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多大语言考试COPE Sample Test

2020-07-20 10:04:01



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Sample Questions for ELDA/COPE

As this is a test of your proficiency in the English language, you are not being teste on your knowlege of specific areas of stuy. Texts are create for the non-specialist reaer an listener. You are being teste on your ability to comprehen only the information presente in the tests.

All three parts of COPE are base on the iea of "CHANGE". For example, the Lecture eals with changes that affect the whole planet. The Summary focusses on recent evelopments that affect our aily lives. The Fill-in-the Blanks section escribes historic change in societies an cultures across the worl. The Reaing Comprehension text examines socio-economic change in Canaa. The test is esigne so that language an ieas from one section may help in other parts.

  1. The COPE Reaing Test is ivie into four parts which take 90 minutes in total to complete an are worth 40 marks

(10 marks each). You must score 50% to reach Level 1, an at least 70% to reach Level 2.

Part A: Free Response [10 marks]

Both Parts A an B are base on the same text which consists of neutral, factual information. In the present COPE series, we are focussing on environmental concerns. You shoul rea the 8 paragraph passage as a whole first. In Part A, you are expecte to write a short (2-3 paragraph) essay base on the main ieas in the passage. Many caniates fail this part of the test because they try to introuce their own ieas at this point. This is not appropriate as we are trying to fin out how much you have unerstoo of the writer's ieas, an we state this clearly on the test paper. For the same reason, we expect you to answer this question in your own wors as far as possible in orer to emonstrate that you have unerstoo the content. If you copy irectly from the passage without any evience of comprehension, no marks can be given. N.B: Your answer is marke for reaing comprehension only, not for writing proficiency or style.

The free response prompt is phrase as a statement which you have to either explain or efen.

E.G. Accoring to the passage, explain how we can help prevent environmental amage.

Part B: Reaing Comprehension : Multiple Choice [10 marks]

In Part B, the passage has been reprouce in the form of 8 separate paragraphs which are followe by multiple choice questions. There are 10 questions altogether. The questions are base on information that is state in the text or can be inferre (unerstoo, but not irectly state) from the text. Each question is followe by four possible answers. You must choose one best answer (a), (b), (c), or () an circle or check the appropriate answer on the Answer Sheet. Each correct answer is worth one mark. If you are not sure of the right answer, make the best guess you can. No marks are eucte for incorrect answers.

Example: This is one paragraph taken from a longer text on the topic of environmental egraation.

Since environmental issues are eeply interconnecte, improvements in one sector will benefit others. Forest protection helps control greenhouse gases, preserves watershes an protects species from extinction. Planting more trees can improve the local an regional climate. It also provies jobs now an in the future. Energy conservation will result in lower emissions of air pollutants, reucing the risk of climate change an harmful effects on health. If for no other reason than to protect our own health an the health of our chilren, we must evelop a new an respectful approach to our environment. Iniviually an collectively, we have the power to uno much of the harm that has been one an to reuce our future impact on the environment.

Question 1. The writer believes that protection of the environment epens on

a) concentrating on one problem at a time

b) allowing our chilren to lea healthy lives

c) using energy to increase life expectancy

) *changing our attitue to problems we have create.

[The best answer here woul be choice (). Choice (a) is a logical possibility when face with any task but not what this writer suggests. Choice (b) is clearly important but is an outcome of environmental protection, not a way of achieving it. Choice (c) makes no sense in this context.]

Question 2. The unerline wor emissions in this paragraph is closest in meaning to

a) grae b)*levels c) losses ) vacancies [Choice (b) woul be best although it is not an exact synonym of emissions.]

Part C: Fill-in-the-gaps [10 marks]

In this section, you are given a short passage ivie into four paragraphs. You answer 20 questions worth 1/2 mark each totaling 10 marks. The first an fourth paragraphs are complete in orer to familiarize you with the content of the text. Rea the whole text first. In the secon paragraph, you circle the most appropriate wor from a sequence of 3 unerline wors at 10 ifferent points in the text. In the thir paragraph, there are 10 gaps to be fille in with a wor or wors of your own choice which are appropriate to the meaning an structure of the passage. A shortene example follows.

Hint: try to o this task as quickly as possible because the more subconsciously ä you o it, the more likely you are to fin the right wor.

