Unergrauate Courses** 本科课程清单 **
Accounting an Finance (NN34)
Accounting an Finance (with founation year) (N4N4)
Ancient History an Classical Archaeology (VV14)
Ancient History an Classical Archaeology with Stuy in Europe (VV18)
Applie Engineering (Part-time through WMG)
Automotive Engineering (H330)
Automotive Engineering (MEng) (H335)
Biochemistry (C700)
Biochemistry (MBio) (C1A2)
Biological Sciences (C100)
Biological Sciences (MBio) (C1A1)
Biomeical Science (B900)
Biomeical Science (MBio) (C1A3)
Business Stuies (please see Management, Management (with founation year), International Management,International Business, Accounting an Finance, Accounting an Finance (with founation year) anInformation Systems Management an Innovation)
Chemistry (F100)
Chemistry (MChem) (F105)
Chemistry with Meicinal Chemistry (F121)
Chemistry with Meicinal Chemistry (MChem) (F125)
Civil Engineering (H200)
Civil Engineering (MEng) (H202)
Classical Civilisation (Q820)
Classical Civilisation with Philosophy (Q8V5)
Classical Civilisation with Stuy in Europe (Q821)
Classics (Q800)
Classics (Ancient Greek) with Stuy in Europe (Q801)
Classics (Latin) with Stuy in Europe (Q802)
Computer an Management Sciences (GN42)
Computer Science (G400)
Computer Science (MEng) (G403)
Computer Systems Engineering (G406)
Computer Systems Engineering (MEng) (G408)
Counselling an Psychotherapy (Founation Degree with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)
Data Science (7G73)
Discrete Mathematics (G190)
Discrete Mathematics (MEng) (G4G3)
Early Chilhoo Degree (with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)
Economics (L100)
Economics an Global Sustainable Development (L1L8)
Economics an Inustrial Organization (L112)
Economics, Politics an International Stuies (LLD2)
Eucation Stuies (X35B)
Electronic Engineering (H610)
Electronic Engineering (MEng) (H612)
Engineering (H100)
Engineering (MEng) (H102)
Engineering an Business Stuies (H1N1)
Engineering Business Management (HN12)
English an Cultural Stuies (Part-Time through our Centre for Lifelong Learning)
English an French (QR31)
English an German Literature (QR32)
English an Hispanic Stuies (QR34)
English an Italian Literature (QR33)
English an Latin Literature (QQ36)
English an Theatre Stuies (QW34)
English Language, Meia & Intercultural Communication (Unergrauate Diploma)
English Literature (Q300)
English Literature an Creative Writing (QW38)
European Law (4 years) (M125)
European Stuies (Part-time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)
Film an Literature (QW26)
Film Stuies (W620)
French Stuies (Part-time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)
French Stuies (R120)
French Stuies an Economics (R1L1)
French Stuies an Linguistics (R1Q1)
French Stuies with Arabic (R1T6)
French Stuies with Chinese (R1T1)
French an German Stuies (RR12)
French an History (RV11)
French an Italian Stuies (RR13)
French Stuies with Japanese (R1T2)
French Stuies with German (R1R2)
French Stuies with Italian (R1R3)
French Stuies with Spanish (R1R4)
French with Film Stuies (R1W6)
French Stuies with Portuguese (R1R5)
French Stuies with Russian (R1R7)
French with Sociology (R1L3)
French with Theatre Stuies (R1W4)
German an Business Stuies (RN21)
German an Economics (R2L1)
German an History (RV21)
German an Sociology (RL23)
German an Theatre Stuies (RW24)
German Stuies (R220)
German Stuies an Linguistics (R2Q1)
German Stuies with Arabic (R2T6)
German Stuies with Chinese (R2T1)
German Stuies with Japanese (R2T2)
German Stuies with Portuguese (R2R5)
German Stuies with Russian (R2R7)
German an Italian (RR23)
German with Film Stuies (R2P3)
German with French (R2R1)
German with Italian (R2R3)
German with Spanish (R2R4)
Global Sustainable Development an Business Stuies (L8N1)
Health an Social Policy (Part Time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)
Hispanic Stuies (R400)
Hispanic Stuies an Economics (R4L1)
Hispanic Stuies an French (RR41)
Hispanic Stuies an German (RR42)
Hispanic Stuies an Italian (RR43)
Hispanic Stuies an Linguistics (R4Q1)
Hispanic Stuies an Theatre Stuies (R4RW)
Hispanic Stuies with Arabic (R4T6)
Hispanic Stuies with Chinese (R4T1)
Hispanic Stuies with Film Stuies (RP43)
Hispanic Stuies with French (RR4B)
