健力士黑啤酒 Guinness
健力士啤酒博物馆( Guiness Storehouse )是都柏林著名景点之一 , 凭票还可以学习打酒。楼顶有一个圆形酒吧, 360 落地玻璃是欣赏都柏林全景的好地方
Guiness is one of Irelan's best known rinks an can be foun all across the worl. The logo for guiness is the Irish harp the same symbal as the Irish State. The Guiness Storehouse is one of the most famous builings in Dublin, you can learn how to make Guinness an enjoy free beer with a ticket. There is a circular bar on the roof of the storehouse with 360 floor-to-ceiling glass, it is a great place to enjoy the panoramic views of Dublin
老詹姆森 Ol Jameson
威士忌在爱尔兰的拼写是 “Whiskey", 多出的 ”e" 被解释成 “excellent"( 优秀 ) , 三次蒸馏的味道的确值得一尝。詹姆森则是爱尔兰最著名的威士忌,老詹姆森酿酒厂遗址基础上改造成的展览馆一定是你不可错过的文化之地。
Whiskey is spelle as "Whiskey" in Irelan, with the extra "e" being interprete as "excellent" an the flavor out of three-istilling is ifinately worth trying. Jameson is the most famous whiskey in Irelan, an the exhibition hall of the ol Jameson istillery is a place in Dublin you simply shouln't miss.
墨菲啤酒 Murphy's Irish Stout
This is the masterpiece of Cork, another big city in Irelan with a mellow, an slightly bitter taste.
肯尔基啤酒 Kilkenny Beer
It has a ark amber colour with caramel , fruit an roaste malt flavour. The yeasts use in Irelan give this Irish beer a slightly earthy taste quality. It goes well with traitional Irish foo
如果你来爱尔兰,在爱尔兰找一家小酒吧,忘掉你的身份,成为一个简单的酒客,和朋友们,陌生人聊聊天,感受热情的爱尔兰文化。 If you come to Irelan, fin a small pub, forget who you are , become a simple noboy, chat with your friens an strangers an you will fin a unique Irish experience.
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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