申请帝国理工学院商科的学子们或多或少都听说过ICBS臭名昭著的Kira Interview,因为这个考试系统出题随机且非常考核面试人的临场发挥能力和平时积累,那么有没有什么办法可以提前摸透这个考试的出题套路?如何去做面试准备?
Stuents will be require to unertake a vieo interview comprise of four verbal an one written question esigne to assess communication skills, well-rouneness, presence, global-orientation an financial/commercial awareness. 学生将被要求进行一次视频面试,包括四个口头和一个书面问题,旨在评估学生的沟通技巧、知识储备全面性、参与度、全球定位和金融/商业意识。
2、关于Kira Interview的介绍:
2015年后,帝国理工商学院大幅采用Vieo Interview(视频录像)来选拔申请者。相对以往的一对一Skype面试,这种每题只有20-30秒时间准备、45-60秒回答的视频录像面试对不少同学而言难度更大,因为它对英文口语、时间把控和快速思考能力有更高的要求,整个面试过程加上调试总时长不超过10分钟。Kira Talent是一个网络面试系统,除了IC之外世界很多顶尖大学的面试都采取该系统进行,分为视频录制面试和笔试部分,最终对申请者做出综合评价。一般申请递交后,学校在初审后针对入围的学生才会发来Kira面试邀请链接,链接可以直接进入Kira Interview网页版(Kira也有App版可以自己提前下载刷面试题库,直接在APP Store搜索Kira Interview即可下载),正式面试是网页版进行,建议学生们提前调试好录音设备、视频设备。
下面说一下用网页版进行的步骤:(使用Chrome或Firefox浏览器,建议两个都下载以备用,然后提前调试安装Aobe Flash插件确保浏览器视频正常播放。特别提示浏览器务必关闭电脑防火墙和浏览器广告拦截功能)
第三项:出现很多问题的硬件测试关,包括了测试你的浏览器,是否安装aobe flash,测试上传和下载的网速,测试摄像头和麦克风。
3、面试题库样题 Sample Questions in Kira Interview:
*Tell three things we shoul know about you.(答题思路:这就是show your selling points。此类问题的变形,比如,给我3个你的strengthens,在别人眼里你是一个怎样的人,用三个字来形容你。要知道,你所有的申请package可都是一个整体,必须要做到前后连贯,彼此呼应,有主题有爆点的whole package。而这个面试就是其中的一个材料。所以,结合自己的卖点来进行推销,才能更好地讲出who you are。那理想的卖点会有哪些呢?一个该项目最看重的点。比如fintech或business analytics的analytcial/programming skills,比如MBA的leaership。虽然我们是申请master,但leaership永远是商学院最看重的点,如果你有这个优点,无论你申请哪个program请一定要show出来。还有,如果你曾经在多国生活过,可以体现你的多文化iversity。)
*Introuce yourself to us. (答题思路:自我介绍,自报姓名专业院校10秒,剩下的时间要充分挖掘自己的显著优势让听者第一时间记住你和你的特点)
*The most challenging course in your unergrauate. What i you learn an how it means to your postgrauate stuy? (答题思路:首先要明确一点,觉得most challenging不代表这节课你的成绩差,你学得不好,只是这节课的课程内容真的比较难而已。所以,千万别写entry level course,一定要是高阶课程,比如,stochastic process,machine learning。回答的时候,你就要说,我在xx时间上的xx课,我觉得是most challenging的,这节课教了xx内容,我学到了xx。我准备在master stuy中如何更好地提高这方面的知识。)
*Why you are intereste in our programme? Why our university? (文书信息表参照内容已有填写,建议消化为更个性化的答案,除了归纳该学校该专业的亮点之外可以加一些对于城市、学校的个人选择偏好原因)
*The traits or skills you have will help you bevaluable in finance inustry. (for finance relate programme) How woul you make an impact on the inustry you expect to evelop your career in? An how will you remain relevant? (这个问题考察了两点。一,你对自己要申请的行业的理解,二是,你之前为了未来要进入这个行业所做的准备。)
*Your favorite thing about our school. (不再赘述)
*Share with us the funniest thing happene to you recently. (答题思路:学校想要全面了解你的personality和who you are,你除了是一个学霸,是一个工作能力很强的人之外,你是不是一个有趣的人,对生活有热情的人,这也是学校所关心的,所以尽情展示你的uniqueness吧。)
Is the interview important?
“It’s very important. It’s basically the eciing factor for the college to accept the stuent. The Interview is where we fin out if the stuent is actually the person who wrote the application essays. Sometimes what happens is the stuent gets other people to o the application, but these people can’t o the interview for them. If we fin that the experience they talk about uring the interview is not the right experience, or the stuent’s English is not as well spoken as it seeme on their application, then… (they will be rejecte). The Interview is the “ecision maker”.
Can you really tell who’s cheating?
“Sometimes it’s har for us to select if they were traine really har to pass the interview, or got consultations from some professionals, unless the applicants themselves feel too nervous an it turns out as if they have been cheating or something.”
On a scale of 1% to 100%, how important is the interview in an application? How many stuents are invite to the interview each year?
“That kin of varies. I can’t put a percentage on that. Obviously, the first step of the application is to meet the minimum requirement, an that in itself is 100%. If you on’t meet one of the criteria, you’ll be rejecte. If you go through that process, then a bran new process starts, which is the application an the references. If you can’t get the references, again, you will be rejecte.
An then you get the application itself. If the personal statement an essays are not great, you’ll be rejecte. If your experiences an CV aren’t great, you’ll be rejecte.
Technically, each of these has an equal percentage — 20% for the requirements, 20% for the references, 40% for the statements (personal statements & essays) an CV, an 20% for the interview. Each of them carries weight. “
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