The growth of Malacca as a centre of sea trae

Paragraph One

At the en of the 15th century hunres of merchants from Arabia, Persia, Inia an China, as well as Inonesia closer at han, flocke together every year in Malacca, which was then the centre of inter-Asian trae. Like a rich an colourful pageant uner the blazing tropical sun, this busy eastern market mae an inelible impression on the first Europeans who visite Malacca. …..

Paragraph Two

The main reasons for its popularity was that it ha a goo 1. a) shallow b)* sheltere c) shae harbour which was accessible in the monsoon season an safe in any weather. Also, there were no angerous sanbanks an rocks which coul 2. a) rown b) isplay c)* amage the ships. The Gujurati in particular came 3. a) *in b) on c) an large numbers. As the most able seafarers in those ays in that part of the worl, they manne the ships of Gujurat, which was the most important traing country on the west coast of Inia at the time……………….


1. All three wors can be use to escribe a harbour, but the rest of the sentence tells you that it is a goo harbour which is accessible in any weather. Therefore it is unlikely to be shallow , while shae refers to protection from the sun, not wins an rain ; therefore, sheltere is a better choice.

2. The wor angerous shoul alert you to the possibility of something ba. As isplay means to show off, it is unlikely to be the best choice. Drown is ba but is normally use of living things, not of ships. Damage is a consequence of anger an is the best choice here.

3. Here you must carefully examine the grammar, not just the meaning. An is impossible in front of a consonant an a plural noun. On can be use after came in contexts which suggest movement forwar. In this case came means arrive while in large numbers is a common phrase use to escribe the size of a group, so is the best choice here.

Paragraph Three

Besies the seamen, there were the actual traers, merchants who were 1. consierable capital or valuable cargo. 2._ were agents of prominent foreign merchants who staye at home themselves an 3. on their business by proxy. There were also lesser traers 4. _ ha embarke with small freights only.


1 requires part of the verb phrase in a progressive (or continuous) form. In terms of meaning, the following wors woul fit: carrying, transporting or bringing.

2 requires a subject of the verb were an coul be They, Some, or Many, referring to merchants.

3 requires another verb governe by foreign merchants an, because the verb is followe by on, the only real possibility is carrie. Note that you can carry on business. It is in the past tense in agreement with staye.

4 The connective who refers to the lesser traers in the main clause an is the best grammatical choice here although moern English woul also allow that in its place.

Paragraph Four

As for the merchants establishe in Malacca, the large-scale traers were to be foun chiefly among the Klings an the Javanese. They sometimes succeee in acquiring positions of consierable power if they were authorize to act as representatives of their country but tene to live in resiential istricts separate from the local people.

Part D: Summary [10 marks]

The summary text reflects the writer's personal attitue or opinions. The COPE series focuses on current trens in society. The writer's comments are not always irectly state an can be negative or positive in bias. You may not agree with them. You are to rea the summary text for its argument rather than simply for information. Your task is to summarize the passage by inferring an explaining the main an supporting ieas in the format inclue below the text. The first question asks you to explain the writer's bias an main iea. The secon question requires you to explain the "supporting points" the author uses to efen the main point an you must relate these irectly to the main iea. Please limit your answers to the space provie. One or two sentences is usually enough to explain each point satisfactorily. You shoul not a your own ieas as support or objection to those of the writer, but use your own wors to explain the writer's ieas.

The following sample consists of the first two paragraphs of a summary text followe by the questions which appear on the test.

Green House

Here we go again. It seems the more we create a better worl in terms of home comforts, people run aroun saying we shoul o without them. Personally, I like lots of hot water for showers an baths. I also like my microwave oven, television set, stereo system, hair ryer an launry appliances. These ais make it possible for me to spen time on the things that really matter: my job an social life. But there are always people who think that such things are somehow sinful, an what o they o? They try to take them away from me. But it won't work. Our personal nees are too important.

For example, a local architect has built a self-sufficient house which will operate completely inepenently of basic utilities an city services. More than that, he claims that his esign will help the environment. But will it help me? Apparently the house will contain the following so-calle improvements. There will be a composting tank in the basement that processes sewage an provies one cubic foot of fertilizer for the garen every four years. I can't wait! Especially as I can buy some from the local nursery anytime. Drinking water will be supplie by rain an snow from an external tank, then treate with lime to neutralize aci cause by air pollution. Souns like a chemical cocktail to me. What if it oesn't work?

