﹙applicable to government-fune stuents only﹚( 只适用于政府资助学生 )
eligible new full-time stuents will be consiere for the stuentship awar as part of their application for amission to a research egree programme. separate applications are not require. 合资格的新全日制学生在申请研究学位课程时,会获考虑颁发学生奖学金。不需要单独的申请。
the stuentship is normally renewe on a yearly basis. continuation an renewal of the awar are subject to satisfactory stuy progress, achievement in coursework results an performance in any acaemic-relate uties assigne. iniviual epartments/schools may stipulate aitional requirements.奖学金通常每年更新一次。该奖项的延续和续期取决于学生的学习进度、课程成果和所分配的与学术相关的任务的完成情况。个别学系/学校可订定额外要求。
the stuentship rate for 2019/20 is hk$17,000 per month ﹙~us$2,179﹚. the maximum awar perio is up to 2 years for full-time mphil stuents an 4 years for full-time ph stuents ﹙irrespective of their entry qualifications﹚. stuentships are subject to revision in september each year, an any revision to the rate will apply to both current an new stuents. the stuentship awar perio shoul not excee stuents’ stipulate stuy perio.
stuentship recipients are normally require to unertake up to 10 hours per week on average of teaching an/or research support uties, as assigne by the epartment/school. they shall not engage in any pai employment without the prior approval of the university.
^all caniates are eligible to apply for government-fune places which are supporte by ugc/government funs. government-fune stuents will be eligible for consieration of various financial awars fune by ugc/government funs.
﹙applicable to government-fune stuents only﹚ ﹙只适用于政府资助学生﹚
caniates with outstaning acaemic performance will be consiere for a research tuition scholarship, which is in the form of an exemption of the tuition fees. 成绩优秀的学生将获得免收学费的科研奖学金。
only full-time research stuents are eligible to apply for the scholarship. if grante a scholarship, the stuent will be exempte from paying one year’s tuition fees. the awar perio shoul not excee stuents’ stipulate stuy perio. all eligible new stuents will be consiere for the scholarship awar when their research egree programme applications are reviewe. separate applications are not require. 只有全日制研究生才有资格申请奖学金。如果获得奖学金,该学生将免除一年的学费。奖励期不得超过学生规定的学习期限。所有合资格的新生,其研究学位课程的申请均会获覆核,并会获考虑颁发奖学金。不需要单独的申请。
﹙applicable to government-fune stuents only﹚
to help wien stuents’ acaemic exposure, cityu offers conference grants to support stuents to atten local an overseas conferences. the maximum grant value is hk$10,000 ﹙~us$1,282﹚. 为扩阔学生的学术视野,城大提供会议资助,协助学生出席本地及海外会议。最高资助金额为港币10,000元﹙约1,282美元﹚。
﹙applicable to government-fune stuents only﹚
research stuents can apply for funing support to unertake research relate activities outsie hong kong that are beneficial an relate to their research stuies. the monthly allowance is hk$5,000. normally, the maximum cumulative amount of funing provision uring the entire perio of stuy is hk$30,000 ﹙~us$3,846﹚. 修读研究课程的学生可申请资助,在香港以外的地方进行与研究有关的活动,而这些活动对他们的研究是有益的,并与他们的研究有关。每月津贴为港币5,000元。一般而言,整个研究期间的累积资助金额最高为港币30,000元﹙约3,846美元﹚。
﹙applicable to government-fune stuents only﹚
cityu offers chow yei ching school of grauate stuies entrance scholarships to encourage outstaning international stuents to unertake mphil or ph stuies at the university with a view to promoting acaemic exchange an enhancing the international mix of the university’s stuent population. 香港城市大学提供研究生院入学奖学金,鼓励优秀的国际学生到港大修读哲学硕士或哲学博士课程,以促进学术交流,并加强大学学生的国际组合。
the scholarship covers stuents’ tuition fees an on-campus hostel accommoation expenses in their first year of their research stuies ﹙equivalent to approximately hk$81,096 ﹙~us$10,396﹚﹚. if grante a scholarship, the above-mentione expenses will be off-set by the awar. 奖学金资助学生在修读研究课程首年的学费及校内宿舍住宿费用﹙约为港币81,096元﹙约10,396美元﹚﹚。如获得奖学金,上述费用将在奖学金中扣除。
﹙applicable to all local stuents﹚
the government an the university offer various kins of grants an loans to help stuents who are in financial nee. various external financial awars an forms of assistance are also grante on the basis of acaemic merit or financial nee. 政府和大学提供各种助学金和贷款,以帮助有经济需要的学生。此外,学院亦会根据学生的学业成绩或经济需要,向学生提供各种形式的资助。
type of fee | moe of stuy | remarks | |
full-time | part-time | ||
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