我谨致此函给所有在诺丁汉大学英国、中国和马来西亚校园就读的中国学生。在这个困难的时刻,表达我真切的 慰问和支持。
但是,我希望你能知道,大学与你站在一起,并支持你度过这个特殊时期。如果你需要与人倾诉或咨询,请告知任何可以为你安排相关支持的教职员工,或与我们的 学生福祉及支持专员 联系。https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/stuentservices/services/support-an-wellbeing-officers.aspx
我们在英国的同事和学生们正在筹集善款以支持宁波的人民。你可以通过网站 justgiving.com 进行捐款。我们在宁波的学生社团已筹集了 20 多万人民币以支持武汉。https://www.justgiving.com/crowfuning/coronavirus4china
我了解跨越全球各地校园的同事们正在采取积极全面的行动,以确保我们的社群尽可能安全。目前,并没有学生或教职员工报告有关症状。我们的相关信息网页每天都会针对身处 英国校区 和 中国宁波校区 的学生进行更新。
我诚 挚地希望眼 前的困境能有一个快速圆满的尾声。 同时,我祝愿你和你的家人健康、坚强、平安如意。
致以 衷心 的 祝愿 , 席若
Dear stuents,
I am writing to all Chinese stuents attening theUniversity of Nottingham at our UK, China an Malaysia campuses to express mysympathy an support for you at this ifficult time.
I hope that my letter fins you an your family well anthat you were able to mark the lunar new year together, espite the currentsituation with novel coronavirus.
Of course, I can only imagine the concern that many ofyou will be feeling for your friens an families in China, particularly whereyou are apart from them while overseas in the UK or Malaysia.
However, I want you to know that your University stanswith you an will support you throughout this time. If you nee someone to talkto, please speak with any member of staff who can arrange support for you orcontact our Support& Wellbeing Officers.
I know that our colleagues across our global campuses aretaking comprehensive action to keep our community as safe as possible an thatno stuents or staff are reporting symptoms. Our information webpages areupate aily for stuents base in the UniteKingom an Ningbo,China.
Our staff an stuents in the UK are funraising tosupport the people of the city of Ningbo - you can onate via justgiving.com- an our stuent societies in Ningbo have raise more than 200,000 RMB tosupport initiatives in Wuhan.
If there is a positive lesson to raw from this reafulsituation, it is that our colleagues are all working so closely together in theinterests of our global University community.
I o hope for the swiftest conclusion to these ifficultcircumstances. In the meantime, I wishyou an your families goo health an all strength an goo fortune.
With my very best wishes, Shearer
Professor Shearer West
University ofNottingham
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