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2018-06-05 00:46:41



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美国公立大学介绍( 二 )


             College of William & Mary 威廉玛丽学院


College of William & Mary is a public institution that was foune in 1693. It has a total unergrauate enrollment of 6,301, its setting is suburban, an the campus size is 1,200 acres. It utilizes a semester-base acaemic calenar. College of William & Mary’s ranking in the 2017 eition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 32. Its in-state tuition an fees are $18,687 (2016-17); out-of-state tuition an fees are $41,718 (2016-17).

The College of William an Mary is secon olest college in the country. It was foune by King William III an Queen Mary II of Englan. The school’s NCAA Division I varsity sports teams, known as the &lquo;Tribe,&rquo; participate in the Colonial Athletic Association. Stuents are involve with the (美国优等大学生联谊会) fraternity, the nation’s first acaemic Greek society, as well as other fraternities an  on campus. All freshmen are require to live on campus an the majority of upperclassmen live on campus as well. The school is locate in historic owntown Williamsburg, Va. 

The school has more than 30 unergrauate programs an more than 10 grauate programs an professional egree programs. Its highly ranke grauate schools inclue the Marshall-Wythe School of Law , the School of Eucation an the Mason School of Business. William an Mary was the first school to create a stuent honor coe, an its Marshall-Wythe School of Law is nation’s first law school. The school is also steepe in traitions, incluing the ringing of the Wren bell by grauating seniors in the Sir Christopher Wren Builing, the olest college builing in the nation. Notable alumni inclue three U.S. presients - Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe an John Tyler, as well as former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, actress Glenn Close an comeians Jon Stewart an Patton Oswalt.

2017 Quick Stats

In-state Tuition & Fees $18,687 (2016-17)

Out-of-state Tuition & Fees $41,718 (2016-17)

Room an Boar $11,382 (2016-17)

Total Enrollment 8,484

Application Dealine Jan. 1

Stuent-faculty ratio   12 :1

Full-time faculty gener istribution

Male 60.6% Female 39.4%

Five most popular majors for 2015 grauates

Social Sciences, 24%

Business, Management, Marketing, an Relate Support Services, 11%

Biological an Biomeical Sciences, 10%

Psychology, 7%

Multi/Interisciplinary Stuies, 7%


Best Colleges Rankings

#32 (tie) in National Universities

#19 (tie) in Best Colleges for Veterans

#12 in Best Unergrauate Teaching

#36 (tie) in High School Counselor Rankings

#6 in Top Public Schools

#43 (tie) in Business Programs


1学术: 学校有丰富的资源,帮助学生在课堂和专业方面都变得有远见。教师们通常都有空愿意帮助学生。学生往往都聚集成小组,这样学习有热情也能相互帮助。我们可以选择的课程范围非常广,所以再拿不定主意的学生都能找到他感兴趣的课程!  

2多样性: 这里的人们都能真正接纳其他人。没有很多歧视,至少我没有看到很多。学校的人一般都很包容,心态开放。对于学生群体的特征,真的是可以用多样性来形容他们。 

3体育 :学校对体育很重视,但也并不是日常生活中特别重要的部分。学生经常组成体育代表队参赛,大家都很支持他们,学校的体育精神超赞! 

4 校园饮食: 有四个很容易找到的地方可以吃饭:市场、咖啡厅、 Saler中心和Wawa。这些地方都还行,只是有点旧了。到很晚的时候,必须得去Wawa。或者可以点Dominoes的外卖。 

5 安全: 我感觉非常安全,也没有听说过什么犯罪。我的室友觉得有人拿走了他的电脑,但是后来却发现是他自己落在图书馆了。更惊讶的是,他过了 6个小时才去图书馆把电脑拿回来。 

6 学校管理: 威廉玛丽的学生可以娱乐起来!学校只会对一些学术犯罪的学生进行惩罚,比如作弊。或者是偷了别人的自行车或者笔记本电脑。惩罚非常严重,但不严重也不好,因为这样创造了一个良好的环境,学生都会相互信任,并不担心受骗。 

7 交通: 除了要去很远的地方之外,通常我只乘坐公交出行。公交范围很广,学生可免费乘坐,到达城内的绝大多数地方。如果要出城,交通站走着也可以到,有 Greyhoun、Amtrak和公交车可以乘坐。 

8 当地概况 :威廉玛丽和古镇威廉斯堡挨着,那儿不仅有很多美味的食物,也是另一种接触和了解美国历史的独特方式。真的很安全,每个人都非常好。 


           Georgia Institute of Technology 佐治亚理工大学


Georgia Institute of Technology is a public institution that was foune in 1885. It has a total unergrauate enrollment of 15,142, its setting is urban, an the campus size is 400 acres. It utilizes a semester-base acaemic calenar. Georgia Institute of Technology’s ranking in the 2017 eition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 34. Its in-state tuition an fees are $12,212 (2016-17); out-of-state tuition an fees are $32,404 (2016-17).

