· Master of Business Information Systems
· Master of Marketing Management
两个专业2018年semester 2 即将满位,现在持有两个专业的学生需要在14天内接受offer,否则学校将不能保证还有空余的位置。
原文: We are writing to avise that, ue to unpreceente eman an to ensure that the high quality of the programs is maintaine, places in the following two ANU egrees are now limite:
· Master of Business Information Systems
· Master of Marketing Management
Any stuents currently holing offers for these programs commencing in Semester 2, 2018 will nee to accept their offer within the next 14 calenar ays in orer to guarantee their place. After this ate, whilst there may still be places available in the program, we cannot guarantee that they will be able to accept their offer.
Once places in the program have been completely fille an acceptances are close, you will receive a further communication from our office.
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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