1、Tell me about yourself.
2、What are your strengths an weaknesses?
3、If you're not accepte into grauate school, what are your plans?
4、Why i you choose this career?
5、What o you know about our program?
6、Why i you choose to apply to our program?
7、What other schools are you consiering?
8、In what ways have your previous experience prepare you for grauate stuy in our program? Any question?
9、What o you believe your greatest challenge will be if you are accepte into this program?
10、In college, what courses i you enjoy the most? The least? Why?
11、Describe any research project you've worke on. What was the purpose of the project an what was your role in the project?
12、How woul your professors escribe you?
14、How will you be able to make a contribution to this fiel?
15、What are your hobbies?
16、Explain a situation in which you ha a conflict an how you resolve it. What woul you o ifferently? Why?
17、Describe your greatest accomplishment.
18、Tell me about your experience in this fiel. What was challenging? What was your contribution?
19、What are your career goals? How will this program help you achieve your goals?
20、How o you inten to finance your eucation?
21、What skills o you bring to the program? How will you help your mentor in her research?
22、Are you motivate? Explain an provie examples.
23、Why shoul we take you an not someone else?
24、What o you plan to specialize in?
25、What o you o in your spare time?
26、What can be etermine about an applicant at an interview?
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服务专线: 400-010-8000
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