加拿大作为一个非常重视体育的国家,很多同学都有前往加拿大攻读体育管理硕士学位的意向,伴随着国际间体育赛事的愈加火爆,体育管理专业人才成为了世界各国都争相追捧的优质专业人才之一。 很多同学对此专业非常感兴趣,而加拿大作为毗邻美国的国家,未来的就业与深造机会都较多,所以成为了很多同学的首选国家。那么接下来我们就对加拿大体育管理硕士学校进行简析,希望对大家有所帮助。
the master of arts or master of science ﹙ma/msc﹚ program in the faculty of applie health sciences is a two year, research base master’s program.
the ma/msc program allows stuents to work closely with a faculty avisor that shares similar research interests that will mentor an guie you through the process of earning your master’s egree.
you will gain in-epth training, knowlege an research experience through your thesis work, while also benefiting from the cross-isciplinary approach in course work.
completing your ma or msc at brock will foster your ability to conuct high quality research in your respecte iscipline, expan your unerstaning of concepts, theories an practices, gain knowlege an enhance your abilities to isseminate new knowlege to a broa auience.
master of science理学硕士
there are two egree programs, they are in:有两个学位项目,它们是:
health sciences健康科学
master of arts文科硕士
there are five egree programs, they are in:有五个学位项目,它们是:
community health社区卫生
health an physical eucation健康及体育
leisure stuies休闲研究
sport management体育运动管理
before you apply, please review our faculty irectory to fin a supervisor who shares your interests.
note: we are currently accepting applications for the september 2020 start ate. applications are ue on february 15.
our mhk program is uniquely structure to offer both a research thesis stream an an internship stream.
the internship stream provies hans-on work experience to complement coursework.
the mhk program offers concentrations in either applie human performance ﹙sport an exercise psychology, biomechanics an ergonomics, exercise physiology, motor learning an control, lifespan an evelopment, an nutrition﹚, or sport management ﹙sport marketing, human resources, policy evelopment, leaership, organizational behaviour, community evelopment, sport finance an economics, sport an the law, sport sociology, sport history﹚.
master of human kinetics concentration in sport management
research fiels & facilities研究领域及设施
locate in the heart of canaa’s capital, a few steps away from parliament hill, the university of ottawa is among canaa’s top 10 research universities.
uottawa focuses research strengths an efforts in four strategic areas of evelopment in research ﹙sars﹚:
canaa an the worl加拿大与世界
molecular an environmental sciences分子与环境科学
with cutting-ege research, our grauate stuents, researchers an eucators strongly influence national an international priorities.
research at the faculty of health sciences健康科学学院的研究
research at the faculty involves many important aspects of health, incluing women's health, health in the elerly, health nees of francophones in a minority context, aboriginal health, physical activity an health, multiple interventions in population health, palliative care, rehabilitation an functional autonomy, health an technology, an evience base practice.
turn your passion for sports an recreation into a fulfilling career with canaa's only mba in sports an recreation management at the university of new brunswick.
in this program you will combine courses from the faculty of management’s mba program an from the faculty of kinesiology, giving you a unique eucation that fills an important gap in the sports an recreation inustry.
in year one of the program, you will evelop a “business tool kit” by taking business courses in
business law商业法
management of information systems资讯系统管理
operations management运营管理
this tool kit buils leaership skills you can use in any inustry, but in year two of the program, you will learn how to use them in the sports an recreation inustry by taking kinesiology courses in
founations of sport an recreation运动和娱乐的基础
trens an issues in sport an recreation运动和娱乐的趋势和问题
sport marketing体育营销
careers an people management in sport an recreation职业和人员管理在体育和娱乐
in your final semester, you can network with professionals an gain real-worl inustry experience through an internship. our stuents have interne with such organizations as
atlantic rugby canaa大西洋加拿大橄榄球
canaian football league加拿大足球联赛
canaian paralympic committee加拿大残奥会
canaian sport centre加拿大体育中心
city of freericton sport tourism弗雷德里克顿市体育旅游
commonwealth games canaa加拿大英联邦运动会
grootbos founation, south africa grootbos基金会,南非
lancaster inferno, usa兰开斯特地狱,美国
orr hockey group奥尔曲棍球集团
ottawa senators渥太华参议员队
trojan one ﹙t1﹚ sport marketing特洛伊一号﹙t1﹚体育营销
grauates with an mba in sports an recreation management are qualifie for positions in management, accounting, marketing, avertising, public relations an sales operations.
employers looking for this unique set of skills inclue a variety of profit an not-for-profit organizations incluing sports teams, professional athletes, sports associations, sports an tourism organization, arenas, auitoriums, staiums, colleges an universities, health clubs an sports facilities.
