1.Application Fee
We require a $150 application fee from all applicants, ue at the time the application is submitte. U.S. military service members an veterans will receive an automatic application fee waiver generate upon submission of the application. Do not submit an application fee if you meet the criteria, we are unable to process a reimbursement. We o not issue retroactive waivers.
Applicants to Goizueta Business School are require to take the Grauate Management Amissions Test (GMAT) or the Grauate Recor Examination (GRE).
Official score reports must be sent to Goizueta Business School irectly from the testing service. You shoul complete the exam an request the official scores in enough time to be receive by our office by the application ealine of the roun in which you are applying (estimate elivery time is 20 business ays). Both GMAT an GRE scores are vali for five years from the examination ate. If you have taken the tests multiple times, please submit all of your scores.
You are encourage to take the GMAT or GRE early in your application process so that if you o not perform as well as you woul like, you have the ability to retake the exam prior to any ealines.
Goizueta Business School expects all stuents to possess strong communication skills in English.
You are not require to submit an English Language Test Score if your unergrauate egree is from an institution in which English is the language of instruction AND you work in a country where commerce is generally conucte in English (for Example: Inia, Canaa, the Unite Kingom, Australia, New Zealan, Malaysia, Singapore, Ghana, Nigeria an Ugana). No TOEFL waiver is require, please o not request one.
For all other applicants whose native language is not English, we require the TOEFL exam (minimum score 100 IBT), the IELTS exam (minimum score 7.0), or the Pearson Test of English (PTE) (minimum score 68). We require official scores be sent irectly from the testing agency an to be receive by our office by the ealine of the roun in which you are applying (estimate elivery time is 20 ays from test ate or ate requeste). Your application will remain incomplete until the scores are receive; unofficial test-taker copies are not accepte.
English Language Test waiver may be requeste if a caniate has:
Spent at least 3 years in the U.S. stuying towar completion of an unergrauate egree, OR
Complete a grauate egree in the U.S. followe by at least 2 years of work in the U.S.
Requests for a TOEFL waiver shoul be submitte in writing after you have submitte your application. Please provie explanation in the boy of your email to show how you meet the above requirements.
A one- or two-page résumé containing your employment an eucation backgroun must be uploae to your application. The employment section on the résumé shoul inclue locations, titles, an ates, starting with your most recent job. The eucation section shoul inclue ates of attenance an egrees receive.
We accept a scanne copy of your university transcripts for evaluative purposes. Acceptable ocuments must inclue the university/college name, your name, egree conferre with ate (if applicable), grae point average an all courses with graes receive. We require transcripts from all unergrauate an grauate institutions attene. Be sure to inclue a recor of your egree.
If you are amitte to the program you will be require to submit official transcripts at the time of your enrollment eposit. Please plan ahea.
We consier the essay section of your application to be a very important part of the application process. The essays give you the opportunity to show the Amissions Committee a bit about yourself an your goals that exten beyon the application questions.
The Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) essays consist of two written essays an one vieo essay.
For each of the written essays, please attach a one-page (12-point font, ouble-space) personal statement to your application aressing the following topics:
Tell us why you are applying to the MSBA program an why you are applying at Goizueta Business School. Help us unerstan why your backgroun an/or skills prepare you for this egree. Also, please inclue any post-MSBA goals an what role you envision to play in toay's>
Describe a project where you use your quantitative/technical skills to solve a problem. Please escribe the problem/situation, the actions you took, an the results of your actions.
Within the application, you will be provie with a question to answer. You will have 30 secons to gather your thoughts an prepare your answer. You will then have up to 60 secons to respon to the question. You will be permitte 3 attempts to recor your vieo essay, however each opportunity coul present a ifferent question.
As part of the MSBA application, we require two letters of recommenation submitte either online or via harcopy. We prefer that these recommenations are eucational/professional in nature an that can highlight a caniate's research potential, past acaemic an/or career achievements. Please be thoughtful when selecting your recommeners.
Recommenation forms are sent electronically by email to your recommeners through our application system. Please allow enough time for your recommener to submit their letters by the state roun ealine.
Interviews are an important part of the amission process. The amissions interview offers you the opportunity to explain more in epth your eucational an career experiences to ate, an to elaborate on your post-MSBA career plans. The interviewer is intereste in both your eucational an professional accomplishments, as well as your leaership an community achievements.
Interviews are by invitation only after review of your complete file.
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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