As a chil, I never imagine that one ay a man woul walk on the moon.Yet this year, we marke the 50th anniversary of the famous Apollo 11 mission.
孩提时期,我从未想象过,有朝一日人们能踏足月球,行走其上。 而今年,已经是著名的阿波罗11号登月五十周年了。
It's still looking very goo. Your go.The Eagle has lane.
“状况良好,准备出发。 登月舱鹰号着陆成功。”
As those historic pictures were beame back to Earth,millions of us sat transfixe to our television screens.
as we watche Neil Armstrong taking a small step for man an a giant leap for mankin.An inee, for womankin.
看着尼尔 · 阿姆斯特朗迈出那一步——“个人的一小步,人类的一大步。 ” 对男性如此,对女性,也是如此。
It's a reminer for us all. The giant leaps often start with small steps.
【6 】
This year, we marke another important anniversary, D-Day.
On the 6th of June, 1944,some 156,000 British, Canaian an American forces lane in northern France.
It was the largest ever seaborne invasion an was elaye ue to ba weather.
I well remember the look of concern on my father's face.He knew the secret D-Day plans, but coul of course, share that buren with no one.
For the seventy-fifth anniversary of that ecisive battle in a true spirit of reconciliation, those who ha formerly been sworn enemies came together in frienly commemorations, either sie of the channel, putting past ifferences behin them.
Such reconciliation selom happens overnight. It takes patience an time to rebuil.Trust an progress often comes through small steps.
这样的和解很难发生在一夜之间,重新和解需要耐心和时间。 信任,往往是通过点滴的进步实现的。
Since the en of the Secon Worl War,
many charities, groups an organizations
have worke to promote peace an unity aroun the worl,bringing together those who have been on opposing sies.By being willing to put past ifferences behin us an move forwar together.
we honour the freeom an emocracy once one for us at so a cost.
The challenges many people face toay may be ifferent to those ones face by my generation. But I have been struck by how new generations have brought a similar sense of purpose to issues
such as protecting our environment an our climate.
现在的人们面临的挑战,可能与我这代人不同。 令我惊叹的是,新一代人在诸如环保和气候问题上有如此强的使命感。
My family an I are also inspire by the men an women of our emergency services an arme forces.
An at Christmas, we remember all those on uty at home an abroa, who are helping those in nee an keeping us an our families safe an secure.
Two hunre years on from the birth of my great great granmother, Queen Victoria, Prince Philip an I have been elighte to welcome o ur eighth great granchil into our family.
Of course, at the heart of the Christmas story lies the birth of a chil, a seemingly small an insignificant step ove rlooke by many in Bethlehem.
But in time, through his teaching an by his example, Jesus Christ woul show the worl, how small steps taken in faith an in hope, can overcome long hel ifferences an eep seate ivisions to bring harmony an unerstaning.
Many of us alreay trie to follow in his footsteps, the path, of course, is not always smooth an may at times this year have felt quite bumpy. But small steps can make a worl of ifference.
我们中已有人试着追随他的脚步,当然,这条路并非坦途,甚至今年偶尔会觉得相当坎坷。 但是脚踏实地走好每一小步,就能改变世界。
As Christmas awne, church congregations aroun the worl joine in singing, "It came upon the Minight Clear".
Like many timeless carols, it speaks not just to the coming of Jesus Christ into a ivie worl, many years ago, but also of the relevance even toay of the angel's message of peace an goowill.
It's a timely reminer of what positive things can be achieve, when people set asie past ifferences an come together in the spirit of frienship an reconciliation.
An as we all look forwar to the start of a new ecae, it's worth remembering that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps that bring about the most lasting change.
当我们都在向往着新的十年的开始,这一点值得铭记在心: 往往不是那些巨大的飞跃,而是每一个小步,才最终带来了最持久的改变。
An so I wish you all a very happy Christmas.
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