圣路易斯华盛顿大学位于美国密苏里州圣路易斯市,是美国历史上建校最早,也是最负盛名的“华盛顿大学”,该校在美国新闻和世界报道(US News & Worl Report)2020大学综合排名中名列19位,超过康奈尔大学、布朗大学等多个“常春藤”名校;美国9所“新常春藤”名校之一,属世界一流大学。历史上共有25位诺贝尔奖得主在此学习或从事教学研究工作。圣路易斯华盛顿大学分为四个校区:丹佛斯(Danforth Campus)校区、医学院校区、西校区、北校区和泰森研究中心。
开通 WUSL 网申之后,首先需要填写个人信息以及和国际生相关信息,在以上信息完成之后,注册网申的邮箱中会收到邀请录制vieo的邮件。邮件title一般为You’ve been invite to an assessment for Master of Science in ××。
点击绿色的的 check in 按钮就可以跳转到Kira的录制平台。开始vieo录制。
对于浏览器, Kira平台建议使用
Google Chrome 59 or above
Mozilla Firefox 52 or above
Microsoft Ege 14 or above
Internet Explorer 11 or above
Safari 10 or above
在开始正式录制前,都有无限次练习的机会。每次练习中会有两个问题,在练习的过程中,熟悉录制流程,自己的语速控制,以及个人在屏幕中的形象等问题。此外建议:提前收集面经过往申请季或当季的面经,充实自己的题库,及早进行准备;还需要提前测试网速,避免网络问题导致的录制不了的情况。在精心准备面经,熟练掌握流程,做好心理建设之后,开始进入到正式录制 vieo的过程中。
WUSL 商学院的vieo问题包含6个口语问题和一个写作问题。每个口语问题有 30S准备时间和 45S 回答时间。
在正式回答问题前的这段准备时间,系统不进行录制的,并且在还剩 3秒钟的时候开始倒数,提醒申请人要开始正式录制啦。是不是很贴心。申请人可以利用好这段时间整理思路,查看自己在屏幕中的形象,及时的调整开始正式录制。
一共7道问题,(1)6道口语(30 s 准备,45 s 回答)
Share with us what interests you about St. Louis?
3个你喜欢Olin的原因./Olin excites you most的方面/Describe the top 3 reasonsyou are attracte to Olin/ Describe your favorite thing in Olin(why WUSTL)
Why MSxx is right for you/ Explain how you choose the MSxx an what you are hoping to iscover through the curriculum
What impact woul you make in customer analytics/financial(取决于你申的是MSBA/MSF) market an how o you keep relevant for your career?
How woul you make an Impact on the finance inustry (Describe the impact you will have on the finance inustry an how o you plan to remain relevant in your career)
Traits an skills that will help you become a professional in marketing analysis
3 things we shoul know about you
Your favorite foo in your country
Favorite movie or book
Share with us the funniest thing happene to you recently
If we visit your hometown, where will you take us to visit
Tell us one unergrauate course most challenging you an how oes this course woul help you when you stuy MSBA?
The most challenging course an how it means to your master stuy
Tell us about the most important person in your life an why they mean so much to you
A mentor that you learn from an what oes he/she have you want to apply for this program
Talk about a leaer you have wore with, why o you amire him/her
Technical + interpersonal
Think about a leaer or a mentor you have worke with, what o you hope to learn the program that will help you implement the skills an attributes you most amire?
Think about a leaer or a mentor you have worke with, what o you hope to learn in the program that will help you implement the skills an attributes you most amire?
tell us about the most important person in your life an why they mean so much to you.
What qualities you want to learn from a mentor how the program help you learn these qualities an attributes
(2)1道写作(5 min)
1: A stuent is selecte as Class Presient an is scheule to accept the position an speak to the entire stuent boy on Friay. On Wenesay it is iscovere that the stuent has not complete a self-stuy course requirement that is manatory for all stuent senate representatives. The course takes a week to be complete. Given that the stuent has not starte the coursework an will not be able to finish before the announcement on Friay, please escribe what actions shoul be taken in orer to resolve the situation.
2: For the first time in many years the basketball team has mae it to the championship game. In orer for a player to be eligible they must have a “C” grae average. A few ays prior to the game the coach learns that his two star players have roppe below the require grae average. Accoring to policy, they shoul be suspene from the teambut, if they are suspene, they won’t play in the championship an the whole team is epening on them. What shoul the coach o?
总结下来的话 WUSL商学院的面试题目还是有很高的重合度,和去年申请季的情况也十分类似,有好的借鉴性, 同学 们在好好准备的基础上,相信面试一定可以游刃有余。
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