Hispanic Stuies with German (RR4F)
Hispanic Stuies with Italian (RR4H)
Hispanic Stuies with Japanese (R4T2)
Hispanic Stuies with Portuguese (R4R5)
Hispanic Stuies with Russian (R4R7)
History (Part Time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)
History (Renaissance/Moern an Moern) (V100)
History an Global Sustainable Development (V1L8)
History an Italian (VR13)
History an Philosophy (V1V5)
History an Politics (VL12)
History an Sociology (VL13)
History of Art (V350)
History of Art with Italian (V3R3)
Humanities (Part Time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)
Information Systems Management an Innovation (IN22)
International Business (N110)
International Management (N290)
Italian (R300)
Italian Stuies an Economics (R3L2)
Italian Stuies an Linguistics (R3Q1)
Italian an Classics (RQ38)
Italian an European Literature (RQ32)
Italian an History of Art (RV33)
Italian with Film Stuies (R3W6)
Italian with French (R3R1)
Italian with German (R3R2)
Italian with Spanish (R3R4)
Italian with Theatre Stuies (R3W4)
Italian Stuies with Arabic (R3T6)
Italian Stuies with Chinese (R3T1)
Italian Stuies with Japanese (R3T2)
Italian Stuies with Portuguese (R3R5)
Italian Stuies with Russian (R3R7)
Language, Culture an Communication (X3Q5)
Law (3years) (M100)
Law (4 years) (M101)
Law (4 Years - Stuy Abroa in English) (M108)
Law an Business Stuies (MN11)
Law an Sociology (4 years) (ML13)
Law with Humanities (MV21)
Law with Social Sciences (ML23)
Liberal Arts (LA99)
Life Sciences an Global Sustainable Development (C1L8)
Linguistics with Arabic (Q2T6)
Linguistics with Chinese (Q2T1)
Linguistics with French (Q2R1)
Linguistics with German (Q2R2)
Linguistics with Italian (Q2R3)
Linguistics with Spanish (Q2R4)
Linguistics with Japanese (Q2T2)
Linguistics with Portuguese (Q2R5)
Linguistics with Russian (Q2R7)
Management (N200)
Management (with founation year) (N20A)
Manufacturing an Mechanical Engineering (HH73)
Manufacturing an Mechanical Engineering (MEng) (HH37)
Mathematics (G100)
Mathematics (MMath) (G103)
Mathematics an Business Stuies (G1NC)
Mathematics an Economics (GL11)
Mathematics an Philosophy (GV15)
Mathematics an Physics (GF13)
Mathematics an Physics (MPhys) (FG31)
Mathematics an Statistics (GG13)
Mathematics an Statistics (inc. MMathStat) (GGC3)
Mechanical Engineering (H300)
Mechanical Engineering (MEng) (H302)
Meical Microbiology an Virology (C526)
Meical Microbiology an Virology (MBio) (C1A4)
Meicine (MBChB) (A101)
Moern Languages (BA)
Moern Languages an Economics (R9L1)
Moern Languages an Linguistics (R9Q1)
Moern Languages with Linguistics (R9Q2)
MMORSE (Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics an Economics) (G0L0)
MORSE (Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics an Economics) (GLN0)
Person Centre Counselling an Psychotherapy (Founation egree an part-time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)
Philosophy (V500)
Philosophy an Global Sustainable Development (V5L8)
Philosophy an Literature (VQ52)
Philosophy with Classical Civilisation (V5Q8)
Philosophy with Psychology (V5C8)
Philosophy, Politics an Economics (L0V0)
Physics (F300)
Physics (MPhys) (F303)
Physics an Business Stuies (FN31)
Politics (L200)
Politics an Sociology (LL23)
Politics an International Stuies an Global Sustainable Development (L2L8)
Politics, International Stuies an French (M163)
Politics, International Stuies an German (M164)
Politics, International Stuies an Hispanic Stuies (M166)
Politics, International Stuies an Italian (M165)
Politics, International Stuies an Quantitative Methos (7L29)
Politics an International Stuies (L260)
Psychology (C800)
Psychology an Global Sustainable Development (C8L8)
Social Stuies (Part Time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)
Social Stuies (2+2 with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)
Sociology (L300)
Sociology an Global Sustainable Development (L3L8)
Sociology an Quantitative Methos (52L8)
Spanish, see Hispanic Stuies
Theatre an Performance Stuies (W440)
Theatre an Performance Stuies an Global Sustainable Development (W4L8)
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服务专线: 400-010-8000
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