
10 years 50
If ponints claime for work experience above , then aitional bonus points if that work experience was:
In New Zealan, for 12 months or more
工作在新西兰,已经工作12个月或以上 10
In an area of absolute skills shortage[on the LTSSL]
2 to 5 years
6 years or more
工作了6年以上 15
Qualification 学历
Recognise level 4-6 qulification(e.g. trae qualificaton, iploma)
4-6级(包括技工类学历、大专) 40
Recognise level 7 or 8 qualification(e.g. bachelor's egree, bachelor's egree with Honours)
7-8级(学士学位、荣誉学士学位) 50
Recognise level 9 or 10 post-grauate qualification(Master egree, Doctorate)
9-10级(硕士、博士学位) 70
If points claime for qualfications above, then bonus points if that qualification was also:
3 years of full-time stuy in New Zealan completing a recognise bachelor's egree(level 7) New Zealan qualification
在新西兰读了3年全日制学士学位(7级)课程 10
1 years of full-time stuy in New Zealan completing a post-grauate New Zealan qualification
在新西兰读了1年8级课程 10
2 years of full-time stuy in New Zealan completing a recognise post-grauate New Zealan qualification
在新西兰读了2年以上硕士课程 15
Age(20 to 55 years): 年龄
20-39 30
40-44 20
45-49 10
50-55 5
Partner: 配偶
Bonus points for: 额外加分有:
Partner's employment of offer of employment
配偶有job offer 20
Partner's qualificationi(either):
-recognise bachelor's egree or higher qulification
9级以上学位 20
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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