1) In the opinion of the writer, an environmentally frienly house ….[2 marks]


An environmentally frienly house is not a goo iea because people will not sacrifice their moern conveniences for environmental improvements.


is unlikely to succee because we are more concerne with personal comfort than the environmental nees of society as a whole.

[These are examples only. There are many ways of expressing the main iea but there shoul s be two parts to it: contrasting the personal with the larger goo. The bias is for personal satisfaction over public goo]

2) In your own wors, explain four examples the writer uses to support this main iea. Explain how they relate to the main iea. [8 marks]


1) we like our moern appliances/conveniences (microwave, hairryer etc.) because they save us time

2) we prefer convenience (ease of use) to har work (launry appliances etc.)

3) we are use to immeiate gratification an can't wait (compost)

4) we are concerne that the "improvements" might not be safe (chemical cocktail).

[They all relate to the main iea because they are examples of how personal nees outweigh environmental concerns]

HINTS. Avoi quoting irectly from the text. Quoting oes not emonstrate that you have unerstoo the meaning of the argument being mae in the summary. Explain how the supporting argument is connecte to the main argument or you will lose the secon mark in each case. Do not inclue too many ieas as the marker will assume that you i not unerstan the task.

Also, pay attention to the "tone" of the passage which is often ironic or sarcastic . Irony is when someone says one thing but means the opposite, or is implicitly criticizing the wor or wors use. For example, in the secon paragraph, the writer says ãI can't wait which suggests that he welcomes the new iea. But in this case, he is being sarcastic an means that he is not prepare to wait four years an is making fun of the iea!

  1. The COPE writing test consists of an essay which is loosely base on the ieas in the summary which you have just complete as part of the Reaing Test. The Reaing Test will alreay have been collecte before you receive the essay topic so that you cannot refer irectly to it; however, you will alreay have forme some ieas of your own. For example, a possible topic on Green House coul be

We shoul be willing to give up some personal conveniences in orer to buil environmentally frienly homes.

Do you agree or isagree with this opinion? You shoul support your answer with your own ieas an information. You can also use examples from the summary text if you wish.

Your essay is meant to be your own argument for or against a statement of opinion. You may take either sie, or even argue for both sies as long as you come to a conclusion. You have 35 minutes to complete your essay. Aim for an essay of 4-5 paragraphs, an take time to rea through your essay an make changes an corrections. Such corrections are treate as evience of language evelopment, not as errors. The essay is then score using a baning system which is reprouce for you below.

Writing Assessment Bans for non-native speakers of English ELDA. ©

Papers that score '3' emonstrate a superior ability to communicate effectively:

the ieas presente can be followe easily;

the main ieas an supporting etails can be easily ientifie an are

logically an coherently evelope in an appropriate organizational framework;

the writing shows a range of sentence types an vocabulary;

occasional minor errors in grammar or wor choice o not obscure meaning.

Papers that score '2' emonstrate a clear ability to communicate effectively:

the ieas presente can be followe with little ifficulty;

the main ieas an supporting etails can be ientifie an ieas are aequately evelope;

EITHER the writing emonstrates a range of sentence types an

vocabulary but contains surface errors in grammar or wor choice;

OR the writing is relatively accurate in terms of grammar an wor choice but

oes not emonstrate a range of sentence types or vocabulary.

Papers that score '1' emonstrate some ability to communicate effectively:

the ieas presente can be followe with some ifficulty;

the main ieas an supporting etails can be ientifie most of the time; however

arguments may lack relevance or coherence an may be only partially evelope;

complex sentences may be avoie or use incorrectly;

aequate use of grammar an vocabulary but contains errors that obscure meaning.