some positions for which this egree will prepare you inclue
athletics irector体育总监
event organizer活动组织者
event marketing irector事件营销总监
marketing irector for sports teams运动队市场总监
parks an recreation irector公园及康乐事务总监
sports an wellness irector sports marketing an research体育与健康总监体育营销与研究
sports agent体育经纪人
sports finance/marketing/avertising executive体育融资/营销/广告主管
sports facilities manager体育设施经理
sports funraising irector体育融资主管
sports franchise irector体育特许总监
sport management
stuents guie the content of their program by selecting courses base on their areas of interest to expan their breath of knowlege in the fiel. by gathering information from existing sources, stuents construct a major paper about a specialize topic or question, an present it to the university community.
international applicants whose first language is not english must provie evience of proficiency in english as evience by scores on toefl or ielts非英语母语的国际申请者必须提供英语水平的证明,托福或雅思成绩证明
the minimum ielts score is 7.0/9.0, with no iniviual component score less than 6.0雅思考试最低分为7.0/9.0分,各单项成绩不得低于6.0分
the minimum toefl requirements for applicants to grauate programs in kinesiology are internet-base 105运动机能学研究生课程的最低托福要求是基于互联网的105
applicants to the management in sport, leisure, exercise an health must have complete three management relate courses an one sport/leisure management course ﹙4 in total﹚.
master of science in kinesiology an health stuies运动机能学和健康研究理学硕士
both programs are thesis-base an offer stuents the opportunity to critically examine issues within the areas of health, exercise sciences, social science of physical activity an recreation, aapte physical activity, an sport an recreation aministration.
blen your passion for sports an aministration into an exciting career in sport an recreation management. this program will give you a soli business founation, with a focus on the application to sport an recreation events or organizations.
sample courses:示例课程:
venue an event management, applie sport an marketing an sponsorship evelopment, introuction to marketing, introuction to financial accounting.
career opportunities:职业机会:
grauates pursue careers as facility operations managers, marketing/public relations irectors, recreation program coorinators an executive irectors of sport governing boies.
sport an recreation management体育及康乐管理
the active network - the leaing provier of technology an marketing solutions for the participatory sports an recreation inustries积极网络-领先的技术和营销解决方案提供商的参与式体育和娱乐产业
analyzer software - golf an sport league management software分析软件-高尔夫和运动联盟管理软件
aspen software - visual clubmate system aspen软件-可视化的俱乐部伙伴系统
therapist helper - billing software, practice management software an tools治疗师助手-帐单软件,实践管理软件和工具
crystal sportsware水晶sportsware
csi software – health, fitness an club management software健康,健身和俱乐部管理软件
league software - league scheuling, tournament scheuling an stats 联盟软件-联盟调度,比赛调度和统计
iamon scheuler - sports scheuling software for all sports 钻石调度程序-运动调度软件为所有的运动
ems event management systems – software ems事件管理系统-软件
galactix software - team sports scheuling software galactix软件-团队运动日程安排软件
injury tracker - athlete health management software受伤跟踪-运动员健康管理软件
jmp statistical iscovery software jmp统计发现软件
matchmaker league an tournament scheuler媒人联盟和比赛调度
minitab statistical software一款统计软件统计软件
peak software - sportsman parks an recreation software 山顶软件-运动公园及康乐软件
raceai freeware race organization software种族援助免费软件种族组织软件
sas - business intelligence software an services sas -商业智能软件和服务
sport business体育事业
sporting goos manufacturers association ﹙sgma﹚体育用品制造商协会
sportsnet - a complete high school information management system 一个完整的高中信息管理系统
sports software associates - sports scheuling运动软件协会-运动日程安排
spss inc - manage the future, iscover what customers want, preict what they o 管理未来,发现客户想要什么,预测他们做什么
timeless technologies - the worl’s easiest an best league scheuler永恒的技术-世界上最简单和最好的联赛调度
turbo stats software – baseball, basketball, football, soccer an volleyball 涡轮统计软件-棒球,篮球,足球,足球和排球
the virtual software store sports an fitness category虚拟软件商店的运动和健身类
vermont systems - recreation an parks software佛蒙特州系统-娱乐和公园软件
visual health information hanout creator视觉健康信息讲义创造者
ypi training planner ypi培训计划
areas of stuy领域的研究
ma thesis an course base areas of stuy inclue:硕士论文和基于课程的研究领域包括:
active healthy chilren积极健康的孩子
aapte physical activity适应体育活动
exercise psychology运动心理学
fitness leaership健身的领导
sociocultural stuies of sport an leisure运动与休闲的社会文化研究
sport management体育运动管理
sport psychology体育运动心理学
ma recreation an leisure stuies ﹙rls﹚ thesis an course base areas of stuy inclue:文学硕士康乐及康乐研究﹙rls﹚学位论文及课程研究范畴包括:
ielts: minimum overall ban score of 6.5, with at least 5.5 on each test ban ﹙acaemic﹚
toefl: 88 ﹙internet-base﹚ with a score of at least 20 on each of the iniviual skill areas
four year baccalaureate egree, or its acaemic equivalent, in physical eucation, kinesiology, recreation or another relate egree
an amission grae point average of 3.0 on most 4.0 graing systems or b on most letter graing systems, base on your most recent two years of full time stuy ﹙or equivalent﹚.
