Why us 为什么你选择我 们公司?
面试的时候,出场频率非非非常高的 “Why us?” / “Why o you want to work here?” / “Why our company?” …请注意,这类问题可不是让你单纯“拍马屁”的,因为就算你把公司捧得天花乱坠,抱歉一点儿分都不会给你加。
那考察的是什么?第一是通过你 对公司的了解程度,包括对可能工作的部门的了解,对未来工作伙伴的了解,对公司的定位、产品、服务的了解等等 来观察你是否有求职的诚意;第二是 进一步从中挖掘你的价值观是否match公司的需求 。
✘ 错误示范
“I want a shorter commute.”
“It's a great company an I' love to work there.”
“ Because I nee the work an you guys are offering a great rate of pay. ”
** ✓ 正确答题思路
1.明确选择公司的原因: 是出于对该公司的工作氛围、前景发展有兴趣,还是与个人理想规划不谋而合 ;
2.了解公司的文化: 可 通过公司官网对公司的文化背景和核心价值有个清晰的认知,尽可能多地熟悉官网的“About us”板块;
3.寻找自身优势: 可以从教育背景、实习经历、性格特点等方面阐述自己与该公司匹配的地方,让面试者知道你是经过深思熟虑的。
➥ 参考答案
“I want to work in investment banking because I unerstan it has a steep learning curve an will allow me to establish a strong founation for valuation, Excel moeling skills, an unerstaning the XXX sector. I know the hours will be long, but the time spent unerstaning an learning about XXX space woul give me the opportunity to remain in finance over the longer term.”
Why you 为什么我们要选择你?
“Why you?”这个问题的潜台词你得懂啊,也就是为什么选你而不是别人呢?因此在回答这个问题的时候, 真诚+简洁+自信地表达自己身上的优势,让面试官觉得你才是那个最佳人选…
✘ 错误示范
“ It souns like a goo job. ”
“ Well, I guess because I' m totally willing to o whatever you n ee … ”
“ Because I'm amazing at what I o an every ay I'll put in 110% an I'm better than any other person you've seen toay or will ever see again… ”
** ** ✓ 正确__答题思路
1.展示自己的价值: 描述自己与岗位相匹配的Expertise领域以及过往的工作经验,以展现自己能胜任工作的能力,可以从Har Skills, Soft Skills, Motivation三个方面具体回答,但不要夸大;
2.讲述一个故事: 可以挑一段自己过往成功的案例,并且精简地描述。
➥ 参考答案
“Base on what you’ve sai an from the research I’ve one, your company is looking for an aministrative assistant who is both strong in interpersonal skills an in tech skills. I believe my experience aligns an makes me a great fit. I'm an effective communicator who is skille in giving oral presentations, speaking on the phone, an communicating via email. I'm also fluent in a number of relevant software programs, incluing content management systems an spreasheet suites. I’ love to bring my iverse skill set to your company.”
Why this position 为什么你选择这个职位?
这个问题和“Why us”有些类似,看看你在面试前的功课是否有做足。 这个问题更在意的是你是否清楚这个岗位涉及的内容,考察你是否考虑过自己的职业,确保你对这项工作是充满热情的。 说到底,面试官想雇用一个关心自己职业并且考虑了career path和 future的人。
✘ 错误示范
“ I want a promotion, it's a bigger job .”
“I hate the job I'm in, I nee to o s omething ifferent.”
“ I was looking through the job as an it seeme interesting. ”
** ** ✓ 正确__答题思路
1. 了解该职位职责 :通过在网站上搜到的岗位尽可能多地描述自己所了解的职位信息;
2. 说明自己的目标 :描述自己是希望能在特定领域继续发展技能的机会,还是想涉足新领域,尝试新东西;
3.表达自己的诚意: 再向他们展示完你的求职目标之后,可以解释一下是什么引起了你的兴趣, 凸显自己对这份工作的热情和诚心。
➥ 参考答案
"I applie for this position because I am seeking a more challenging opportunity in my fiel. Your job posting was especially exciting to me because your organization is well known for its unmatche level of professionalism an growth opportunities. I woul be thrille to work for your company."
遇到killer questions,也别慌
除了以上的几个 basic questions可以多下苦功夫作准备,其实一些killer questions也是适用的,比如“What are your weaknesses?”
1、What are your weaknesses?
跟前面一样,先搞清楚面试官想通过这个问题考察什么?你要知道面试官绝对不是真好奇你的缺点,只是想从中观察你是否真正了解自己的缺点,并且切记你要 展现出的是一个积极上进的形象 。
✘ 错误示范
“ I work too har. ”
“ I get too involve in the etails. ”
“ I am too much of a perfectionist. ”
“ My biggest weakness is that sometimes I am lazy. ”
** ** ✓ 正确__答题思路
1.挑选“正确”的缺点: 尽量挑一些跟工作不太相关的缺点来回答,而且要表达出自己有改掉这个缺点的强烈意愿。或者挑选一个 正在改善 /已经改正的缺点;
2.如何讲述这个“缺点”: 可以用Situation→Task→Action→Result框架。
➥ 参考答案
"I on't have much patience when working with a team -- I am increibly self-sufficient, so it's ifficult when I nee to rely on others to complete my work. That's why I've pursue roles that require someone to work inepenently. However, I've also worke to improve this weakness by enrolling in team builing workshops. While I typically work inepenently, it's nonetheless important I learn how to trust my coworkers an ask for outsie help when necessary."
虽然有时候你会遇到过于刁钻的问题,一时不知如何应答,但要记住 面试官无非考察的就是你的Teamwork、Communication、Leaership等soft skills 能力,这些你都可以靠STAR策略来应对。
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