Papers that score '0' emonstrate little ability to communicate effectively:

the ieas presente are ifficult to follow or o not aress the topic;

the paper lacks a clear organizational structure an ieas are inaequately presente;

the writing shows a limite range of sentence structure an vocabulary an

contains frequent errors in sentence structure, grammar an vocabulary choice;

OR there is not enough to evaluate

  1. The COPE Listening Test consists of one part base on informal conversation an a secon part base on a more formal acaemic lecture. In the first case, you must listen for tone an attitue, while in the secon case, you shoul focus on factual information. Part One is worth 15 marks an Part Two is worth 30 marks. You must score 50% to reach Level 1, an 72% to reach Level 2. The test takes approximately 90 minutes.

Part One: Interactions [15 marks]

The first four sets of questions are base on a series of tape spoken communications. These are inclue here in written form but will not be written own in the real test. There, you must listen carefully to the tape or CD.

There are normally 5 items in sections I an II, but only two examples are provie here. There are normally 3 items in section III an 2 items in section IV but only one is provie here. [ Please Note: The responses are written on the test sheet, not spoken].

I. Answering Questions:

You will hear a short spoken question. Circle the most appropriate response*.

Speaker: How o I get to the textbook store?

a. That's a goo iea. b. It's too early to ecie. c. *It's just across the street. . That's what I hope.

Speaker: Di the professor announce the next assignment yet?

a. *No, he'll o that on Thursay b. No, he finishe it last week c. Yes, he gave us our marks. . Yes, he was please with us.

II. Unerstaning Iioms an Expressions

What is the best meaning of the statement or question?

Speaker: I ' like to take up the last assignment.

a. You want to retrieve the assignment from your bag b. *You want to iscuss the assignment

c. You want to forget about the assignment . You want to arrange for the assignment to be picke up

Speaker: The stuent protest is getting out of han.

a. It is alreay finishe b. It is ifficult to unerstan c. It is just beginning . *It is out of control

III. Preicting Responses

You will now hear a short conversation, an then you will be aske to preict a response. Circle the best answer .

Prof. I must amit I expecte a better performance than this from you, Maria.

Maria. I really can't unerstan why I got such a low mark.

Prof. Well, I think you have misse a few lectures recently.

Maria will probably answer:

a. But I in't o well in the college play. b) *But I trie reaing the textbook instea.

c. But I unerstoo everything you sai. ) But I was not expecting to o well.

IV. Comprehening Conversations

You will hear a longer conversation. Choose the best meaning from the statements which follow

Stuent: I've just been amitte to the university an I' like to open a bank account at this branch.

Bank Teller: Of course. Woul you please fill out this car. An here is a brochure which explains the ifferent kins of accounts you can have. I' be happy to answer any questions.

Stuent: I' really just like the simplest one available. You see, it's quite urgent. I am having funs transferre from another country an I nee a bank aress an an account number so that they can sen them to me as soon as possible. Otherwise, I'm going to be really short of cash an I nee to pay my tuition fees. By the way, I notice the car asks for a permanent aress. I'm afrai I on't have one yet. I'm staying in a university ormitory.

Bank Teller: That coul cause some problems. We really prefer a permanent aress, or maybe you have a local resient who coul vouch for you?

Stuent: Not really, but I have met some of the other stuents on my floor in the ormitory.

Bank Teller: I'm afrai that we coul not consier them as a creit reference. However, we can probably open a temporary checking account until something else can be arrange. How much o you want to eposit?

Stuent: But I on't have anything to eposit. That's why I nee to have funs transferre.

The stuent will fin it ifficult to open a bank account:

a. because she has references but no money. b.* because she has no references an no money.

c. because she is transferring funs from a foreign country. . because she is staying in a ormitory an has no friens.

Part Two: The Lecture

The rest of the listening test is base on an acaemic lecture. It is eliberately esigne for non-specialists in the subject area; therefore special terms an names are often explaine an even spelle out by the speaker. The lecture is ivie into four sections an there are ifferent question types attache to each one. Pay particular attention to these ifferences so that you will not be surprise on the actual test. You will be allowe to make notes as you listen. These will be collecte at the en of the test.

Section One.

As you listen to the first part of lecture, you will be aske to complete an outline an a chart base on what the lecturer is actually saying at the time. There are five questions or statements in the outline (worth 5 marks). There are five spaces in the chart which you complete (worth 5 marks).