memorial conferre its first egree in master of physical eucation ﹙mpe﹚ in 1975. since 2008, the mpe program can be complete entirely online.
seven courses have been introuce that reflect the present issues in the physical eucation curriculum. grauate programs are offere in both full-time an part-time formats, with a number of ifferent options available to stuents.
stuents completing their mpe can focus on aministration, curriculum, or supervision, while those completing their msc can focus on exercise physiology; ergonomics/biomechanics; psychology of sport, exercise an recreation; or socio-cultural stuies of physical activity an health.
the mpe program provies professional training to leaers in the fiels of physical eucation, sport an recreation ﹙who have minimum 2 years teaching experience﹚. while some stuents concentrate in the areas of aministration, curriculum an supervision in physical eucation, others opt for stuies in relate professional areas. these areas inclue parks an recreation, sport an leisure aministration an management, an sport science.
grauate programs研究生课程
msc in marketing an consumer stuies: this research focuse grauate program analyzes how an why consumers behave the way they o.
msc in tourism an hospitality: house in our renowne school of hospitality, foo an tourism management, this program explores how tourism an hospitality can help improve communities an the local economy.
align your career aspirations with one of our faculty who specialize in sport management, braning an tourism.
11. 曼尼托巴大学
master of science理学硕士
fiel of research研究领域
the master of science ﹙kinesiology an recreation﹚ or master of arts ﹙kinesiology an recreation﹚ provies avance eucation an research training within sub-isciplines incluing kinesiology, physical eucation, health, human performance, recreation, leisure, an tourism stuies.
note: the egree esignation ﹙ or m.a.﹚ will be etermine by the amissions committee, in consultation with the avisor, an will consier the course work an research to be unertaken ﹙i.e. who the stuent is stuying with an the propose area of stuy﹚.
in aition to the amission requirements of the faculty of grauate stuies, stuents require:除研究生院的入学规定外,学生亦须:
the completion of a four-year kinesiology ﹙bkin﹚/physical eucation ﹙bpe﹚ or recreation management an community evelopment ﹙brmc﹚ egree, or equivalent,or completion of a four-year unergrauate egree other than a bkin/bpe or brmc, or equivalent, with a suitable acaemic backgroun in the area of stuy,or completion of a pre-masters program at the university of manitoba, or equivalent.
research facilities研究机构
resources an supports for relate research are jointly provie by the faculty of kinesiology an recreation management an the health, leisure an human performance research institute.
master of arts文科硕士
fiel of research研究领域
the master of arts ﹙kinesiology an recreation﹚ or master of science ﹙kinesiology an recreation﹚ provies avance eucation an research training within sub-isciplines incluing kinesiology, physical eucation, health, human performance, recreation, leisure, an tourism stuies.
note: the egree esignation ﹙ or m.a.﹚ will be etermine by the amissions committee, in consultation with the avisor, an will consier the course work an research to be unertaken ﹙i.e. who the stuent is stuying with an the propose area of stuy﹚.
in aition to the amission requirements of the faculty of grauate stuies, stuents require:除研究生院的入学规定外,学生亦须:
the completion of a four-year kinesiology ﹙bkin﹚/physical eucation ﹙bpe﹚ or recreation management an community evelopment ﹙brmc﹚ egree, or equivalent,or completion of a four-year unergrauate egree other than a bkin/bpe or brmc, or equivalent, with a suitable acaemic backgroun in the area of stuy,or completion of a pre-masters program at the university of manitoba, or equivalent.
完成四年的运动机能学﹙bkin﹚ /体育﹙bpe﹚或娱乐管理和社区发展﹙brmc﹚学位,或同等学历,或者完成一个四年制本科学位除了bkin / bpe或brmc,或同等学历,有合适的研究领域的学术背景,或完成在马尼托巴大学的硕士项目,或同等学历。
research facilities研究机构
resources an supports for m.a. relate research are jointly provie by the faculty of kinesiology an recreation management an the health, leisure an human performance research institute.
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