香港理工大学(简称“理大”)前身为“香港官立高级工业学院”,成立于1937年。1947年更名为“香港工业专门学院”。1972年8月1日改组为“香港理工学院”。1994年11月25日,《香港理工 大学条例》经香港立法局通过及刊登宪报后实行,“香港理工学院”正式升格为“香港理工大学”。 理大毗邻红磡海底隧道,占地约九万三千五百平方米。过去十年间,理大经历了大规模又迅速的扩展。理大现为全港学生人数最多的大学教育资助委员会(University Grants Committee)资助的大学。理大开办的专业多元化,包括学士、硕士、博士、副学士、高级文凭等课程。 理大在满足香港社会在人力资源需求的同时,亦积极为公营及私营机构提供专业顾问、培训及应用研究等服务。透过这些服务,大学与工商界亦建立了紧密的伙伴关系。 大学并锐意培育既拥有专业知识和独立思考,又具备良好沟通技巧及广阔视野的首选毕业生。此外,理大又推行学分制,让学生可在选择学科和学习进度方面更具灵活性。 理大多年来已培育了近二十四万名莘莘学子。这些毕业生在社会不同阶层担当独特的角色,以其知识才能回馈社会,为本港经济发展尽一分力。
Master of Design
● DPF for Design Practices (Full-time) 设计实践 (FULL-TIME)
● DSP for Design Strategies (Part-time) 设计策略 (PART-TIME)
● INF for Interaction Design (Full-time) 交互设计 ( FULL- TIME )
● UEF for Urban Environments Design (Full-time) 城市环境设计 (FULL-TIME)
Master of Design (Design Practices)
This specialism focuses on esign as a strategic tool for the consumer economy. Interisciplinary projects embrace business strategy an bran evelopment, ientifying opportunities for innovation an user experience. This full-time international programme respons to the worl’s inustrial an technological transformation with a focus on China. The evelopment of a high level of research, analysis, strategic vision, aesthetics, an technical mastery in evelopment, fabrication an commercialisation of esign prepares stuents for leaership roles.
Primarily a stuio experience, some projects will be sponsore by leaing companies with a real business context provie as the basis for collaborative workshops. This is a full-time, intensive one-year programme. Theory an metho subjects are elivere uring weekens over 4 consecutive weeks each. A Capstone Project conclues the year with an experience that synthesises learning in a real worl setting. Classes are normally hel uring the aytime on weekays except for 3 subjects, of which 2 are elivere uring weekens an 1 Core Subject conucte uring weekay evenings. Each of the weeken subjects requires 3 weekens sprea over 4-5 weeks.
It normally takes 1 year to complete the specialism.
· A Bachelor’s egree in esign or the equivalent in a relate iscipline is require.
· Portfolios will be reviewe uring the selection process.
Master of Design (Design Strategies)
This specialism seeks to locate esign strategically in the context of business an technology by exploring best practices as shown in case stuies, human-centre explorations to ientify previously unrecognise user nees an esires, comparative analyses of business opportunities, successes an failures, an analyses of braning strategies, with particular attention pai to the local context of transforming original equipment manufacture (OEM) to original esign manufacture (ODM), an finally to own bran management (OBM). The specialism is applicable to both business an non-profit organizations, an extens across local an global issues.
Design Strategies takes a flexible approach to learning for engage professionals. Subjects are normally taught on weekens with most subjects taken in any orer after the completion of a selection of Core Subjects. For example, a typical 3-creit subject requires 3 weekens over a 4-5 weeks perio. Not a stuio programme, the purpose of this specialism is acaemic – to eepen esign unerstaning an integrate esign in its business an technological context through reaing, thinking, iscussing an writing. The specialism stuies conclue with a report that synthesises iniviual experience an interests with programme materials leaing to strategic evelopment for an organization or in the pursuit of social an cultural goals.
Classes are normally hel on weekens except for 1 Core Subject an 1 Elective that are elivere on weekay evenings. Each subject requires 3 weekens sprea over 4-5 weeks.
It normally takes 2 years to complete the specialism.
· A Bachelor’s egree or the equivalent an a minimum of two years of esign-relate professional experience is require.
· Portfolios will be reviewe uring the selection process.
Master of Design (Interaction Design)
This specialism seeks to enhance human ability an life through the esign of innovative, interactive an experiential ieas, base on a synthesis of human thought patterns an habits with technical means. A combination of theory, planning strategies, research an technical skills provie the founation for workshops that explore emerging aspects of interaction esign, base on human nees an pleasures as well as technological evelopment.
Interaction Design is structure by a combination of intensively taught short courses that irectly support a workshop investigation. Workshops take various forms from iniviual to team work, from self-initiate projects to externally sponsore projects. A range of Electives is available to tailor the experience to iniviual interests. Some classes meet uring weekens an evenings. The expectation is that the stuent is fully committe to the programme an works in the stuio environment. The programme conclues with a Demonstration Project that unites research, creative exploration, user unerstaning an prototype testing to provie a solution. Grauation requires the successful completion of 36 creits.
Classes are normally hel uring the aytime on weekays except 1 subject or some Electives that are elivere uring weekens. Each of these weeken subjects requires 3 weekens sprea over 4-5 weeks.
It normally takes 1 year to complete the specialism.
· A Bachelor’s egree in esign or the equivalent in a relate iscipline is require.
· Portfolios will be reviewe uring the selection process.
Master of Design (Urban Environments Design)
This full-time international postgrauate programme respons to the unpreceente urban transformations occurring uring the past few ecaes in Hong Kong an China. Urban Environments Design aims at the evelopment of a high level of intellectual an practical mastery of the analysis an esign of iverse urban environments in the region, with broaer implications for urban contexts worlwie. The approach of the Urban Environments Design is base on an unerstaning of socio-cultural ynamics of the regional context transferre into new esign strategies an esign interventions.
Primarily a stuio experience, some projects will be sponsore by private an public sector partners with a real-worl context provie as the base for collaborative workshops. This is a full-time 1.5-year programme. Theory an metho subjects are typically elivere uring weekens over four consecutive weeks each. A Capstone Project conclues the programme with an experience that synthesises learning in a real-worl setting. Classes are normally hel uring the aytime on weekays. Some subjects will be elivere uring weekens. Each of the weeken subjects requires three weekens sprea over 4–5 weeks.
It normally takes 1.5 year to complete the specialism.
· A Bachelor’s egree in spatial esign or the equivalent in a relate iscipline is require.
· Portfolios will be reviewe uring the selection process.
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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