Research Skills 1 10
Introuction to Environmental Statistics using MATLAB 10
Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB 10
Terrestrial Hyrometeorology 10
Surface an Grounwater Hyrology 10
Environmental Management, Policy an Regulation 20
Research Skills 2 10
Masters Dissertation 60
选修课: 3 选 2
Integrate Catchment Management 20
Environmental Systems an Ecosystem Services 20
Water Resources Engineering 20
School/epartment Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty Faculty of Engineering Description
This unit lays the founation for acaemic writing, management an communication skills that unerpin the programme moules that follow. It provies a basic introuction to acaemic work incluing: Accessing scientific literature, incluing techniques to ientify suitable scientific papers an quickly ientify an extract relevant information Writing an visualisation skills to support presentation of written work at a postgrauate level Organisational an management skills. *Intene learning outcomes* At the en of this moule, the successful stuent will be able to: M1.1 Search for, collate an synthesize relevant scientific information, using the library an online search engines; M1.2 Rea, interpret an critique acaemic an technical literature; M1.3 Present the results of their work using appropriate oral or written methos an visualisation techniques.
Teaching etails The teaching in this unit comprises formal lectures intersperse with seminars an group work. Assessment Details This unit will be assesse by a written report (60%) an a powerpoint presentation (40%). Formative feeback is provie throughout the unit uring the seminars an group work.
Reaing an References Cutts, M. (2013), The Oxfor Guie to Plain English, 4th eition, OUP (earlier eitions also suitable) Weyers, J. an McMillan, K. (2011), How to write essays an assignments, 2n eition, Prentice Hall, 0273743813 Ramsey Fowler, H. an Aaron, J.E. (2014) The Little, Brown Hanbook, 12th eition, Pearson, (earlier eitions also suitable)
School/epartment Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty Faculty of Engineering Description
In this unit stuents will evelop the statistical skills that are important in the water an environmental sciences. The aim is that stuents will acquire a comprehensive unerstaning of key statistical methos for ata escription, analysis an presentation within the MATLAB computing environment. The unit will outline various statistical concepts that relate to ata populations, incluing central tenency an variability an will introuce both iscrete an continuous istributions. There will be a focus on probability theory an the statistics of hyrological extremes, incluing methos to eal with ata that o not follow a normal istribution. The unit will also consier regression, objective functions, time series analysis an the use of statistics for ata visualisation. Maximum likelihoo estimation, the metho of moments, L-moments, probability weighte moments an basic principles of spectral analysis will also be introuce. *Intene learning outcomes* At the en of this moule, the successful stuent will be able to: M2.1 summarise environmental ata using stanar statistical techniques, using both han calculations an MATLAB; M2.2 emonstrate how statistical istributions may be manipulate to moel environmental ata; M2.3 construct easily-interpretable presentations of environmental ata, for example, by using MATLAB to raw clear, labelle graphs; M2.4 escribe how probability theory is applie to support hyrological esign; M2.5 analyse environmental time series, by interpreting graphical presentations of ata an by employing stanar statistical techniques; M2.6 explain why funamental assumptions force scientists to tailor specific techniques for ata analysis; M2.7 ientify the criteria/circumstances for which it is NOT appropriate to use a given statistical technique;
Teaching etails The teaching in this unit comprises formal lectures, an workshops an tutorials conucte in computing labs.
Assessment Details This unit will be assesse by coursework (a report/workbook will be submitte to show competency in computational statistics). Formative assessment/feeback will also be provie throughout the unit from tutorial exercises, to help stuents prepare for the summative assessments.
Reaing an References Martinez, A.R. (2007) Computational Statistics Hanbook with MATLAB, 2n eition, Chapman an Hall/CRC, 1584885661 Menke, W. (2011) Environmental Data Analysis with MATLAB, Elsevier, 0123918863
School/epartment Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty Faculty of Engineering
Description In this unit stuents will learn introuctory numerical analysis using the MATLAB computing environment.
The unit will inclue an introuction to the importance of limite numerical precision in numerical computing, stanar numerical methos such as root-fining, optimization, solution of linear systems, interpolation of ata, numerical ifferentiation an integration, an the numerical solution of ifferential equations. the funamentals of MATLAB, incluing core functions, toolboxes, ata entry an loaing ata files, matrix algebra, plotting in two an three imensions, an simple programming constructs.
The main aims of the unit are that stuents learn the funamental concepts of numerical analysis, an become proficient in the basic ata entry, manipulation, an analysis skills that are necessary for water an environmental engineering, an to buil water resource moels evelop sufficient skills to be able to analyse the environmental ata provie in subsequent units, an to be able to use MATLAB to support their research work later in the course.
Intene learning outcomes At the en of this moule, the successful stuent will be able to: M3.1 explain an apply the funamental concepts behin numerical analysis; M3.2 explain an apply stanar methos of numerical analysis using MATLAB; M3.3 import ata an export results in suitable formats, interpret an compare these outputs; M3.4 construct an execute simple programmes, for example, to create graphs an other visual representations of ata.
Teaching etails The teaching in this unit comprises formal lectures an workshops an tutorials conucte in computing labs.
Assessment Details This unit will be assesse by coursework (a report/workbook will be submitte to show competency in computational numerical analysis). Formative assessment/feeback will also be provie throughout the unit from tutorial exercises, to help stuents prepare for the summative assessments
Reaing an References Chapra, S.C. (2011) Applie Numerical Methos W/MATLAB for Engineers & Scientists, 3r eition, McGraw-Hill, 0073401102
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