1) 采取7分制录取标准,ANU会综合评估同学们的本科学校背景和平均分,按照自己的标准算出分数,并对申请人进行排名,择优录取;
2) 在读学生至少要提供7个学期的成绩 (3年制学位提供5个学期成绩) 才能提交申请;
3) 申请分为三轮,额满即止;
4) 拿到录取后不再接受延期,需要在有效时间内接受offer;
5) 不再提供语言班,必须提供合格的雅思成绩申请才会被审理。
对于绝大多数专业也是可以的,ANU推出了 Discipline Diversity pathway,除了以下本科和硕士专业外,其他所有专业都可以正常申请ANU College的语言班,通过语言班后升入正课就读。
Bachelor of Accounting
Bachelor of Actuarial Stuies
Bachelor of Avance Computing
Bachelor of Avance Computing (Research & Development)
Bachelor of Applie Data Analytics
Bachelor of Asia-Pacific Affairs (Ritsumeikan)
Bachelor of Business Aministration
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Economics
Bachelor of Finance
Bachelor of Finance, Economics & Statistics
Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of International Business
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Actuarial Stuies & Economics)
Bachelor of Software Engineering
Bachelor of Statistics
Master of Accounting
Master of Actuarial Practice
Master of Actuarial Stuies
Master of Applie Data Analytics
Master of Applie Economics
Master of Applie Finance
Master of Business Aministration
Master of Business Aministration (Avance)
Master of Business Information Systems
Master of Commerce
Master of Computing
Master of Cyber Security & Risk Management
Master of Economic Policy
Master of Economics
Master of Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Master of Finance
Master of Financial Economics
Master of Financial Management
Master of International Management
Master of Leaership
Master of Management
Master of Management (Tsinghua)
Master of Marketing Management
Master of Military & Defence Stuies
Master of Professional Accounting
Master of Project Management
Master of Science Communication (NUS)
Master of Statistics
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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