Georgia Tech, locate in the heart of Atlanta, offers a wie range of stuent activities. The Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets, an NCAA Division I team, compete in the Atlantic Coast Conference an have a fierce rivalry with the University of Georgia. Since 1961, the football team has been le onto the fiel at home games by the Ramblin’ Wreck, a restore 1930 Moel A For Sport Coupe. Georgia Tech has a small but vibrant Greek community. Freshmen are offere housing, but aren’t require to live on campus. In aition to its campuses in Atlanta an Savannah, Georgia Tech has campuses in France, Irelan, Costa Rica, Singapore an China.

Georgia Tech has six colleges. Its highly ranke grauate schools inclue the College of Engineering an Scheller College of Business. Georgia Tech is classifie by the Carnegie Founation for the Avancement of Teaching as a university with very high research activity. Famous alumni inclue Mike Duke, former presient an CEO of Walmart; Bobby Jones, founer of The Masters golf tournament; an baseball player Nomar Garciaparra. John Heisman was Georgia Tech’s first full-time football coach, an the Heisman Memorial Trophy was name in his honor. The school’s newspaper for faculty an staff, The Whistle, is name for the steam whistle in the Tech Tower that blows every hour an each time the Yellow Jackets score a touchown.

2017 Quick Stats

IN- $12,212 (2016-17)

Out-of- state Tuition & Fees $32,404 (2016-17)

Room an Boar $13,640 (2016-17)

Total Enrollment 25,034

Application Dealine Jan. 10

Stuent-faculty ratio 19:1

4-year grauation rate 40%

Best Colleges Rankings

#34 (tie) in National Universities

#21 in Best Colleges for Veterans

#23 (tie) in High School Counselor Rankings

#7 (tie) in Most Innovative Schools

#7 in Top Public Schools

#32 (tie) in Business Programs

#9 in Management Information Systems

#12 in Prouction / Operation Management

#6 in Quantitative Analysis

in Supply Chain Management / Logistics

#4 (tie) in Best Unergrauate Engineering Programs

Five most popular majors for 2015 grauates


Business, Management, Marketing, an Relate Support Services,13%

Computer an Information Sciences an Support Services,9%

Biological an Biomeical Sciences,4%

Multi/Interisciplinary Stuies,2%



1 地理位置: 学校位于亚特兰大 M itown 的西边,可口可乐总部和学校南部只相隔一条街, 因此 企业气氛浓厚。东部商学院所在地 T ech Square 也聚集了很多公司的创新园地, 诸如 AT&T,D elta , H ome Depot 等。 A TM 取款机的制造商 NCR也正在T ech Square 的北面建设总部。

2 学术氛围: 在 GIT,你能遇到有着各种各样兴趣和目标的人。 这是 一个有着无限可能,并且你可以追求自己理想的校园。 该校 的理工氛围相当浓厚, 本科 工程学院人口占全校的 60 %,计算机 单独成立一个学院, 本科 人口占据 14 % 左右。 E ngineer Prie 在学校是主流, 很多 和工程师相关的梗和笑点都印在了各种 T-S hirt 上。

3 体育和文化: G IT 的健身氛围很浓厚, C ampus R ecreation Center是1996年奥运会跳水和游泳比赛场馆,下午3点经常爆满。 很 多中国留学生会组队打篮球, 也有 羽毛球和乒乓球比赛。亚特兰大作为新兴的娱乐和电影业中心, 近年来 吸引了很多电影和电视剧拍摄。橄榄球是佐治亚理工很大的体育活动。在佐治亚理工和佐治亚大学举行比赛的时候,几乎人人都沉浸在比赛的氛围中!

4校园饮食: 校园餐厅最好的是关于他们的疯狂时刻:一年中的大部分时候,北 Ave餐厅会一直开放到凌晨2点。一直学习到最后几分钟后,再来一杯温暖的咖啡,这感觉真是棒极了。餐厅工作人员也都很好,在期末考试前的周末餐厅有24小时食物供应。

5健康安全 :有犯罪现象,但是学校是在很大的市区里。多数犯罪现象是发生在校外,但是只要是在范围内的,学校都会给学生通报。而且,犯罪通常是学生自身的原因引起的 ——没有采取预警的措施,比如没有多留心,没采取有效的安全措施。有一个增强安全的安保措施,在任何时候,如果已经很晚了,佐治亚理工的校警都会把学生护送到目的地。学校也有班车系统,早六点到晚六点都在运营,可以从 Stingerette (个人小巴接送服务)到校内的任何地方。




Tulane University is a private institution that was foune in 1834. It has a total unergrauate enrollment of 6,662, its setting is urban, an the campus size is 110 acres. It utilizes a semester-base acaemic calenar. Tulane University’s ranking in the 2017 eition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 39. Its tuition an fees are $51,010 (2016-17).

