国际学生:该计划有资格获得opt stem扩展名。
the egree requirements inclue six require courses an two courses from each of two lists of electives for a minimum total of 30 units.
gsba 548 corporate financeunits: 2, 3
﹙note: gsba 548 for 3 units satisfies this requirement. o not register for the 2 unit version.﹚
fbe 559 management of financial riskunits: 3 or
ise 563 financial engineeringunits: 3
ee 503 probability for electrical an computer engineersunits: 4
ee 512 stochastic processesunits: 3
ee 518 mathematics an tools for financial engineeringunits: 4
ee 590 irecte researchunits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
﹙1 unit require﹚
electives ﹙aviser-approve﹚
finance, business, economics area:
two courses ﹙6-8 units﹚ from the following:
econ 500 microeconomic analysis an policyunits: 4
econ 501 macroeconomic analysis an policyunits: 4
econ 613 economic an financial time series iunits: 4
fbe 529 financial analysis an valuationunits: 3
fbe 535 applie finance in fixe income securitiesunits: 1.5, 3
﹙3 units require﹚
fbe 540 hege funsunits: 3
fbe 543 forecasting an risk analysisunits: 3
fbe 554 traing an exchangesunits: 3
fbe 555 investment analysis an portfolio managementunits: 3
fbe 589 mortgages an mortgage-backe securities an marketsunits: 3
ise 566 financial accounting analysis for engineeringunits: 3
optimization, simulations, stochastic systems:
two courses ﹙6-8 units﹚ from the following:
csci 455x introuction to programming systems esignunits: 4
csci 570 analysis of algorithmsunits: 4
csci 567 machine learningunits: 4
ee 588 optimization for the information an ata sciencesunits: 4
ise 525 esign of experimentsunits: 3
ise 529 preictive analyticsunits: 3
ise 530 optimization methos for analyticsunits: 3
ise 536 linear programming an extensionsunits: 3
ise 539 stochastic elements of simulationunits: 3
units require: 30
return to: electrical an computer engineering – ming hsieh epartment of electrical an computer engineering
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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