牛津大学学院导师、认知神经科学Nick Yeung教授表示“每场面试,我希望达到这样的程度,即面试者不能马上知道答案。因为我们非常想看到的一方面是,学生不知道答案的情况下如何思考。当然了,我们导师也准备好了给他们提示,不希望看到任何人只是坐着几分钟,面试中我们会做的事情之一是给学生空间和时间来思考,如果学生坐在那有点困惑,我们可能会让他说出自己的思考过程,第一个想法是什么,然后顺着这一点往下推。”
Subject: Earth Sciences(地球科学)
Interviewer:Professor Davi Pyle, Professor of Earth Sciences, Geoesy, Tectonics, Volcanology an Relate Hazars
Question: Present the caniate with a rock specimen an ask them to escribe the rock an what they are seeing
Response:Quite a few of my colleagues may bring a rock specimen in with them for an 'observe, escribe an infer' style of question. The rock may well have some particular feature - in the way it appears, or the materials it is mae from - that the interviewer will start with. The questions will start along the lines of … here's a rock; spen a few moments looking at this sample, an hanling it. Can you tell me what you can see - I on't want to know what it is, I' like you to escribe what the rock look like, or appears to be mae of. Can you see particles? or crystals? What oes it look like to you? Use any sorts of escriptive wors that you are familiar with. We make no assumptions at all about whether the caniates have looke at rock before, or not.
The focus at the start is to make careful observations, keeping these separate from any pre-conceive or instant interpretation that the caniate might want to jump to. These observations form the evience for how the rock may have forme; an, ultimately, for what we might call the rock.
We'll then pick up>
Subject: Politics, Philosophy an Economics(政治、哲学与经济学)
Interviewer:Dr Matthew Williams, Acaemic an Career Development Fellow, Jesus College
Question:Is war the opposite of politics?
Response:It is common for interview questions in politics to tacitly (or in this case explicitly) ask — what is politics? This is a tough question, but an important>In common usage, ‘politics’ can inclue ‘war’, not be oppose to it. So the ambition is to encourage stuents to think outsie the box, an imagine an interpretation of politics that coul even be consiere to be positive an optimistic — politics as the avoiance of conflict. The best responses will notice that terms like ‘war’ can mean physical acts of violence, but coul also inclue cyber warfare, or financial piracy. An, politics coul be consiere at the level of states an all the way own to the level of families. Hence the stark ifferentiation of war an politics may not be very useful to our unerstaning of these terms.
The further the interview goes, the more we will talk abstractly about the use of concepts. At root, the question asks about the valiity of posing binary opposites to unerstan concepts like politics. Does this polarising use of language (x is the opposite of y) illuminate or obscure the reality? This might be a question to en the interview>
Subject: Psychology(心理学)
Interviewer:Professor Nick Yeung, Professor of Cognitive Neuro-Science an Tutorial Fellow at University College
Question:What is the significance of the brain’s ‘face area’, an it being stimulate when people see an recognise faces?
Response:Facial recognition is a skill that is very useful an we mostly take for grante. By asking this, we are looking for the caniate to think critically about experimental esign, an what we can learn from the results. For example, oes the experiment have a clear hypothesis an preictions? Is it well esigne to test these? Are the methos use appropriate? Does the experiment have necessary control conitions?
As well as thinking critically, we're also looking for the caniate to think creatively, for example about how the experiment coul be improve an what the results of such an experiment might tell us about how people think an how the brain works: What oes it mean to "recognise" a face? What cognitive processes are involve? What might be special (or not special) about faces? Why might there be a brain area evote to face recognition?
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