美国大学理事会( collegeboar )昨日在媒体透露,截止目前,有40.2万考生报名8月29日sat考试,但由于疫情原因,有17.86万考生无法考试,并且只有54%的考点表示继续开放。但仍不排除在考试前,某些考点因为疫情而临时关闭。
除了 coalition application, common application ,questbrige application三大申请系统的文书要求外,普林斯顿大学还有自己的补充文书,今年的文书题目如下:
for a.b. egree applicants or those who are unecie:
as a research institution that also pries itself on its liberal arts curriculum, princeton allows stuents to explore areas across the humanities an the arts, the natural sciences, an the social sciences. what acaemic areas most pique your curiosity, an how o the programs offere at princeton suit your particular interests? ﹙please respon in about 250 wors.﹚
for b.s.e egree applicants:
please escribe why you are intereste in stuying engineering at princeton. inclue any of your experiences in, or exposure to engineering, an how you think the programs offere at the university suit your particular interests. ﹙please respon in about 250 wors.﹚
in aition to the essay above, we ask all applicants a few aitional questions:
extracurricular activity an work experience
briefly elaborate on an activity, organization, work experience, or hobby that has been particularly meaningful to you. ﹙please respon in about 150 wors.﹚
your voice
please respon to each question in an essay of about 250 wors.
1、at princeton, we value iverse perspectives an the ability to have respectful ialogue about ifficult issues. share a time when you ha a conversation with a person or a group of people about a ifficult topic. what insight i you gain, an how woul you incorporate that knowlege into your thinking in the future?
2、princeton has a longstaning commitment to service an civic engagement. tell us how your story intersects ﹙or will intersect﹚ with these ieals.
more about you
please respon to each question in 50 wors or fewer. there are no right or wrong answers. be yourself!
1、what is a new skill you woul like to learn in college?
2、what brings you joy?
3、what song represents the sountrack of your life at this moment?
princeton requires you to submit a grae written paper as part of your application.
希望大家重视今年的文书创作,早做准备! 更多留学资讯,欢迎垂询金吉列长沙美国一部老师,或者在线联系我,预约老师一对一咨询,开启你的名校之路吧!