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2020-08-02 09:56:57



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跨入8月,新的申请季也来了,准备申请美本 2021 fall 的你们准备好了吗?要知道,除了 common app 系统的文书题目,美国各大高校通常有自己的补充文书题目。 

common app网申系统马上就要开放,前段时间布朗、康奈尔、jhu、芝大、umich等近30所大学公布了自己的补充文书题目,现在哥大、达特茅斯、宾大也更新了20-21申请季的补充文书,大家过来认领自己梦校的题目!

amherst college阿默斯特学院
option a——respon to one of the following quotations in an essay of not more than 300 wors. it is not necessary to research, rea, or refer to the texts from which these quotations are taken; we are looking for original, personal responses to these short excerpts. remember that your essay shoul be personal in nature an not simply an argumentative essay.(300字内)

“rigorous reasoning is crucial in mathematics, an insight plays an important seconary role these ays. in the natural sciences, i woul say that the orer of these two virtues is reverse. rigor is, of course, very important. but the most important value is insight—insight into the workings of the worl. it may be because there is another guarantor of correctness in the sciences, namely, the empirical evience from observation an experiments.”  ——kannan jagannathan, professor of physics, amherst college
“translation is the art of briging cultures. it's about interpreting the essence of a text, transporting its rhythms an becoming intimate with its meaning... translation, however, oesn't only occur across languages: mentally putting any iea into wors is an act of translation; so is composing a symphony, oing business in the global market, unerstaning the roots of terrorism. no citizen, especially toay, can exist in isolation-- that is, i untranslate."  ——ilán stavans, professor of latin american an latino culture, amherst college, robert croll '16 an ceric uquene '15, from "interpreting terras irraient," amherst magazine, spring 2015.  
“creating an environment that allows stuents to buil lasting frienships, incluing those that cut across seemingly entrenche societal an political bounaries...requires canor about the inevitable tensions, as well as about the wonerful opportunities, that iversity an inclusiveness create." ——carolyn "biy" martin, 19th presient of amherst college, from letter to amherst college alumni an families, ecember 28, 2015. 
“ifficulty nee not foreshaow espair or efeat. rather, achievement can be all the more satisfying because of obstacles surmounte.” attribute to william hastie, amherst college class of 1925, the first african-american to serve as a juge for the unite states court of appeals

option b——submit a grae paper from your junior or senior year that best represents your writing skills an analytical abilities. we are particularly intereste in your ability to construct a tightly reasone, persuasive argument that calls upon literary, sociological or historical evience. you shoul not submit a laboratory report, journal entry, creative writing sample or in-class essay. also, if you have submitte an analytical essay in response to the "essay topic of your choice" prompt in the common application writing section, you shoul not select option b. instea, you shoul respon to one of the four quotation prompts in option a.

option c——if you were an applicant to amherst’s access to amherst ﹙a2a﹚ program, you may use your a2a application essay in satisfaction of our writing supplement requirement. if you woul like to o so, please select option c on either the common applications or the coalition application. however, if you woul prefer not to use your a2a essay for this purpose an you wish to submit a ifferent writing supplement, select either option a or option b. [please note that option c is available only to stuents who were applicants to amherst’s a2a program.]

barnar college巴纳德学院
1、what factors encourage your ecision to apply to barnar college an why o you think the college woul be a goo match for you? 

2、at barnar, acaemic inquiry starts with bol questions. what are some of the bol questions you have ponere that get you excite an why o they interest you? tell us how you woul explore these questions at barnar. 

3、pick one woman — an historical figure, fictitious character, or moern iniviual — to converse with for an hour an explain your choice. why oes this person intrigue you? what woul you talk about? what questions woul you ask them? 

1、escribe three experiences an/or activities that have helpe evelop your passion for a possible areer in a stem fiel. ﹙每项活动10–120字﹚

2、much like the life of a professional scientist or engineer, the life of a "techer" relies heavily on collaboration. knowing this, what o you hope to explore, innovate, or create with your caltech peers?﹙250–400字﹚

3、caltech stuents are often known for their sense of humor an creative pranks. what o you like to o for fun? ﹙250–400字﹚

4、the process of iscovery best avances when people from various backgrouns, experiences, an perspectives come together. how o you see yourself contributing to the iversity of caltech's community? ﹙250–400字﹚

columbia university哥伦比亚大学
1、list the titles of the require reaings from acaemic courses that you enjoye most uring seconary/high school.

