不列颠哥伦比亚大学位于加拿大温哥华市,始建于1908年,前身为麦吉尔大学不列颠哥伦比亚分校(mcgill university college of british columbia),于1915年获批独立,加拿大著名公立研究型大学,加拿大u15研究型大学联盟、环太平洋大学联盟、全球大学高研院联盟、universitas 21和英联邦大学协会成员,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省历史最悠久的大学之一。
the two-year m.a. program offers stuents the opportunity to pursue cinema an meia stuies through coursework an an m.a. thesis project. stuents are expecte to give primary attention to an area of expertise of their choice while training in the broaer theoretical, critical, an historical contexts of the fiel.
the ma was rename to “cinema an meia stuies” from “film stuies” for the cohort entering in september 2019. ubc’s ma in film stuies existe between 1984 an 2018 an grauate nearly 50 stuents in that time.
faculty research specialties inclue strengths in contemporary cinemas an meia culture, one that highlights meia an film theory, cult cinema, ocumentary stuies, early cinema, feminist an post-feminist meia stuies, american, canaian an european cinemas, television stuies, an soun stuies. there are particular strengths in contemporary anglophone cinema an television proucts an cultures within a global context. our stuents occasionally engage with professors an stuents in our renowne irecting, esign an film prouction grauate programs.
area of stuy
· mass communication/meia stuies
· film/cinema/vieo stuies
the faculty of grauate an postoctoral stuies establishes the minimum amission requirements common to all applicants, usually a minimum overall average in the b+ range ﹙76% at ubc﹚.
toefl ﹙ibt﹚ overall score requirement 100
ibt reaing 22
ibt writing 21
ibt listening 22
ibt speaking 21
application open ate:25 september 2020
canaian applicant ealine:01 ecember 2020
international applicant ealine:01 ecember 2020
the mm is canaa’s first professional grauate program in igital meia focusing on the creation of igital meia solutions for real worl problems. stuents come from a variety of backgrouns incluing filmmaking, engineering, game esign, business analysis, architecture, software engineers, artists, primatology, biology, an avertising to name a few.
house at the centre for igital meia in vancouver bc, this intensive 12 month program engages stuents through coursework an projects to evelop essential communication, collaboration & leaership skills. the unique curriculum meets the nees of the new an expaning igital meia markets across all business verticals incluing but not limite to healthcare, eucation, business an the entertainment inustry.
guie by top-level faculty an inustry mentors, stuents work closely with clients an peers on team-base, inustry supporte igital meia projects. this experience allows grauates the know-how an confience to work at the highest level across all sectors as creators, proucers, innovators or entrepreneurs.
in toay's igital economy, master of igital meia grauates are in high eman. stuents grauate from the mm program with the skills to work in the top jobs in the igital meia inustry. mm grauates work as:
§ project managers
§ proucers
§ software engineers
§ prouct managers
§ art irectors
§ ux/ui esigners
§ soun esigners
§ game esigners
§ technical artists
§ entrepreneurs
igital meia evelops six core competencies: esign process, self-awareness, time management, articulation, information literacy, an teamwork.
minimum score of 100 in the test of english as a foreign language ﹙toefl﹚, with no less than a score of 20 in each category.
samples of your work / see our tips for prospective stuents
uploa up to five igital samples or works that best emonstrate your skills in igital meia. you can raw from a wie range of items incluing exhibite art, esigns, film or vieo, computer software coe ﹙please inclue an ocument at least 100 lines of original coe that you create﹚, engineering esigns or some other prouct that resulte from your previous work. please inclue a 250 - 500 wor summary explaining how the items in the collection relate to each other an to your strengths. if an item is a collaborative effort, please clearly state your role in its prouction.
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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