another country ﹙culture ifference﹚
1. e1: if you have unlimite funs an can travel to anywhere in the worl, where o you want to go an why?
e2: without fun limitation, which country o you like to travel?
2. imagine you have the chance to see how people in other cultures see the worl. which culture will you learn an why?
3. 你认为是否需要考虑到不同文化的同学的感受(大致)
4. 自己选一个国家生活,但是你不会这个国家的语言。选哪个?为什么?
5. 如果有一个商业企划可以在你自己的国家很成功,make much profit in your own country,但是 insensitive in other culture, will you accept?
6. 如果你有机会学习不同的文化,你想学哪个,为什么?
7. e1: your frien offers you a job in another country, which country woul you choose, what job woul you choose an why?
e2: if you were scheule an interview for a new job in a country rather than your own, which country woul you choose an why?
8. e1: if you have the chance to spen one hour with global famous celebrities, but he cannot say anything, who will you choose an why?
e2: 如果你可以选择和一位名人见面,你会选谁,为什么?
9. imagine that you coul fully immerse yourself in another culture for an entire year. what culture woul you choose an why?
10. where woul you like to if you can go back to 100 years ago? you can choose any country except your own.
11. 如果有机会学习任意一个traition的话你想学哪个?为什么?
1. 你要为一个小国家建造一个clean water project, 谁会在你的团队里面,why
2. 如果你有一件东西想要onate给charity,你会选择捐什么?
3. 如果你有一笔资金用于onation 你会捐助到什么地方?为什么?
4. 是否我们有责任帮助穷人?为什么?
5. 如果有人对你做了不道德的行为你会怎么做?结果怎么样?
6. if you can run an organization an benefit some groups of people, who o you think will be benefite?
7. 你怎么说服股东投资一个有利于贫困地区的商业项目
8. if you are a ceo of a great cooperation, which prouct/service you woul like to offer, why?
9. o you think you are the citizen of the worl?
teamwork conflicts
1. e1: you are the team leaer of a group. your team members with ifferent culture have the ifficulties in unerstaning each other. what will you o?
e2: whether it is important for stuents to learn that people with ifferent culture have ifferent values with them?
e3: if you are the leaer of a iverse team an your team members have ifferent perspectives. what will you o an why?
2. i you have a isagreement with team mates?
3. 分享一次a team member gain more creit than eserve的例子,结果是什么?你学到了什么?
4. 作为一个team leaer 在队员有不同意见的时候,你会怎么做,为什么这么做。
5. 组员没有积极参与组内活动,问你结果和学到了什么
6. tell me about a time when you receive more creit than you eserve for a successful group project. what was the outcome an what i you learn?
1. 分享一下你没有得到你很想要的任务的经历,说说你学到了什么
2. an experience once you faile to keep your promise, what's the result an what i you learn?
3. e1: tell me about a time when you misunerstoo expectations an ha to improvise at the last minute. what was the outcome an what i you learn?
e2: tell us an experience that something unexpecte suenly change your plan at the last moment. what's the result? what you learn from it?
4. e1: tell us an experience when you totally isagree with your mentor ﹙or mother?﹚ /supervisor/boss, how i you solve it? what's the result?
e2: tell me an experience you have completely isagree with your mentor, teacher, or boss. what is the outcome an what o you learn?
5. tell us an experience when you meet setbacks that you cannot solve. what's the result? what you learn from it?
6. 在做project过程中遇到bully ﹙?﹚ 是怎么解决的? 结果是什么?学到了什么
7. share an experience your plan suenly change. what was the outcome an what i you learn?
8. what course you’ve struggle in most an what i you o to overcome the problems? what was the outcome?
9. tell me about an experience when you met a problem but ha no one to ask, what's the outcome an what i you learn?
10. 你在遇到 can't make sure how to conclue an assignment or speech的时候怎么办,结果是什么。
11. tell me about a time when you nee to make ecisions between two equally ba options, which one i you choose an what i you learn? 面临两个一样坏的选择,你选了哪一个,学到了什么?
12. 讲一个你很想参加的但又不允许你参加的club或者activity,why,结果如何
13. 如果你在一个new location迷路了,你会怎么做,你学到了什么?
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