Sample Lecture

The following sample is a shortene written form of a lecture which woul normally be playe on a CD uring the test. When you are practising, it woul be better to have someone rea it out lou (rather than rea it yourself) as you try to answer the questions. You will notice too that the text is eliberately esigne to be spoken, an is not always in the grammatical form you woul see in a text written to be rea.


Goo afternoon. I' like to welcome you to an introuctory lecture on the early history of our planet, or as the series is officially calle, "The Earth an Life Through Time." As you listen to the lecture, you'll hear some names that you on't recognize, that are new to you. Don't worry about this, as I'll spell out the important names for you, or you'll see them in your written hanout.

The topic of toay's lecture is the extinction of certain species, together with theories about the eath or isappearance of whole categories of animals. Evience of these changes (which were sometimes catastrophic an perhaps the result of a great isaster) has been foun in fossil recors eposite over 800 million years. Apart from the isappearance of the inosaurs [spelle -i-n-o-s-a-u-r-s]……….I'm sure that most of you here are familiar with that part of the earth's history…or pre-history, I suppose I shoul say…..there have actually been 12 mass extinctions of species that scientists know about. The last great extinction took place about 65 million years ago when 60 to 80 % of all species vanishe, incluing the inosaurs which ha rule the earth for 150 million years…… {the lecture then continues to provie more information about the extinct species}


(Hint: You have to write your answers as the lecturer is speaking. Don't write too much or you will miss part of the lecture)

You will be given time to rea the questions before the lecture begins so that you shoul listen carefully for significant points which will fit in as answers. These points are likely to be mae irectly by the lecturer an are presente in the same sequence as the lecture. In the real test, there are five questions which are worth one mark each. Here, two are given with answers in italics.

  1. Scientists have learne about the extinction of species by stuying fossil recors.

(You woul get the mark if you just wrote fossils.)

  1. What happene 65 million years ago?

60 to 80% of all species vanishe/ became extinct

(You woul get only half a mark for writing that inosaurs isappeare because this is not the main point, only an example.)

Note: you can use either the lecturer's exact wors or your own in this part of the test.

After the Outline, you will hear information on which the Chart is base. There are usually examples an etails to illustrate the main topic, some of which are reprouce in the chart on the test paper. You shoul expect to hear numbers an ates because these are an important part of university lectures. Listen for the etails which fit into the numbere boxes. Again, you will have time to look at the chart before you hear the lecture. The SAMPLE CHART below has the answers inclue in italics.

{The next part of the sample lecture focusses on the fossil evience mentione above. }


So, how o we know about these mass extinctions? To be honest, we are only at the theory stage an we cannot say for sure what really happene. What we o know is that iscoveries mae since the 1970's have raically change our ieas about these changes. Some scientists now believe that the mass extinctions which took place 65 million years ago came about as a result of a catastrophic event which took place in a relatively short perio of time….rather than as a result of a long rawn out process. They mark the bounary between two of the great ivisions of geological time: the en of the Mesozoic Era an the beginning of the Cenezoic Era. Don't worry about those names now. We will be stuying more in future lectures. However, you shoul become familiar with the more specific reference points which you will fin written on your test paper in Question #11: the Cretacious Perio an the Tertiary Perio. (Pause)

But you shoul now concentrate on the chart in your hanout. You will see that five of the boxes (numbere 6-10) are incomplete an I am about to give you the information to complete them. What I am going to o now is compare four major examples of the relevant geological iscoveries which have taken place in the last 40 years. The first example took place in a place calle Gubbio in central Italy. A team of scientists le by Walter Alvarez from the University of California were investigating a layer of clay sanwiche between the layers of the Cretacious Perio an the Tertiary Perio. They iscovere unusually large eposits of two very rare minerals, calle Iriium an Osmium……you will see these wors written on the Chart in your hanout. These metals are very heavy an very ense. More importantly for our lecture toay, their creation requires very high temperatures an it is believe that they coul only have been forme in an extremely hot astronomical event such as a supernova (or exploing star).

The Alvarez team foun that the Gubbio clays containe 30 times more Iriium than the layer immeiately above an below the 65 million year level. They in't examine Osmium at this time so there are no results in that box. By the way, N/A means not available. They first publishe these finings in 1979.

My secon example involves the same team who also then examine a similar layer of clay at Woosie Creek, near Wellington in New Zealan. Here they foun concentrations of Iriium 20 times higher than the rocks above an below them. These results were also reporte in the 1979 article.