At Tulane University, locate in New Orleans, stuents can experience a thriving — an re-establishing — city that is known for more than just its raucous Mari Gras celebrations. The school is ivie between an Uptown campus, its main location, an a Downtown campus, the center for health science programs. The French Quarter, about four miles from the main campus, is a popular tourist spot known for its music scene, nightlife an shopping. Freshmen an sophomores must live on campus, unless a stuent lives locally with parents, is marrie or is oler than 21. There are more than 200 stuent organizations on campus, incluing about 20 sororities an fraternities. About a quarter of stuents are involve in the Greek system. The Tulane Green Wave sports teams compete in the Division I American Athletic Conference, an the school’s colors are olive green an blue. Through Tulane After Dark, stuents can choose from a variety of evening activities such as concerts, comey shows an murer mystery parties. Since Hurricane Katrina, hunres of stuents a year have volunteere in community service efforts to rebuil the city.

The school has a well-regare law school , an its School of Public Health an Tropical Meicine is the only specialty school of its kin in the Unite States. The school receive funing from the National Institutes of Health to establish an International Center of Excellence in Malaria Research for West an Central Africa. Female stuents at Tulane University receive extra support through the Newcomb College Institute, which hosts symposiums an guest speakers an offers mentors to young women. Notable alumni inclue former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, talk show host Jerry Springer an the creator of HBO’s hit show &lquo;Entourage,&rquo; Douglas R. Ellin.

2017 Quick Stats

Tuition& Fees $51,010 (2016-17)

Room an Boar $13,844 (2016-17)

Total Enrollment 11,772

Application Dealine Jan. 15

Stuent-faculty Ratio 8:1


Five most popular majors for 2015 grauates

Business, Management, Marketing, an Relate Support Services, 23%

Social Sciences, 15%

Biological an Biomeical Sciences, 9%

Health Professions an Relate Programs, 8%

Psychology, 6%

Best Colleges Rankings

#39 (tie) in National Universities

#23 (tie) in Best Colleges for Veterans

#69 in Best Value Schools

#42 (tie) in High School Counselor Rankings

#48 (tie) in Business Programs

#116 (tie) in Best Unergrauate Engineering Programs


1学术氛围 :金融专业是很受追捧的专业, 有很多 可以选择的课程。 很多 金融方面的课程是所有商学院专业的必修课。 商学院 的教学设施很棒, 有一个 模拟室。商学院的基础实力雄厚,有比学校其他任何专业的学生都多。杜兰大学很大程度上把重点都放在了商科上面,他们经常邀请一些演说家来,也会召开一些招聘会等等这样的事情。我们也有庞大的校友圈。如果你学的是商科专业,那你得通过商学院到国外进修,对比别的专业来说会觉得厌烦,没有太多的可去的地方,比如说艺术专业,但是他们每年的人数还是在增加。

2多样性 :杜兰大学缺少种族多样性,但由其他方面弥补了。我们是全国最具有地域多样性的学校了,有很多国际生。宗教信仰方面也有很好的多样性,虽然大多数学生不是犹太人就是基督徒。杜兰大学是个很自由的学校,但是还是有一些保守派存在的。

3体育: 体育是校园生活很重要的一部分。橄榄球比赛是一年中非常重要的赛事活动了,每个人都会某种程度上参与其中。这些比赛中体现的校风都非常高涨。很多学生都会一定程度上参与校内体育活动。

4校园饮食 :很多学生会去吃 Bruff那里的食物;对于一般学校的餐饮标准来说,那里是食物相当不错了。除此之外,学生们还有很多其他的选择。

5校园住宿 :很漂亮的校园,拥有各种各样的设施(体育馆,一个室内和室外的游泳池,很多的方院,一个自助餐厅,一个健康食物市场,一个每夜都通宵营业的餐馆,等等),还有,每个教室到任何宿舍都只有 10分钟步行的距离。很好的地面。Monroe是最好的大一新生宿舍,很有生活气息。Butler或许是最糟糕的宿舍了。每年挑选宿舍的手续有点像小巡演,但是最终都会有结果的。

6交通: 杜兰大学的校车有时候有点慢,但是它能带你去任何地方 ——商业区,住宅区,沃尔玛购物中心,标靶中心,新视角商城,湖边商城,美食大全,鲜货商城,国际市场等等.有轨电车很慢,有时也打不上车。NORTA可以每15分钟跑一班车。但可真是个大瞎话。巴士要比有轨电车快一些,但也别指望它们会准时。

University of Illinois&nash;Urbana-Champaign 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校


University of Illinois&nash;Urbana-Champaign is a public institution that was foune in 1867. It has a total unergrauate enrollment of 33,368, its setting is city, an the campus size is 1,783 acres. It utilizes a semester-base acaemic calenar. University of Illinois&nash;Urbana-Champaign’s ranking in the 2017 eition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 44. Its in-state tuition an fees are $15,698 (2016-17); out-of-state tuition an fees are $31,320 (2016-17).

