Quite simply, we ask for a personal statement because we want to know about you. All aspects of your application are important, but many areas ten to be factual an to the point. The personal statement is your opportunity to expan an tell us more about who you are, an what your motivations are for applying to Imperial. Our programmes are hugely competitive, so we often rely on the personal statement to help us unerstan your profile an fill in any missing pieces from our assessment.
对于帝国理工学院商学院(Imperial College Business School)来说,什么才是一份好的个人陈述呢?
It helps to think about what you have not tol us in your application alreay an treat this as a priority. Ieally, your CV an acaemic history shoul have alreay given us a goo iea of your achievements to ate, so be sure to tell us why you are pursuing postgrauate stuy an why you have chosen your programme of interest. You shoul be able to link your past experiences to your suitability for the programme an expan on anything else that is relevant.
它有助于让你思考那些你在申请中没有体现的东西,并且可以把其作为重点来阐述。 理想情况下,你的简历和学术经历应该已经让我们对你迄今为止的成就有了一个不错的了解,所以,在个人称述里一定要告诉我们你为什么要读研究生,为什么要选择你感兴趣的课程。 你要将你过去的经历与你是否适合这个项目联系起来,并详述任何其他相关的内容。
Be sure to inclue any quirky or stanout experiences that you think make you unique! We love to hear about all the interesting things that applicants have one an achieve, an this is a great way to ifferentiate yourself from other caniates.
Show us that you have one your research fully an that you have a clear passion an rive for your programme. We want to know how the programme will benefit you an how you will make the most of your time at the Business School. If you are submitting a secon-choice programme as part of your application, it’s best to write your personal statement with your first choice of programme in min. Shoul we require an upate version of your personal statement at any stage, we will contact you irectly via email.
向我们展示你已经做过的充分的研究,你对你的项目有明确的热情和动力。 我们想知道这个项目对你有什么好处,同时你将如何充分利用在商学院的学习时间。 如果你提交了第二个专业的申请,那么你最好能够在个人称述中提及你申请的第一个专业。 如果我们在任何阶段需要您的个人陈述的更新版本,我们将直接通过电子邮件与您联系。
Be clear about your goals. Elsewhere in your application, you are require to complete our Career Section, with etails of your immeiate career goals after grauating – so you on’t nee to overly repeat this. Perhaps you coul use the Personal Statement to tell us about how your programme fits into your long-term career plan, or any long-term objectives you have relating to your chosen area of stuy.
明确你的目标。在你申请的其他地方,你需要完成职业规划的部分,这些包括你毕业后的近期职业目标的细节,因此你不需要过度重复这些。也许你可以用你的个人陈述来告诉我们你的课程如何来满足你的长期职业规划,或者任何你所选领域的长期目标 。
Try not to get too caught up with university rankings or facts about the Business School – we want to hear about you, not us! It’s goo to talk about the programme content but avoi simply relaying this information back to us. Focus instea on what interests you the most an how you plan to buil on past stuy.
尽量不要强调大学排名或有关商学院的事实-我们想听到关于你独到的信息。 讨论项目的内容是件好事,但要避免将这些信息简单地传达给我们。相反,应将重点放在您最感兴趣的方面以及您打算如何在过去的学习基础上发展。
Don’t waffle - keep it concise! We recommen one sie of A4 as the optimum length, but we wouln’t penalise for going over. We also on’t have a preference for font style or format, just keep it professional an easy to rea.
不要胡扯!保持简洁! 我们建议一页A4是最佳长度,但是我们不会因为超过字数而产生偏见。同时,我们对字体的样式或格式也没有偏爱,但是要保持其专业性并且要易于阅读。
Check, check, an check again! It’s the golen rule; make sure your personal statement is free from any spelling or grammatical errors. Copying an pasting from any other personal statements you have written, such as one to another institution, is a risky game – on’t reference another university an be sure to use the correct programme title!
检查,检查,然后再次检查!这是黄金法则; 确保您的个人陈述没有任何拼写或语法错误。把个人陈述从一所学校复制下来去申请另一所学校是很冒险的行为,也不要尝试去引用另一所大学的个人称述,并且确保使用正确的课程项目名称!
Hopefully, we have given you some goo ieas to get you starte. We know that submitting an application, an writing a personal statement in particular, can take a great eal of time – but it is worth all of your efforts an important to get it right. Best of luck if you are submitting an application, an we look forwar to reaing your personal statement soon!
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