ays of the week
monay, tuesay, wenesay, thursay,friay, saturay, sunay, weekays, weeken
months of the year
january, february, march, april, may, june,july august, september, october, november, ecember
science, politics, history, biology,architecture, law, geography, archaeology, literature, business,management, agriculture, statistics,mathematics, logic, physics, psychology, anthropology, economics, philosophy,performing arts, visual arts, chemistry, humanities
stuying atcollege
course outline, group iscussion, hanout,written work, report writing, research, proofreaing, experiment, experience,reference, textbook, ictionary, laptop, printer, stuent avisor, teamwork,moule, topic, assessment, library, epartment, computer centre, classroom,lecture, tutor, main hall, attenance, ealine, give a talk,
speech, computerlaboratory, certificate, iploma, placement test, overseas stuents, full-time,facilities, college, ining room, specialist, knowlege, international,accommoation, home stay, primary, seconary, intermeiate, meia room,resources room, staff, commencement, issertation, leaflet, faculty, pupils,pencil,
feeback, tasks, outcomes, avance, introuctory, extra backgroun,higher eucation, guielines, post-seconary, supervisor, bachelor's egree,compoun, vocabulary, stuent support services, stuent retention, publication,foreign stuents, scheule, school reunion, registrar’s office, stationery.
money matters
cash, ebit, creitcar, cheque, in avance, annual fee, monthly membership, interest rate,eposit, tuition fees, poverty, bank statement, money management, currentaccount, stuent account, withraw, low-risk investment, mortgage,
graceperio, buget eficit, retail voucher, coupon، counterfeit money, publicmoney, taxpayers’ money, ebt, interest-free creit, purchase, partial refun,annuity, non-refunable, mastercar, visa, istribution costs, income, financeepartment, family finances, uty-free store.
catalogue, interview, newsletter,competition, tv program, strategies, research metho, entertainment inustry,leaership, management, isplay, proucts, customer, special offer, collectingata, questionnaire, survey, mass meia, statistic, profit margin, poll,business car, training, trainee, merchanise, manufacture, recruitment.
yoga, tai-chi, keep-fit, sala bar,vegetarian, outoor activities, leisure time, isease, meal, protein, balanceiet, foo pyrami, vitamin, carbohyrates, rice, pasta, potatoes, pizza,tomatoes, brea, cereals, minerals, zinc, meat, seafoo, eggs, beans, milk,cheese, yoghurt, fruit, vegetables, citrus fruits, green pepper, blackcurrant,nuts, egg yolk, liver, meicine treatment, remey, nursing care, nursery,regular exercise.
fiel, footbrige, environment, waterfall,river, mountain, forest, village, coast, reef, lake, valley, hill, cliff,islan, peninsula, earthquake, avalanche, tornao, typhoon, esertification,volcano, isaster, catastrophe, erosion, lanslies, storm, floo, hurricane,pon, jungle, oasis, am, canyon
the environment
greenhouse effect, aci rain, globalwarming, carbon ioxie, burning fossil, exhaust fumes, eforestation, nitrogenoxie, smog, climate, pollution, temperature, power plants, lanfill, cattle,win turbine, soar power, hyroelectric power, renewable,
source of energy,reliable, solar panels, environmentally frienly, oxygen, chemical-free,esert, egraation, vegetation, sea level, ocean currents, soil conitioner,coal, fossil fuels, firewoo, rought, contaminate.
the animal kingom
birs of prey, seabirs, poultry an game,mammals, cetacean, whale, primates, roents, fish, amphibian, reptile, insects,octopus, phylum, class, orer, family, genus, species, livestock, creature,lion, penguin,
plants: mushroom, fungus, leaves, see,core, bark, trunk, twig, branch, flower, stem, roots, cluster, fertilizer
south america, north america, africa, asia,europe, australia an antarctica.
egypt, mexico,france, inonesia, turkey, englan, germany, china, greece, brazil, inia,north korea, inia, malaysia, new zealan, nigeria, pakistan, singapore,switzerlan , unite kingom, italy, the ominican republic, the philippines،enmark.
linguistics, bilingual, trilingual,polyglot, portuguese, manarin, bengali, chinese, hini, russian, japanese,german, punjabi, thai, persian, filipino, french, italian, greek, french,
architecture anbuilings
ome, palace, fort, castle, glasshouse,pyrami, log cabin, lighthouse, hut, skyscraper, sculpture,
semi-etache house, uplex, terracehouse, town house, row house, bungalow, thatche cottage, mobile home, houseboat,block of flats, apartment builing, conominium, chimney, beroom, basement,lanlor, tenant, rent, lease, neighborhoo, suburb, sofa, coffee table,ormitory, storey, kitchen, refrigerator, microwave, groun floor, oven,hallway, insurance
in the city
cities, street, lane, city centre, centralstation, car park, epartment, store, brige, temple, embassy, roa system,hospital, garen, avenue,
clinic, entist, reception, appointment,staff selection, colleague, workshop, showroom, information esk, employer,employment, unemploye, technical cooperation, team leaers, stress, ability,vision, confience, employee, internship
rating anqualities
reasonable, satisfactory, angerous, safe,strongly recommene, poor quality, satisfie, isappointe, efficient,luxurious, colore, spotte, stripe, expensive, cheap.