The University of Illinois is locate in the twin cities of Urbana an Champaign in east-central Illinois, only a few hours from Chicago, Inianapolis an St. Louis. The school’s Fighting Illini participate in more than 20 NCAA Division I varsity sports an are part of the Big Ten Conference. The university boasts the largest Greek system in the worl, an almost a quarter of the stuent boy is involve. It’s not har to fin something to o on campus with more than 1,000 stuent organizations, incluing professional, political an philanthropic clubs. All freshmen are require to live on campus.

University of Illinois — Urbana-Champaign comprises 17 schools an colleges. Its Grauate School of Library an Information Science , College of Engineering an Department of Psychology are among the best in the country. The school’s College of Business , College of Eucation an College of Law are also highly ranke. The school is classifie as a university with very high research activity by the Carnegie Founation for the Avancement of Teaching. The University of Illinois was the first school to provie isability access to all university services, curricula an facilities. Notable alumni inclue Pulitzer Prize-winning film critic Roger Ebert an the co-founer of YouTube, Steve Chen. 

2017 Quick Stats


In-state Tuition & Fees $15,698 (2016-17)

Out-of-state Tuition & Fees $31,320 (2016-17)

Room an Boar $11,308 (2016-17)

T o tal Enrollment 45,842

Application Dealine Dec. 1

Stuent-faculty ratio 18:1

Four most popular majors for 2015 grauates

Engineering, 20%

Business, Management, Marketing, an Relate Support Services, 12%

Social Sciences, 8%

Biological an Biomeical Sciences, 7%

Best Colleges Rankings

#44 (tie) in National Universities

#27 (tie) in Best Colleges for Veterans

#67 (tie) in High School Counselor Rankings

#10 (tie) in Top Public Schools

#15 (tie) in Business Programs

#2 in Accounting

#11 (tie) in Insurance ; in Management ; in Management Information Systems ; in Marketing

#12 (tie) in Real Estate


1学术氛围: UIUC以工程为金字招牌, 所有 和工程有关的专业都是全美甚至是全世界顶尖的。比如 UIUC最好的专业是土木工程,全美第一也是全世界第一,从校园内的建筑便可见一斑。其次,与计算机、化学、数学沾边的学科,UIUC都非常出色,计算机是美国前5,化学、应用数学、电子工程、工业工程、航天工程、环境工程等等都是美国前10,农业、营养学也都是非常热门的学科。值得一提的是,工程院也是UIUC最富裕的学院,苹果捐过电脑,AMD捐过大楼,还建有美国最大的超级计算机。Internet起源于此,网景(Netscape)是UIUC人编的,YouTube是UIUC毕业生的成果。

2多样性: 学校国际生比较多,开放多样的环境为话题的讨论提供了很多不同的视角, 帮助 学生变得更加开放包容。

3 体育: UIUC的学生和校友都拥有很好的校风传统,大家都很以学校取得的成绩为荣。我住的宿舍和橄榄球场很近,每到比赛日,停车场就到处都是兴奋的球迷,聚集在一起为校队呐喊助威。体育设施也都是一流的,并且全年免费为学生开放。

4饮食: 校园食物十分丰富。如果你住校的话,你在任何一个餐厅吃饭都可以用饭卡,所有的食堂提供的食品也都不一样。 PAR的食物全校最佳,IKE的种类最多。需要说明的是,Busey那里你能得到免费咖啡,那里也有最美味的饼干提供。

5校园住宿: 校园住宿的好坏很多还是取决于你自己。有很多宿舍可以算得上是 “聚会天地”各种喧嚣,也有其他一些相对很的宿舍。也有很多特殊的房间,比如为荣誉课程准备的学生,或者为那些有共同兴趣爱好的人准备的房间。

6交通: UIUC的交通从来都不是问题,ID卡可以让你做所有的MTD巴士, 带你 去学校的任何地方, 也可以 到达校外的一些很受欢迎的地方, 比如 购物中心, 沃尔玛 , 电影院 等等。 很多人 有车, 可以 很方便的就去一些地方。 当然 , 很多学生 选择步行或是骑车去上课。 U IUC 是一个流行骑车的校园, 校园里 有很多自行车停放处和行车道。

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