Program Overview 专业介绍:
专业类型:STEM 方向,可以享受 36 个月的带薪实习,卡蕾基金会最近投资了 1500 万美元用于学校学生的就业服务,这意味着更好地和更多的雇主和工作岗位可以提供给学生。
课程时长:9 个月
课程量:10 门数据和分析课程,包含实践应用
Curriculum 课程设置:
1、Introuction to Enterprise Analytics 企业分析
Ensures the founational unerstaning of contextualize analytics within the business enterprise continuum, covering how ata flows an is manage across the lanscape of business processes.
2、Introuction to Applie Analytics 应用分析导论
Introuces quantitative moeling tools an techniques use to solve problems face in moern supply chains, incluing forecasting eman, etermining the capacity of a manufacturing line an the cycle times of parts being processe on the line, an methos to manage inventory.
3、Data Mining I 数据挖掘 1
Charts a roamap for ata-riven ecision making an getting a practical unerstaning of how IT tools an techniques can allow managers to extract preictive analytics an patterns from numeric ata.
4、Data-Driven Quality Management 数据驱动的质量管理
Aresses the use of analytics tools an techniques to enhance the ability of quality management approaches to improve processes. The course introuces moern quality management approaches incluing Six Sigma an Design for Six Sigma, an covers DMAIC, the implementation cycle use to rive Six Sigma projects.
5、Analytical Decision Making Tools I 分析决策的工具 1
Focuses on mastering quantitative moeling tools an techniques for business ecision-making an eterministic optimization techniques. This inclues linear, nonlinear, an integer programming, network moels, an an introuction to metaheuristics.
6、Data Mining II 数据挖掘 2
Explores how to support informe ecision making an extract preictive analytics an patterns from nonnumeric ata by leveraging tools an techniques to analyze unstructure ata.
7、Analytical Decision Making Tools II 分析决策的工具 2
Aresses the skills an knowlege necessary to moel situations where uncertainty is a major factor. Moels inclue ecision trees, queuing theory, Monte Carlo simulation, iscrete event simulation, an stochastic optimization, along with application for solving a wie variety of common business problems.
8、Business Analytics Strategy 商业分析策略
Evaluates how to strategically align, plan for an irect investments in, an governance of, processes for continuous renewal of analytic eployments in business.
9、Marketing Analytics 市场营销分析
Focuses on eveloping analytical methos an applying statistical an mathematical tools to preict consumer behavior. Introuces formal moels to analyze how an when customers make prouct purchase ecisions, configure new proucts, evelop market segments, forecast market share, an etermine optimal pricing strategies.
10、Applie Project 应用项目
Aresses a problem in a omain where the use of your analytics skills yiels real-worl experience through projects rawn from real business settings that represent important aspects of organizations’ eployment of analytics in their business moel.
You will be challenge to unerstan the context of the business situation an then ientify relevant tools an analytics frameworks to gain both insights into past an present operations, as well as preictions of future performance. In aition, your en-to-en project will offer challenges that may inclue messy ata sources an unefine business value, which will evelop an avance your communication skills an leaership abilities. This team-base project is intene to push the envelope of your skills in applying ata science to a variety of omains.
NOTE: Format an scheuling is base on the current acaemic year an is subject to change
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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