根据校长的建议,学校将保持开放状态,但计划可能会每天更改,为此学校将为学生提供最新信息。对于身体不适且无法上学的学生,学校将采用与以前相同的程序来记录每个学生的健康和下落。每个无法上课的学生都必须通知寄宿家庭的父母/照顾者,后者可以通过电话或电子邮件通知学校:09 8156730,amin @ wsc.school.nz。不能由学生自己拨打此电话和电子邮件。
3月18日,学校的校长还向学校教职员工小组WSCW COVID-19响应计划提供了建议,并提供了有关取消/推迟/重新安排学校范围和学校计划的活动,可能的关闭学校,相关的人员配备/教学/评估和沟通的说明和信息。 ,并且将处理COVID-19-预防的重点放在优先位置。
I hope this message fins you well. Please take goo care of you an your family. We are working together to look after our/your community. Thanks for your continuous support.
I woul like to inform you of our Principal an other officials’ messages.
Our Senior Managers an government have been in touch with the small an bigger/wier community to upate their avice an instructions aily. Please fin attache our Principal’s letter an the letter from the Aucklan Region Health Boar.
As avise by the Principal, the school will stay open, but the plan may be change on a aily basis, for which we will keep you upate. For the stuents who are not feeling well an unable to atten school, we will take the same proceures as before in orer to register the wellbeing an whereabouts of each stuent. Each stuent who is unable to atten classes is require to inform the homestay parents/care-giver, who can inform school by a phone call or email: 09 8156730, amin@wsc.school.nz . This phone call an email must not be mae by the stuents themselves.
On 18 March, our Principal also avise school staff team WSCW COVID-19 RESPONSE PLAN an provie instructions an information about the cancelle/postpone/rescheule school wie an school planne activities, the potential school closure, the relevant staffing/teaching/assessments an communication, an the reinforce priority for ealing with COVID-19 - Prevention remains a priority.
We will keep you upate. Please take care.
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