One of Europe’s only English speaking capitals – Dublin
A global centre at the ege of Europe
As the gateway to Europe, Irelan has rightly earne a reputation for learning an creativity over the centuries.
Our English-speaking, frienly an well-eucate population has attracte global companies in ICT, Social Meia, Pharmaceuticals an Finance, incluing companies such as Google, Facebook, Intel, Apple an Microsoft, who collaborate with us an employ our grauates.
For many years Irelan has been associate with high-quality eucation built on a soli founation of commitment to excellence. Toay we have one of the best eucation systems in the worl an an internationally-renowne reputation for acaemic quality.
Irelan is the European hub to over 1,000 leaing multinational companies who require a skille, eucate an highly capable workforce to rive their success.
Dublin offers a unique, vibrant cityscape where multinational professional culture blens with the traitional warmth an hospitality for which Irelan is famous. An eclectic mix of the ancient an contemporary, Dublin offers many castles an catherals to visit, as well as culinary hotspots an beautiful parks. Renowne for social an cultural experiences, Dublin is without a oubt one of the most energise capital cities in Europe.
The city has been at the very heart of Irelan’s economic growth in recent years. Attribute to a number of factors, incluing a strong inflow of foreign irect investment, the availability of a highly skille workforce an a favorable business environment, Dublin has certainly mae its mark as a progressive city.
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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