想去香港学商科,但是不想考 gmat ,可以去吗?
当然可以!确实,香港商科的竞争力非常激烈,对学生的要求也很高,但是仍然有一部分专业是不需要提供 gmat 的。下面刘老师总结了一一些香港商科中不需要提交 gmat 成绩的专业。
专业: master of economics 经济学
1. shoul have a goo backgroun in mathematics or statistics ﹙preferre﹚;
2. ielts ﹙acaemic﹚: 6.5
专业一: msc in economics 经济学
1. shoul have a goo backgroun in mathematics or statistics ﹙preferre﹚;
2. ielts ﹙acaemic﹚: 6.5.
专业一: master of science program in accounting 会计学
1. applicants seeking amission to a master’s egree program shoul have obtaine a bachelor’s egree from a recognize institution, or an approve equivalent qualification.
2. ielts ﹙acaemic moule﹚: overall score: 6.0 an all sub-score: 5.5
备注:港科的会计学学校虽然没有明确说一定要提交 gmat 成绩,但是官网中也有说到,如果可以提供 gmat ,也是有优势的。
专业二: master of science program in economics 经济学
1. applicants seeking amission to a master’s egree program shoul have obtaine a bachelor’s egree from a recognize institution, or an approve equivalent qualification.
2. ielts ﹙acaemic moule﹚: overall score: 6.0 an all sub-score: 5.5
值得注意的是,香港城市大学商学院下面的专业除了工商管理之外均未要求学生提供 gmat 成绩,城大作为香港顶尖院校,综合排名更是名列全球前 50 ,所以商学院对于 gmat 成绩较为宽松的政策,对于没有时间准备 gmat 考试的学生来说是一个绝佳的选择,但是随之而来的竞争力也很大,所以同学们要提早规划 ,尽早准备。
专业一: master of science in accountancy
1.a bachelor’s egree in accounting or other relevant isciplines
2.an overall ban score of at least 6 in the international english language testing system ﹙ielts﹚.
专业二: master of science in business management 商业管理
1.a bachelor’s egree in accounting or other relevant isciplines
2.an overall ban score of at least 6 in the international english language testing system ﹙ielts﹚.
专业三:master of science in china business stuies 中国商贸管理
1.a bachelor’s egree or equivalent professional qualifications in relevant fiels of business
2.an overall ban score of at least 6 in the international english language testing system ﹙ielts﹚.
专业四: master of science in management ﹙human resource management﹚ 人力资源管理
1.a bachelor’s egree or equivalent professional qualifications in relevant fiels of business
2.an overall ban score of at least 6 in the international english language testing system ﹙ielts﹚.
专业五: master of science in marketing management 市场营销管理
1.a bachelor’s egree or equivalent acaemic/professional qualifications.
2.an overall ban score of at least 6 in the international english language testing system ﹙ielts﹚.
港浸会除了应用会计和金融专业需要带 gmat ,其余专业均不需要。其中应用经济学和商业管理虽然没有强制性要求提供 gmat ,但有提到会优先考虑有 gmat 成绩的学生。
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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