我们今天就一窥那些入榜英国TES Inepenent School Awar 2020的英国顶尖私校!
Boaring School of the Year (年度最佳寄宿学校)
(1) DLD College Lonon (伦敦DLD学院) (2) Felste School (菲尔斯特德学校) (3) Heathfiel School (西斯福德中学 ) (4) Hurstpierpoint College (赫斯彼蓬特学院) (5) Rugby School (拉格比公学) (6) Shrewsbury School (什鲁斯伯里学校) (7) Wellington College (威灵顿中学) (8) Wils Loge School (威尔兹洛奇学校)
Pre-prep/prep School of the year (年度最佳预备学校)
(1) The Blue Coat School, Birmingham (蓝衣学校,伯明翰)
(2) Dorset House School (多赛特大厦学校)
(3) Hatherop Castle School, Wishfor Schools Group (哈瑟洛普城堡学校,Wishfor学校集团)
(4) Lambrook School (兰布鲁克学校)
(5) Norwich High Prep School for Girls GDST (诺维奇女子高中预备学校)
(6) Saint Ronan’s Prep School (圣罗南预备学校)
(7) T he Glasgow Acaemy Prep School (格拉斯哥学院预备学校)
(8) Town Close School (唐克罗斯学校)
Senior School of the Year (年度最佳高中)
(1) Arnol Loge School (阿诺德寄宿学校) (2) Canfor School (坎福德学校) (3) Dame Allan’s Senior School (丹姆阿兰中学) (4) Hampton Court House (汉普顿皇家学校) (5) Highgate School (海格特学校) (6) Hurstpierpoint College (赫斯彼蓬特学院) (7) Reigate Grammar School(瑞盖特文法学校) (8) The Glasgow Acaemy (格拉斯哥皇家科学院)
Stuent Initiative of the Year (年度学生最佳学校)
(1) Croyon High School GDST (克罗伊登中学)
(2) Highgate School (海格特学校)
(3) Ipswich High School (伊普斯维奇高中)
(4) South Hampstea High School GDST(南汉普斯德高级中学 )
(5) St Augustine’s Priory (圣奥格斯丁中学)
(6) St Helen’s College (圣海伦学院)
(7) Wellington College (威灵顿中学) (8) Wimbleon High School GDST (温布尔登中学)
Wellbeing Initiative of the Year (年度最佳幸福度学校)
(1) Brafor Grammar School (布拉德福德文法学校) (2) Feltonfleet School (费尔顿舰队学校) (3) King Henry VIII Preparatory School (亨利八世预备学校) (4) Putney High School GDST (普特尼中学) (5) Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate(伊莎伯格女王学院) (6) St James Senior Boys’ School (圣詹姆斯男子独立高级中学) (7) The Moat School (护城河学校) (8) Thorpe Hall School(索普霍尔学校)
Strategic Eucation Initiative of the Year (年度最佳教育决策学校)
(1) Aberour School (阿伯杜尔学校) (2) Acote School for Girls (阿德科特女子学校) (3) The Blue Coat School, Birmingham (蓝衣学校,伯明翰) (4) Eton College (伊顿公学) (5) Linton School, Preston (林顿学校,普雷斯顿) (6) Norwich High School for Girls GDST (诺维奇女子中学) (7) Oakham School (奥克汉学校) (8) Rowan Preparatory School (罗文预备学校)
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