今天,新西兰总理宣布新西兰已升为3级,并将在周三午夜升至4级。 (有关不同级别含义的信息,请参见下面的链接)。
从3月26日(星期四)起– ELA的所有工作人员将在家工作,所有学生都将在线上课。ELA想向家长保证,ELA仍然可以正常运行,并且ELA的工作人员在家里工作时仍然可以使用。
Dear Agents
From the Director of the University of Aucklan English Language Acaemy,
To our value partners,
Toay the NZ Prime Minister has announce that New Zealan has move to a Level 3 status, an will move to a Level 4 status at minight on Wenesay. (please see below links for information on what the ifferent levels mean).
To ensure that the ELA follows Government guielines, we have mae the following ecisions to ensure the safety an wellbeing of all of our stuents an staff:
Tuesay 24 March – will be a non-teaching ay to allow time for teachers to make final preparations for teaching on-line.
Wenesay 25 March – classes an all teaching will be elivere online.
From Thursay 26 March – all ELA staff will be working from home, an all stuents will receive classes online. I’ like to reassure you that the ELA is still very much operational an our staff are all still available as they work from home.
All of our ELA stuents are being contacte toay to check on the evices an internet access that they have access to. We are also supporting stuents with their stuy plans an pastoral support aroun their safety an wellbeing. I woul like to reassure you that we will be in continual an aily contact with all of our stuents an will work with them to either continue their stuies online, or assist them with arrangements to return home.
Below are some useful links for your information. Please note that we will be keeping our website upate regularly with all information HERE.
For information on the ifferent COVID-19 Alert levels -click HERE
For a copy of the PM’s announcement - click HERE
For information on the NZ Government’s response to COVID-19 - click HERE
Meantime, I’ like to personally exten my heartfelt sympathies to all of you who are currently experiencing ifficulties. We are eeply aware of the challenges an uncertainty facing our inustry at this time an our hearts an thoughts are with you all.
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