需要准备的材料 :
a first egree ﹙bachelor's﹚ in a relevant fiel 相关专业的本科背景
the first egree must be complete by your augustsemester start at ntnu本科学位必须在本年度八月开学前完成
english proficiency英语的熟练程度
proof of financing for non-eu / non-eea citizens 非欧盟国家学生的财力证明
excellent acaemic performance: all programmesrequire an average grae of c or better on the ects scale as a minimumrequirement for amission. note that amission is highly competitive.
ntnu converts gpas for eucation from other countriesthan norway, an applicants are ranke base on this assessment. we o not havethe capacity to assess your grae average before you apply.
unfortunately, we o not have the capacityto assess your acaemic backgroun prior to the application process. to see ifyou are eligible, please rea the acaemic requirements.
ocuments to uploa to the application portal søknasweb
the pages of your passport showing your photo, yourfull name, your ate of birth an your nationality
if applicable, ocumentation of change of name ﹙e.g.marriage certificate﹚
用来展示更名的文件资料(例如marriage certificate)
higher seconary school grae transcript or iploma
official transcripts an iplomas from all yourcollege/ university eucation
copies of english language ocumentation such astoefl or ielts test results
a letter of motivation
if you are applying to two programmes you can chooseif you want to submit one or two letters
an upate cv
applicants with special nees: applicantswith any form of isability are treate on an equal basis to all otherapplicants. however, we nee to know in avance if you require any aitionalsupport throughout your stuies. please uploa a ocument with a shortescription of your isability tosøknasweb.ocumentation of financing: only citizens fromcountries outsie the eu/eea nee to ocument financing.
verification reports of eucationalocuments ﹙bachelor/unergrauate iplomas﹚:
applicants who have a first egree fromchina must submit an application to chesicc. the ocument must be uploae tosøknaswebor sent by emailto ntnu.
ocuments which are not originally innorwegian, anish, sweish or english, must be accompanie by an authorizetranslation of the original ocument in english.
all ocuments must be uploae in thecorrect format ﹙.pf﹚.
学籍/学历在线验证报告简介_中国高等教育学生信息网(学信网) 申请的截止日期:
non-eu applicants(来自非欧盟国家的申请者)
主要材料提交日期 12月1日
上传资料截止日期 12月15日
来自chesicc的认证文件 2月1日
申请的答复约为 4月5日
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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