意大利时间2月23日, 意大利新冠肺炎累计确诊病例超过100例,其中2例死亡,1例痊愈。 现存病例分布在5个大区,伦巴第大区89例,威尼托大区17例,艾米利亚尼亚大区2例,拉齐奥大区2例,皮埃蒙特大区1例。
意大利政府及一些大区纷纷采取一些防控措施 。 意大利LOMBARDI大区和VENETO大区已经宣布,大区所有大学停课以防止疫情蔓延。 LOMBARDI大区的大学将从2月24日-29日停课,目前 预计3月2日复课 。 VENETO大区将于明天(24日)开始停课。
Notice from the Conference of Rectors of Universities in Lombary
The evelopment of the situation regaring the sprea of the Coronavirus COVID-19 has le us to enforce the aoption of preventative measures to safeguar public health an guarantee the proper functioning of institutional activities at all the universities in Lombary, given the normal large scale movement within the region by stuents, whether from within Lombary or not. From Monay 24 February to Saturay 29 February all teaching activities (lessons, an exams for courses an grauation) will be suspene. Unless otherwise avise by the authorities, we inten that all university activities will return to normal on Monay 2 March. Grauation sessions an exams will be postpone accoring to the scheules set up by the iniviual Campuses. This ecision has been mae an further action will be taken in close cooperation with the civil an health authorities. We will immeiately avise stuents, personnel, an the community of any further news an information about the situation.
Prof. Remo Morzenti Pellegrini
Rector, Università egli Stui i Bergamo an Presient, Conference of Rectors of the Universities in Lombary
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