tourist guie tour, ticket office,souvenir, trip, guest, reservation, view, culture, memorable, single oublebee room, picnic, tourist attraction, hostel, suite, aquarium
train, evelop, collect, supervise, mark,eit, revise, exhibit, onate, surpass, register, support, hunt, persuae,concentrate, iscuss, suggest, arrange, borrow, immigrate, review, learn, touch
energetic, social,ancient, necessary, fantastic, exciting, fabulous, ull, comfortable,convenient, suitable, afforable, voluntary، manatory, compulsory, temporary,permanent, immense, vast, salty, extinct, vulnerable, pessimistic, optimistic,realistic, practical, knowlegeable, flexible, confient, western, intensive,tranquil, spectacular, intact, various
orienteering, caving, spelunking, archery,ice skating, scuba-iving, snorkeling, skateboaring, bowls, arts, golf, billiars,photography, painting, pottery, woocarving, garening, stamp collection,embroiery, climbing, chess, parachute
cricket, baseball, basketball, rugby,soccer, american football, hockey, swimming, tennis, squash, baminton,ping-pong, fiel, court, pitch, staium, team, the iscus, the javelin, thehammer, the high jump, horse racing, show jumping, polo, cycling, gymnasium,athlete, gym, extreme sports, paragliing, hang-gliing, skyiving,
abseiling,snowboaring, bungee jumping, surfing, winsurfing, jet-skiing, boy boaring,white-water rafting, kitesurfing, mountain biking, jogging, press-up, push-up,barbell, treamill, juo, recreation, snooker, walking, championship, canoeing,refreshment
cargo plane, shipment, container ship,boat, lifeboat, ferry, hovercraft, hyrofoil, liner, canal boat, narrow boat,inghy sailing, sailboat, pale steamer, cabin cruiser, rowing boat, rowboat,kayak, canoe, punt, gonola, aircraft, helicopter, seaplane, airship, hot-air balloon,airport, crew, passenger, platform, hire a car, automobile
square, rectangular, triangular, polygon,oval, spherical, spiral, circular, curve, cylinrical, measurement with,length, altitue, imperial system, metric system, mass, epth, breath, height,three imensions, frequency
ouble-ecker bus, single-ecker, minibus,school bus, coach, truck, tanker, van, lorry, transporter, forklift truck, towtruck, breakown truck, pickup, jeep, caravan, camper, tractor, taxi, cab,tram, unergroun, subway, stream train, freight train, goos train,
humi, hot, sticky, breeze, chilly, col,cool, ry, usty, freezing, hot, warm, wet, weather forecast, antenna, moisture
local library, swimming pool, cafeteria,cottage, parliament, accommoation, restaurant, canteen, cafe, bookshop, sportscentre, city council, ance stuio, park, conversation club, kinergarten,local library, swimming pool, cafe
equipment antools
helmet, light, musical instrument,cassette, silicon chip, igital monitor, gaget, evice, screen, breaks, wheels, mechanical pencil, isk, backpack,
the arts an meia
opera , orchestra , concert , symphony, thepress, conuctor, vocalist, auience,festival, carnival, exhibition, classical music, theatre, cinemas, art gallery,museum, ballet, television, raio, graphics, newspaper
fur, metal, steel, aluminum, copper,rubber, plastic, ceramics, glass, cement, stone, textile, cotton, fabric, wool,leather, bone, paper, lumber/woo, glue, composite, fiberglass, concrete, wax,paper, woo, silver, gol, feather
works an jobs
occupation,profession, esigner, ecorator, architect, engineer, manager, waitress,waiter, teacher, vacancy, professor, specialist, psychologist، volunteer,freelance, secretary, craftsman ,work experience, curriculum vitae, mailaress, receptionist, pilot, guar, flight attenant, lecturer, officeassistant, clerk, accountant, cashier, captain
blue, white, orange, green, grey, black,re, yellow, purple, brown, pink
expressions antime
three times, three times per week, a gapyear, fulltime, part-time, miay, minight, millennium, century, ecae,fortnight.
other wors
passport photo, state, government, iniviual,variety, private sector, practice, gener, creativity, original inhabitant,inigenous, emonstration, strike, entrance,
circuit, guarantee, ialogue , commerce,carriage, narrative, chocolate, satellite, ecision, prototype, attitue, ailyroutine, personal fulfillment, activity, recipient, ultrasoun, peestriansafety, traffic jams, proceures, creation, prize, junior, senior, opportunity,riving license, process, literary, man-mae,
republicans, umbrella, frequently upate,waiting list, sewer systems, liberal emocracy, emocrats, lunar calenar,libertarian, burger, vieos, nature conservation, life expectancy, fun-raisingevent, magnet, ialect, ramification, straight, farewell, welfare,encyclopeia, evolution, revolution, illiteracy, robot, proficiency, sufficient
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