对于时下如此火热多的 BA 专业,我们来剖一下卡耐基梅隆大学的 BIDA 专业( Business Intelligence an Date Analytics ),此专业既没有开设在商学院下,也没有在工程学院,而是在信息系统和公共政策学院(具体是在信息技术的分支下)。
它的申请难度还是非常大的,往年录取的学生中,除了硬件之外,软件背景都很突出,每届招生人数不多(但近两年内再扩招,去年招的学生有300人左右), 学生质量非常高且需要申请者具备很强的数学和计算机功底并且有清晰的职业规划和目标。
The MSIT ( Master of Science in Information Technology ) : Business Intelligence & Data Analytics programmeets organizations ’ growing nee to aggregate, analyze, an monetize big ata.
MSIT-BIDAis the ieal program for experience professionals who wish to remain on thejob while avancing their careers in ata analytics. Combining business strategy, analytics, IT, an communications classes, we train you with the elite skills you nee to be competitive in this rapily growing fiel.
The MSIT program offers flexibility in both curriculum an structure to meet thenees of working stuents. You can continue to work full-time while earningyour egree part-time, allowing you to leverage your new knowlege an skillsin real time.
BIDA follows thesame acaemic scheule as MISM: 16-Month, which begins in August an ens inDecember of the following year.
MachineLearning for Problem Solving
AvanceBusiness Analytics
UnstructureData Analytics
DistributeSystems for ISM
Object-OrienteProgramming in Java
OrganizationalDesign an Implementation
Accountingan Finance Founations
DecisionMaking Uner Uncertainty
Statisticsfor IT Managers
Writingfor ISM
DataAnalytics Capstone Project
RequireSummer Internship
MSIT Sample Electives 选修课有:
Business Process Moeling
Clou Computing
Programming R for Analytics
Art an Science of Business Analytics
Data Structures an Algorithms
NoSQL Database Management
Decision Making Uner Uncertainty
Network an Internet Security
Cybersecurity Policy an Governance
Software an Security
Digital Transformation
1.递交两封推荐,一封需要是直接领导人 Atleast one (1) of your recommeners shoul know you in a professional setting(full-time employment, internship, part-time employment, research, non-acaemicextracurricular activity, etc.).
2.推荐信 Please submit a one- or two-page summary ofyour eucation skills, accomplishments, employment experiences, an volunteerexperiences.
3.一篇 ESSAY You arerequire to submit an essay (approximately 1,000 wors) escribing youracaemic an professional backgroun, your career goals, an how the MISMprogram will help you achieve your goals.
4.OptionalEssay 一篇可选择性论文 Youmay choose to submit an essay in which you comment on any item(s) in yourapplication that you consier worthy of further explanation. We are mostlyintereste in having you aress any gaps in your professional experience, oranything you woul consier a weakness that coul have an impact on youramission status. Please limit optional essays to no more than 250 wors.
5.视频面试 The completion ofa brief, three-question vieo interview is extremely important for applicantsto the MISM program, especially iniviuals unable to visit campus prior to theapplication ealine or those who are non-native English speakers.
Theminimum TOEFL scores require to apply for amission to any of Heinz College'sgrauate egree programs are:
Therecommene IELTS score is 7 overall an 7 in each ban.
Allenrolling stuents in the MISM-BIDA track must meet the basic atabase course work requirement by completing a college-level atabase course with a grae of B orhigher. 要求修过一门 atabase 的课程
All enrolling stuents in the MISM-BIDA track must meet the basic statistics coursework requirement by completing a college-level statistics course with agrae of B or higher.
Object-orienteProgramming (比如 C++ JAVA )
MISM stuents most commonly come from eucational an professional backgrouns inSTEM fiels. While business an liberal arts backgrouns are not common,stuents with these egrees who have successfully taken college-level programming an quantitative courses may fin that they are well prepare.
The MISM program is an ieal fit for stuents who not only wish to esign an implement technology, but wish to be leaers in this space with the ability to rive business ecisions, communicate value, manage projects, an inspireothers. The worl's top firms across technology, finance, retail, anconsulting seek our MISM grauates often offering six-figure salaries right outof school.
学校里的 careerservice/job fair 多吗?你觉得有用吗?
主要是通过学长学姐, careerservice 面谈和讲座;
这个项目 careerservice 做得很好,可以随时约见 avisor 并且有不少招聘资源
英语还不错吧,托福 109
刚开始语速快的老师和印度老师上课不集中精神就听不太懂,现在基本听懂 80-90% 没问题
这个项目的就业情况真的很棒! 不过整体氛围十分技校,很多人直接做 SE ( SoftwareEngineering )。这个项目大概一半印度人吧,除了中国人基本上所有学生都是有工作经验的,平均年龄 27 左右。没有工作经验且非美国公民实在吃亏。
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