2、list the titles of the books, essays, poetry, short stories or plays you rea outsie of acaemic courses that you enjoye most uring seconary/high school.

3、list the titles of the print or igital publications, websites, journals, pocasts or other content with which you regularly engage.

4、list the movies, albums, shows, museums, lectures, events at your school or other entertainments that you enjoye most uring seconary/high school ﹙in person or online﹚.

5、columbia stuents take an active role in improving their community, whether in their resience hall, classes or throughout new york city. their actions, small or large, work to positively impact the lives of others. share one contribution that you have mae to your family, school, frien group or another community that surrouns you. 

6、why are you intereste in attening columbia university? 

7、for applicants to columbia college, please tell us what from your current an past experiences ﹙either acaemic or personal﹚ attracts you specifically to the areas of stuy that you previously note in the application. 

8、for applicants to columbia engineering, please tell us what from your current an past experiences ﹙either acaemic or personal﹚ attracts you specifically to the areas of stuy that you previously note in the application. (100字以内)

artmouth college达特茅斯学院
1、while arguing a artmouth-relate case before the u.s. supreme court in 1818, aniel webster, class of 1801, elivere this memorable line: "it is, sir,…a small college, an yet there are those who love it!" as you seek amission to the class of 2025, what aspects of the college's program, community, or campus environment attract your interest?

2、六选一,250-300 字

a. the hawaiian wor mo'olelo is often translate as "story" but it can also refer to history, legen, genealogy, an traition. use one of these translations to introuce yourself.

b. what excites you?

c. in the boy who harnesse the win, william kamkwamba, class of 2014, reflects on constructing a winmill from recycle materials to power the electrical appliances in his family's malawian house: "if you want to make it, all you have to o is try." what rives you to create an what o you hope to make or have you alreay mae?

. curiosity is a guiing element of toni morrison's talent as a writer. "i feel totally curious an alive an in control. an almost...magnificent, when i write," she says. celebrate your curiosity.  

e. “everything changes, everything moves, everything revolves, everything flies an goes away," observe fria kahlo. apply kahlo's perspective to your own life.

f. in the aftermath of worl war ii, artmouth presient john sloane ickey, class of 1929, proclaime, "the worl's troubles are your troubles…an there is nothing wrong with the worl that better human beings cannot fix." which of the worl's "troubles" inspires you to act? how might your course of stuy at artmouth prepare you to aress it? 

emory university埃默里大学

“reflections” 类型,三选一,不超过150字。

1、share about a time when you questione something that you believe to be true.

2、if you coul go back in time, what avice woul you offer yourself at the beginning of seconary/high school?

3、reflect on a personal experience where you intentionally expane your cultural awareness.
“tell us about you”类型,三选一,不超过150字。

1、which book, character, song, or piece of work ﹙fiction or non-fiction﹚ represents you, an why?

2、if you coul witness a historic event first-han, what woul it be, an why?

3、introuce yourself to your first-year emory university roommate.

georgia tech佐治亚理工学院
1、why o you want to stuy your chosen major specifically at georgia tech?

2、a——georgia tech is committe to creating solutions to some of the worl’s most pressing challenges. tell us how you have improve or hope to improve the human conition in your community.

    b——if you feel that your personal or community backgroun can provie aitional insight to your application that we have not alreay seen elsewhere, please take this opportunity to share that information with us.

northwestern university西北大学
in the northwestern writing supplement, we ask stuents to explain why they woul like to atten northwestern. this question is intentionally open-ene. you may choose one or several aspects of northwestern to focus your writing, though the majority of the essay’s content shoul relate to your own interests or experiences.

pomona college波莫纳学院
essay a——pomona is committe to achieving the benefits of iversity for all stuents by creating a community that learns an grows together through the exchange of ifferent live experiences an perspectives. our community is mae up of stuents from iverse cultures, races, ethnicities, an linguistic backgrouns; political, religious an social views; physical abilities; home environments an socioeconomic backgrouns; hometowns an regions; an sexes, gener ientities an sexual orientations.

