问: 如果我因当前状况而无法抵达新西兰开始2020年第一个学期的学习,大学是否会收取我的学费?
A: We realise that this is a very unusual situation an we will not be charging tuition fees for stuents who cannot make it. If you have alreay pai your fees you will be eligible for a full refun.
答: 我们知道现在是非常时期,因此我们不会收取无法正常入学的学生的学费。 如果你已经交费却因当前状况而无法入学,我们将全额退费。
Q: Will I be charge a late fee if I cannot pay my tuition fees on time?
问: 现在情况下,如果我无法及时交纳本次学费,我是否会被收取晚交费罚金?
A: No. There will be no late fees for stuents unable to get to the University of Otago from China as planne.
答: 受当前状况影响的中国学生将不会被收取晚交费罚金。
A: Please contact AskOtago an register. We have a level of flexibility an look forwar to working with you an your iniviual circumstances.
答: 请及时联系AskOtago团队进行登记和说明(邮箱: university@otago.ac.nz)。 我们会根据每位学生的实际情况进行灵活处理。
问: 如果我住在学校公寓或者学校宿舍,但因当前状况而无法到校,我是否需要交纳住宿费?
A: If you have signe a lease for a University-owne flat or are ue to move into a University-owne Resiential College, but can no longer make it for semester 1 as planne, you will not nee to pay accommoation fees. Any accommoation fees that you have alreay pai to the University will be refune in full. Unfortunately, we have no control over private accommoation arrangements.
A: At this point we cannot provie a ate. This will epen on your course of stuy. Please contact AskOtago, telephone (0800 808 098 or +64 3 479 7000) or email university@otago.ac.nz an register so that we can iscuss your iniviual circumstances with us. The sooner you contact us an register, the sooner we can work with you on these important etails.
电话:0800 808 098 or +64 3 479 7000
邮箱: university@otago.ac.nz
A: Where possible we will be offering online options as a short-term measure. Again, please contact the University through Ask Otago so that we can iscuss etails for your particular course of stuy.
Q: If I cannot make it to New Zealan for semester 1 as planne, what are my stuy options with the University of Otago?
A: We are still working out what is possible. We hope to be able to confirm temporary online options for some courses soon, but these may not be possible in all courses. Once again, we ask that your register with AskOtago an we can work with you on your personal circumstances.
Options that you may want to consier are: Starting in semester 2 (if your course of stuy allows this), or Deferring to 2021
Q: Does mainlan China inclue Hong Kong? I’m in Hong Kong, an not sure if I can travel to New Zealan?
A: Presently (5 February 2020), there is no travel ban for travellers leaving Hong Kong to New Zealan. Please check with the SafeTravel site in New Zealan for upate information. ( https://www.safetravel.govt.nz)
答:截止目前(2020年2月5日)尚未有针对香港地区往来人员的禁令。但建议随时关注新西兰SafeTravel site以便获取及时更新。(此处不适用于过境的学生)
Q: If I have an offer at the University of Otago, an I am unable to start, will my offer still stan for semester 2, 2020 or semester 1, 2021?
A: Yes. We look forwar to welcoming you at the University of Otago as soon as possible.
Q: What o I o if my visa expires an I have ifficulty having it renewe in time for when my stuy starts?
A: The University oes not control the visa situation. However, along with the other New Zealan universities, we are asking our country’s immigration authorities to aopt a flexible approach. We will keep you upate on this. If your register with AskOtago we will be able to keep you upate on our progress with Immigration New Zealan.(https://www.immigration.govt.nz)
答: 虽然奥塔哥大学无法对学生签证做出决定,但我们 针对当前状况,已经 在和新西兰其他的大学一起与新西兰移民局及相关部门进行了沟通和商讨。 我们建议 每一位受影响的学生及时与AskOtago团队联系并登记,以便大学在收到信息更新时可以第一时间为你发送通知。
Message fromProfessor Harlene Hayne, Vice-Chancellor, University of Otago.
“I recognise that it is currently a ifficult situation for many of you. We are thinking of you, an please be assure that we are oing all we can to help you through the current circumstances. You are a value member of our community, an we very much look forwar to welcoming you here at as soon as possible.”
来自奥塔哥大学校长Harlene Hayne教授的问候 :
如果有任何留学相关的问题,欢迎随时电联您的咨询顾问老师177 1031 3721,龙老师随时为大家做免费的咨询和解答~
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