1. University of York 约克大学
MSc in Green Chemistry & Sustainable Inustrial Technology 绿色化学 与可持续发展的工业技术
2:2 egree (or an overseas equivalent) in a chemistry / science relate subject.
雅思: 6.5( with 6.0 in writing an no less than 5.5 in all other components )
2 . University of Nottingham 诺丁汉大学
Green an Sustainable Chemistry MSc 绿色与可持续化学
At least a 2.1 honours egree with a significant Chemical content.
雅思: 6.0 (5.5)
3. University of Bath 巴斯大学
MSc in Sustainable Chemical Engineering 可持续化学工程
A first or strong secon class UK honours egree or internationally recognize equivalent in Chemical, Biochemical or Environmental Engineering.
雅思: 6.5(6.0)
4. University of Leicester 莱斯特大学
Chemical Research ( Green Chemistry ) MSc 可持续化学工程
2:2 egree (or equivalent) in Chemistry or a relate subject.
雅思: 6. 0
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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