1、tell us about an experience when you ealt with isagreement or conflict aroun ifferent perspectives within a community. or

2、tell us about one of the communities you belong to an what it means to bring that share belief an/or perspective to pomona.
essay b—helen keller once sai, “the worl is move along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of tiny pushes of each honest worker.” whether you aspire to be a hero or an honest worker, what impact o you want to have in the pomona community, your community back home, or any new community?

swarthmore college斯沃斯莫尔学院

1、swarthmore stuents’ worlviews are often forge by their prior experiences an exposure to ieas an values. our stuents are often mentore, supporte, an evelope by their immeiate context—in their neighborhoos, communities of faith, families, an classrooms. reflect on what elements of your home, school, or community have shape you or positively impacte you. how have you grown or change because of the influence of your community?

2、we are inspire by stuents who are flexible in their approach to learning, who are comfortable with experimentation, an who are willing to take intellectual risks that move them out of their comfort zone. reflect on a time that you were intellectually challenge, inspire, or took an intellectual risk—insie or outsie of the classroom. how has that experience shape you, an what questions still linger?

3、why are you intereste in applying to an attening swarthmore?

university of miami迈阿密大学
the university of miami's official mascot is the ibis. folklore maintains that the native marsh bir is the last to take shelter before a hurricane hits an the first to emerge once the storm passes, making it an apt symbol of courage an resilience.
consiering your ability to control your own motivation an behavior, how have past experiences helpe buil your courage an resilience to persist in the face of acaemic an life challenges so that, once these storms pass, you can emerge in continue pursuit of your goals? 

university of notre ame圣母大学

the founer of the congregation of holy cross, blesse basil moreau, wrote, “we shall always place eucation sie by sie with instruction; the min will not be cultivate at the expense of the heart.”  how o you hope a notre ame eucation an experience will transform your min an heart?


1、a notre ame eucation is not just for you, but also for those who will benefit from the impact you make. who o you aspire to serve after you grauate?

2、in response to the rising momentum behin the black lives matter movement uring june 2020, g. marcus cole, the joseph a. matson ean of the notre ame law school, penne an open letter entitle, “i am george floy. except i can breathe. an i can o something.” he issues a call to the notre ame community saying, “each of us must o what we can, wherever we are.” what is one action you are taking “to change this worl for the better?” 

3、go an the goo life is an interisciplinary course create by the epartments of philosophy an film, television, an theatre that asks stuents to consier moral questions about what they believe an how they want to live their lives. what o go an a goo life mean to you?

4、notre ame has a rich history eeply roote in traition. share how a favorite traition from your life has impacte who you are toay.

5、what brings you joy?

university of pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学
1、how i you iscover your intellectual an acaemic interests, an how will you explore them at the university of pennsylvania? please respon consiering the specific unergrauate school you have selecte. ﹙300-450字﹚

2、at penn, learning an growth happen outsie of the classroom, too. how will you explore the community at penn? consier how this community will help shape your perspective an ientity, an how your ientity an perspective will help shape this community. ﹙150-200字﹚

williams college威廉姆斯学院
1. the first-year entry–a thoughtfully constructe resiential microcosm of the stuent community that’s a efining part of the williams experience–brings together stuents from aroun the worl with ifferent perspectives, interests an backgrouns. imagine having a late-night conversation with your entrymates about a community that you value. escribe that community an why it’s important to you.

2. all-campus entertainment ﹙ace﹚, a stuent organization, hosts events calle “stressbusters”–an opportunity for stuents to focus on self-care by stepping away from their typical routine an enjoying some unscheule time ﹙an snacks!﹚ with friens. weekly stressbuster activities might inclue a concert, playing with a therapy og, painting pumpkins, builing with legos, etc. what’s your version of a “stressbuster,” an how oes it help you rejuvenate in the mist of a hectic week?

3. at williams we believe that bringing together stuents an professors in small groups prouces extraorinary acaemic outcomes. our istinctive oxfor-style tutorial classes—in which two stuents are guie by a professor in eep exploration of a single topic—are a prime example. each week the stuents take turns eveloping inepenent work—an essay, a problem set, a piece of art—an critiquing their partner’s work. focuse on close reaing, writing an oral efense of ieas, more than 60 pre-etermine tutorials are offere across the curriculum each year. imagine yourself in a tutorial at williams. what topic woul you be most excite to stuy in that setting an why?

yale university耶鲁大学

extra/supplemental essay 是学校用来检验学生性格与学校整体氛围契合度的文书材料,平均每所大学要求申请人提供 2-3 篇补充文书,一轮申请季可能要写至少 20 篇文书,这个工作量很大,所以一定要提前拟稿哦!


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