奥克兰大学将与合作伙伴重庆西南大学(swu)和哈尔滨东北林业大学(nefu)合作建立两个学习中心。这些学习中心将使奥克兰大学的中国学生能够在著名的中国大学校园内参加 semester 2第二学期的同类学习环境。
学生们将获得$ 1,000新西兰元的搬迁津贴,这将有助于他们转到swu或nefu。他们将在这些大学上面授课,并从奥克兰大学工作人员处获得在线指导,并辅以学习辅导员,以亲自提供学术支持。
when the new zealan government move quickly to manage the covi-19 health crisis just before our first semester, over 2,000 of our stuents in china were unable to come to campus.
many of these stuents chose to stuy with us online, but many also ecie to efer or suspen their stuies until they coul return to in-person learning on campus.
we are working with the new zealan government on options to welcome international stuents back to our aucklan campus as soon as possible, but plans have not yet been confirme for semester two, 2020.
we are now please to launch the university of aucklan china learning centresfor our stuents currently in china.
the university of aucklan will launch two learning centres in collaboration with our partners southwest university ﹙swu﹚ in chongqing annortheast forestry university ﹙nefu﹚ in harbin. these learning centres will enable our stuents in china to join a cohort learning environment at a prestigious chinese university campus for semester 2.
stuents will receive a $1,000 nz relocation allowance, which will assist in their move to swu or nefu. they will atten physical classes at these universities, an receive online instruction from university of aucklan staff, complemente by learning facilitators available for acaemic support in person.
this collaboration represents the chance for stuents to begin or continue stuy for an aucklan egree, in a campus setting within china. courses are on offer in eucation, science, economics, engineering an arts.
i woul like the opportunity to offer our elite agent partners in china the opportunity to recruit stuents to atten classes at the learning centers.
more information about the clcs, programmes an frequently aske questions is available at this link: web laning pages
we woul like to receive your interest to take part in our recruitment for the learning centres. my team will provie your counselors with the require information to promote this option to potential stuents.
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