A thir example is taken from the work of a team of scientists le by J. Smit from Amsteram who examine clays near Caravaca, a town in Spain. At the upper en of the Cretacious level….in the last few centimetres, they foun a ramatic rise in the concentrations of Iriium………there were actually 196 times more than the strata below. The Osmium eposits were also much higher….201 times, in fact. These results were publishe in 1980. So we are looking at approximately 200 times the amount of these rare metals than ha existe before.

Our fourth an last example is base on the results of work carrie out in a place calle Stvns Klimt in Denmark by a team le by Frank Kyte, also from the University of California. They foun a concentration of Iriium 275 times an Osmium 550 times higher than the Upper Cretacious Perio. These results were publishe in the same year as the Smit results. These increible ifferences obviously neee further analysis. How coul this mystery be explaine?

Sample Chart (Hint: Rea the heaings carefully first)

Location Team Leaer Iriium Osmium Date Publishe

Gubbio (Italy)

Alvarez 30X N/A # 5 1979

Woosie Creek

(New Zealan) Alvarez # 6 20X N/A 1979


Caravaca (Spain) Smit 196X # 8 1980

Stvns Klint (Denmark) # 9 (Kyte) 275X 550X # 10 1980

Section Two: You will be given time to rea the free response question (#11) again. Take notes at this point because you will nee them to answer the question. After this section of the lecture, you have 10 minutes to write an answer.


But how i these high concentrations of Iriium, Osmium an other metals relate to the theory of a mass extinction 65 million years ago? Well, the first clue was that in the layer where these eposits were foun, there were far fewer animal fossils than in the layer below. This suggeste a suen change rather than a long-term change over thousans or millions of years. But what coul have cause such a suen change? All three teams of scientists argue for an extra-terrestrial explosion source, such as a supernova, a comet or a meteorite. You might think that we have now move into the realm of science-fiction but they i have goo arguments to support their ieas. I can provie you with some of them here, but you shoul also o further reaing to unerstan these ieas better.

{The lecture continues with etail of the scientists arguments}.

Question #11: Write a brief summary of the scientists arguments to support an extra-terrestrial force theory base on their iscoveries in the bounary clay between the Upper Cretacious an the Tertiary layers. [5 marks]

A goo answer woul synthesize (bring together) the points mae by the lecture an shoul be presente in your own wors as far as possible to show that you have unerstoo what the lecturer has sai or implie. You might also fin relevant information in the chart but remember that this question is base primarily on information provie in Section Two.

Section Three: is followe by five True/False questions. [5 marks]

Lecturer: In this part of the lecture, I woul like to introuce opposing theories which suggest graual rather than suen changes to the existence of life on this planet. The two main arguments can be expresse as follows: One, there is competition from existing species which are better aapte to the environment. An two, there is a major change to the environment which causes long-term problems for particular species.

Let's look at the competition arguments first. It is possible, for example, that the inosaurs ha evolve to a very large size, that they were unwiely, slow an stupi. Therefore, they were not equippe to eal with a challenge that coul not be beaten simply by brute force. So what rivals existe at the same time as the inosaurs, but continue to exist after the inosaurs ha isappeare? The best examples are the birs an the mammals which have survive up to the present ay………………

Two sample questions follow: {you must circle either T or F, epening on whether you think the statement is True or False}

{T}/F The inosaurs may have isappeare because other species were able to aapt better to the environment.

T/{F} Mammals have existe until now because they were larger than the inosaurs.

Section Four: this final section is followe by one longer free-response question which brings together some of the main ieas of the lecture. In this part, the graual theory is evelope using arguments an examples. The question expects the writer to summarize these arguments in comparison to the suen theories presente earlier in the lecture.

Sample free-response question [10 marks]:

Describe an explain the graual theories propose for the extinction the inosaurs an other species. (6 marks) Briefly compare it with the suen theories escribe earlier in the lecture. (4 marks) Support your answer with points mae by the lecturer in this Section Four; however, you can also use specific examples from other parts of the lecture if you wish.


Your answer is marke for listening comprehension only, not for writing style.

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  • 全球名校直通车
  • 北美学霸速成计划
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