university of southern california
排名:u.s. news 全美综排22
《阿甘正传》导演robert zemeckis
《达芬奇密码》导演ron howar
《钢铁侠2》制片人susan owney
《阿凡达》《星球大战》视觉特效师john knoll
《生活大爆炸》编剧tim oyle
《广告狂人》制片人marcy patterson
john c. hench ivision of animation & igital arts
开设学位:bachelor of arts, master in fine arts, minor in animation & igital arts, minor in science visualization
ivision of cinema & meia stuies:
开设学位:bachelor of arts, master of arts, octor of philosophy
film & television prouction
开设学位:bachelor of arts, bachelor in fine arts,master in fine arts
电影与电视制作教学生如何为各种尺寸的屏幕 ﹙无论是imax还是手持设备)制作引人注目的、受欢迎的内容。学生们很快就能熟练使用行业工具,从各类型摄相机、灯光、录音、承托设备、滑轨、剪辑软件到最新的尖端技术。
mfa film & television prouction申请要求
cinematic arts personal statement
the cinematic arts personal statement will be rea by the amissions committee as a measure of creativity, self-awareness an vision. we are looking for a sense of you as a unique iniviual an how your istinctive experiences, characteristics, backgroun, values an/or views of the worl have shape who you are an what you want to say as a creative filmmaker. we want to know about the kin of stories you want to tell. bear in min that enthusiasm for watching films, escriptions of your favorite films an the involvement in the filmmaking process is common in most caniates. as a result, we encourage that you focus on your iniviuality. note that there is no stanar format or correct answer. ﹙1,000 wors or less﹚
writing sample ﹙choose one﹚ ﹙must be uploae in pf format only﹚
a escription for a four-minute film that contains no ialogue. it can be fiction or non-fiction. the story has to be communicate visually. ﹙no more than two pages﹚.
a ialogue scene between two people. provie a one-paragraph introuction escribing the two characters in screenplay format. ﹙no more than three pages﹚.
escribe a concept for a feature-length movie, fiction or ocumentary, which you woul like to evelop. ﹙no more than two pages﹚.
meia sample ﹙choose one﹚ ﹙uploa in portfolio section﹚.
vieo option: create a narrative vieo that is no longer than five minutes in which you ha a major creative role. the vieo can be live-action or animation, fiction or ocumentary, but it shoul reflect your aesthetic tastes an intellectual an emotional interests. you must specify what role﹙s﹚ you playe. submit only one vieo. multiple submissions will cause your application to be rejecte.
photo option: prepare a series of eight photographs you have taken which, when viewe in a specific sequence, portray a unique an original character or which tell a simple narrative story. also inclue a one-page narrative about the character being portraye in the photos. the images may either be black-an-white or in color. please uploa the photos in orer of sequence. the one-page narrative must be uploae in pf format only.
vieo introuction ﹙uploa in portfolio section﹚.
submit a 30-60 secon vieo of yourself speaking irectly to the camera, a single take with no eits, introucing yourself an explaining what will make attening sca a successful experience for you an others.
creative portfolio list ﹙must be uploae in pf format only﹚.
the creative portfolio list is a written recor of the applicant's creative materials. it shoul inclue a concise escription of each project, the month an year the project was complete, the applicant's creative role an the purpose of the project. the material, which oes not nee to be film or television-relate, shoul give an iea of the range an epth of the applicant's creative ability. formal recognition such as awars, publications, jobs an exhibitions shoul be note. the name of the institution or publication shoul be inclue when listing creative materials prepare for a class or publication. an example is below:
.july 2008, a ay in the life, igital vieo, 12 minutes. position: writer/irector. a ocumentary on a homeless iraq vet who has live on the streets since his return from the military. create for senior-year multimeia term project, san raphael high school, miami, floria.
.march 2008, oorways, a series of 5 black-an-white photographs. position: photographer. "secon prize winner" in the es moines sunay journal photo contest.
.february 2007, cellomorphosis, short story. position: writer. a variation on the novella by franz kafka; publishe in writing, vol. iv, 2007, at amherst college, amherst, massachusetts.
collaboration question 1 ﹙must be uploae in pf format only﹚
provie an example of a project that you have contribute to or le. choose a project that left you feeling prou. please escribe the context of the project ﹙e.g. the people involve the goals, etc.﹚ an also escribe your role in the project. finally, state what about your role in the project gave you a feeling of prie. we encourage you to escribe your collaborative experience on a non-film project. ﹙no more than one page﹚
collaboration question 2 ﹙must be uploae in pf format only﹚
escribe a project that you have worke on that was a failure. escribe the situation in which the project took place, the objectives of the project an others ﹙if any﹚ who were part of the project team. be clear about your role in the project. escribe how an why the project faile. finally, summarize what you learne from the project an what you woul o ifferently next time. we encourage you to escribe your collaborative experience on a non-film project. ﹙no more than one page﹚
letters of recommenation
three letters of recommenation in particular format are require. at least one letter of recommenation must be an acaemic reference. any letters of recommenation must be submitte via the slieroom application. applicants are responsible for requesting letters of recommenation as well as confirming that they have been submitte by the ealine.
interactive meia & games ivision
开设学位:bachelor of arts, master in fine arts,minor in game animation, minor in game auio, minor in game esign, minor in game entrepreneurism, minor in game stuies, minor in game user research
meia arts + practice
开设学位:bachelor of arts, octor of philosophy, honors in multimeia scholarship, minor in igital stuies, minor in future cinema, minor in meia an social change, igital meia an culture
peter stark proucing program
开设学位:master in fine arts
john wells ivision of writing for screen & television
开设学位:bachelor in fine arts,master of fine arts,minor in screenwriting, minor in comey
the john h. mitchell business of cinematic arts program
开设学位:bachelor of science in business aministration in cinematic arts
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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