Business Economics学院 以下两个课程已经关闭。
持有offer的学生会在今天(7月13日)收到邮件,通知他们于7日之内接受offer。如果他们在 7月20日 之前不接受offer,他们的位置将不再能被保证。
Following on from our previous corresponence earlier this week in relation to early application closures, we woul like to notify you that applications have now close for two further ANU College of Business an Economics courses:
Offer holers for these courses will be notifie toay, the 13th of July 2018, that they have 7 ays to accept their offer. If they are not in a position to accept their offer by the 20th of July 2018, we cannot guarantee that there will be space on the program for them.
Please note that we will be operating further early application closures for several high eman programs at the ANU College of Business an Economics for Semester 1, 2019. Status upates for iniviual programs will be communicate over the coming ays/weeks. We highly recommen that you encourage your stuents to apply or accept their place of stuy as soon as possible.
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