在本学期的剩余时间直至下一学期开始之前,所有的外部学校运动均已由College Sport暂停。学校目前仍允许学生们锻炼,练习和训练,因为学校认为学生保持活跃很重要。
Dear Parents
It is still mostly business as usual at school. The rumour mill is lively at the moment so we thought it woul be goo to upate you on a few things.
We are getting a number of enquiries about contacts of contacts an attenance at school. The link below contains information about this specifically as well as some really goo information about self-isolation.
All external school sport has been put on hol by College Sport for the rest of the term an until the start of next term. We are currently still allowing our boys to exercise, practice an train because we think it is important that the boys stay active.
If we o close, we will nee all of our boys to have access to a evice (ieally a laptop or PC). The plan will be to run the school ay as we woul if the boys were here, so we woul be following their regular timetable. Our staff are receiving on-going training to make sure they are well prepare for this eventuality. If your son oes not have a evice, please ask him to come to the school office an let us know. We plan to len laptops to those who on’t have access to a evice, if we are require to close.
Please be reassure that we are continuing to follow avice from the relevant authorities, an we will keep you poste as an when things change. We have three weeks of term remaining.
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